Well I think your doing well
You sound like your doing well on Baclofen and thats really good...I just wish it was more tolerable...as you said I bet Dr. Ameison must of went through some major sideffects titrating up so quickly but i read his story and like all of us we have this or death by Alcoholism...I wish doctor Amisen maybe could of posted some suggestions of lessening the side effects other then the obvious to go to wear your body can handle the ramping up...he also drank to as well during his treatment up....I started out at 5mg 3x a day then went up to 10mg 3x a day...I too was drinking but not very much at all...I noticed the usual desire right away was gone...but as soon as i quit then the side effects were so severe I am now back down to 2.5mg 3x a day...and at this point my body seems to only beable to handle this so little of a dosage...im very worried can I get my body to go up and I know slowly I have too...I am normaly in good overall health in good shape 190 pound man...this is very dishearting to me as I am sick of my alcoholism and the loses im sure we have all had...it allmosts makes me think the only way for me to tolerate it is to continue to drink a little to lessin the side effects...as Doctor Ameisen did...anways I am glad to hear you seem to be tolerating it as high of dosage you have made it too!!!
Thats really good news!!!