Darn! My husband is on about a week of 5mg baclofen a day; after getting a prescription from his psyciatrist went up to 15 mg (tritating) a day; and it's been almost a week on that. We had decided to go very slowly on tritating up.
Today he went to the dentist and she took his blood pressure and it was very high. Baclofen is only new med he has been on and we don't want to quit.
He has seemed happier every day; and on way home from dentist he went right by the liquor store, barely glancing at it. We decided to go up very slowly, if we can; but will have to check the blood pressure tomorrow at the pharmacy. I understood that usually a side effect of baclofen is lowering of the blood pressure. His pressure has always been good, but maybe it's different side effects with older people. If it's still high tomorrow, we'll probably have to call dr. (dentist suggested) and they'll take him off baclofen. I wish there were some way it wouldn't have to come to that. Any natural remedies for lowering blood pressure?