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Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

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    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

    Darn! My husband is on about a week of 5mg baclofen a day; after getting a prescription from his psyciatrist went up to 15 mg (tritating) a day; and it's been almost a week on that. We had decided to go very slowly on tritating up.
    Today he went to the dentist and she took his blood pressure and it was very high. Baclofen is only new med he has been on and we don't want to quit.
    He has seemed happier every day; and on way home from dentist he went right by the liquor store, barely glancing at it. We decided to go up very slowly, if we can; but will have to check the blood pressure tomorrow at the pharmacy. I understood that usually a side effect of baclofen is lowering of the blood pressure. His pressure has always been good, but maybe it's different side effects with older people. If it's still high tomorrow, we'll probably have to call dr. (dentist suggested) and they'll take him off baclofen. I wish there were some way it wouldn't have to come to that. Any natural remedies for lowering blood pressure?


      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

      Hi eileen, is he on a vitamin regimen? Are you taking fish oil? It not only lowers Cholesterol but lowers blood pressure. Did you try to call Dr. Levin or email him about all of is? If there's any way to help please let me know.

      good luck


        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

        Hi everyone.

        I have been on Bac for some time now, and having some successes. My drinking has definately inproved....however, I am not indifferent. I am at the point now, at 200+mgs, feeling some crazy vertigo. I am afraid to drive, especially with my kids.....but I wonder if I just persevere.....Jann, should I back down a bit as you have? I have a dr on board and she has given me a script for 3 months @300mgs.

        Not sure about the SE's though.....I also have some tingling as well......the vertigo however feels much like being drunk!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

        Thank you!!!
        AF July 6 2014


          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

          I would pay $150.00 can have the e-mail address pretty please
 My Story

          AF - 08/06/2010


            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

            I, too, wish I had Dr. Levin's e-mail address. All I have is his tel. number; which I'm saving for emergency.
            My husband's blood pressure has gone down and he didn't want me to call Dr. Levin. Thanks for the fish oil advice (corkit)... it must have helped. The only other side effects he has experienced (now on 3rd day of having titrated very slowly up to 30 mg a day) is a little sleepiness, and some very minor dizziness. The pharmacist didn't think the high blood pressure was a side effect of bacofen as it usually lowers it.
            He seems more like himself than I have seen in years (could it be working so quickly?). He drives past the liquor store and does not feel it necessary to drop in. I'm not even going to go into the differences I've noticed because I don't want to get hopes up. We've found that usually when things are too good to be true, they aren't. But yet....! He will stay on 30 mg a day until he sees his psychiatrist next month.


              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

              Can anyone who's spoken to Dr Levin please confirm that his advice is more useful than anything written here or anywhere else on the net about how to use Bac?

              I appreciate that many are more reassured by having someone qualified advising them, I also know that having a legitimate prescription for high (and off-label) Baclofen use is invaluable to those of us in the States (especially those whose alcoholism is already on record, I should think).

              My concerns are:

              1) the claim of no SEs whatsoever across 40 patients. I just can't believe it. I'm in touch with loads of people who have been/are on Baclofen and no-one's told me they had no side effects.

              2) Dr Levin's reported 100% success rate (again, across 40 patients I believe). If he knows so much about Baclofen he must
              know it doesn't work for everybody. So to talk up his success rate so far, knowing that he'll treat someone who it won't work for soon, seems disingenuous.
              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                Eileen, I am so happy your husband is better and so glad the fish oil worked and you'll see over time taking it his numbers will get even better. Just go slow with the BAC and climb slowly.

                8, I have asked if anyone has heard from Dr. Levin but with no response does that mean no one tried contacting him or he didn't talk to them or what? I speak with him at least once a week at his home, how many doctors give you their home phone number? I don't know any myself besides him. This man is not full of himself so why would he lie to us and tell us 40 patients were cured if they weren't, what would the benefit be? OK, if I said no SE what I mean is no nausea, vertigo, no strange out of the ordinary happenings but if I said we had some sleepiness I would have to say yes some. I asked him last night if we could go up quicker on the BAC and he said NO and that it would not be good for our body and when I said Dr. Ameisen went up to 270mg in 37 days he said he didn't know any better and that he went through some horrible SE getting there and now he knows a better way and it's going slowly. Believe me 8, this man I think works 18 hours a day, and frankly is not hurting for money if you knew where his office was and where he lived he doesn't need to see me or any one else having the problems were having and pushing BAC for the money!


                  Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                  Oh, I forgot he said that his patients hit the switch anywhere from 140mg to 180mg and only a few had to go as high as 200mg. Now I ask if he's working closely with Dr. Ameisen which I know he is why would he be saying this if it wasn't true? If it isn't true then both Dr. Ameisen and Dr. Levin are frauds and then I'll have to go find some other way for help.


                    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                    corkit;842730 wrote: ...I have asked if anyone has heard from Dr. Levin but with no response does that mean no one tried contacting him or he didn't talk to them or what?
                    Hello corkit,

                    It is odd that you've had no replies, as yet, to your thread. Dare I be so bold and suggest that the thread be re-titled to read "Has anyone tried to contact and heard back from Dr Levin?".

                    I hope I don't come across as being a tad cheeky by suggesting this - that would be the last
                    thing I'd want to do. It is meant in good faith.

                    Incidentally, some MWO members have tried contacting Dr Levin and had some success as evidenced by the following posts:





                    "Love's the only engine of survival"

                    Leonard Cohen


                      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                      Hi Folks,

                      I believe that I may have found Dr Levin's e-mail address by searching the internet. Perhaps I'll try the e-mail address that I have found and see if I get a reply.


                      P.S. I have now sent an e-mail to the address I found. I'll let everyone know if, and when, I receive a reply.
                      "Love's the only engine of survival"

                      Leonard Cohen


                        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                        Thanks Virgil, renaming the thread is a good idea, I'll try that. His email has been posted a few times but I will give it again: f-levin@nwu.ed but some have said it goes through better with: f-levin@northwestern.ed. I'm not sure how often he checks his email or if he has answered anyone yet but here's hoping he does.

                        By the way, Leonard Cohen was one of my favorites in my younger years!


                          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                          iam on 330 mg ,still no much hope ....... donno where i went wrong --any suggestions


                            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                            manlookingfornothing, I sent you an email.


                              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                              He also charges for his calls I thought I read in previous side effects in 40 patients I totally find that impossible...Baclofen has many side effects and most people experience them and very dangerous side effects at that, and have to discontinue it totally...tho neither doctors seem to mention it as from reading and there posts.....the fact is most people can not tolerate Baclofen....its not as simple as doctor Ameisen's book is writen...this drug has been around for many years used and it is well documented toleration is limited...I wish it was with less of these side effects...but im affraid this is a misdemeanor in advice!


                                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                                tom4now, this is what I wrote earlier: I asked him last night if we could go up quicker on the BAC and he said NO and that it would not be good for our body and when I said Dr. Ameisen went up to 270mg in 37 days he said he didn't know any better and that he went through some horrible SE getting there and now he knows a better way and it's going slowly. Yes, you're right about SE and I think you get it taking any medication too much too fast. I'm on 90mg right now after 4 1/2 weeks and the only SE has been a little sleepy in the evening, maybe I'm one of those that is able to handle meds better than most. I don't know once I get to 140 or 180mg what the SE will be but I'll worry about that once I'm there what choice to I have. I'm not here to defend Dr. Levin or Dr. Ameisen, I was excited when Dr. Levin told me to give his phone number out here but what he does is not in my control. Right now I have some other issues going on that is more pressing than BAC. I'm hoping we all get free!

