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Bac at 300mg +

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    Bac at 300mg +

    Does anyone else have any experience switching brands at high doses (while drinking?) My doc will not go above 300 and I still have not switched at 360. Looks like I will need to supplement my US script which is Teva with something from River Pharmacy. But the post by manlooking4nothing (two posts above mine) makes me nervous.

    Also, does anyone understand what he meant by switching on the way down?

    He said, "Please notice that I never got switched at 280 while I was titrating UP but other way around !"

    That part of his post is confusing as he said previously, "I got confident and titrated up to 280 in three days."

    This is all confusing and I am starting to loose hope. I am afraid I am just one of the people who Baclofen doesn't work for.


      Bac at 300mg +

      Al, he meant that he went up and up and didn't switch, so he started titrating down. He switched as he was decreasing his dose, at 280. Even tho he had not switched at 280 as he was increasing his dose. So you should consider decreasing your dose and see if that works for you. Good luck!


        Bac at 300mg +

        Thanks for your response Bruunhilde. I did go down from 360 to 260 after staying at 360 for about two months. I was AF for part of that time, but then started drinking again while still at 360. Going down that 100 mgs didn't help so now I am going to titrate up again, and I guess I will go to at least 400 or more.

        But, again, I am worried about mixing bac brands. I wonder if anyone else has any experience with changing or adding another brand of Bac to their original brand?


          Bac at 300mg +

          I never had issues between my Walgreens generic and lioresal brand. None at all.
          360 scares me though. That seems really high but everyone is different.
          If you don't hit it by 400 be careful.


            Bac at 300mg +

            Thanks Cos. Yeah, 400 is scary to me as well!


              Bac at 300mg +

              Have not read the whole thread. Hopefully I won't get beat over the head for this.

              How are you with the SE's?

              You might have to look at a combination of meds and counseling.

              God bless.


                Bac at 300mg +

                Have had hardly any SEs even at my highest dose of 360. Just a little sleepy at times, which goes away within an hour. That's one of the things that makes me wonder if Baclofen won't work for me. (Although I did titrate up slowly and consistently. So maybe that's why I didn't have SEs to speak of.)

                Haven't seen much reference to counseling on this, the meds forum. Do I sound like a really lost soul?


                  Bac at 300mg +

                  Morning, Al.
                  The SEs were MUCH easier for me at 320mg than they were in the high 200s.

                  Lowcountryman went higher. And a couple of other people around here.

                  When I started (actually before I even started) taking bac, I "studied" all of the people who were sober, had made it to indifference, and were actually happy about it. (Really. I took notes and everything! oy. I'm such a nerd.)
                  Almost all of them had counseling in their arsenal of tools. I started about 4 months after indifference. I'm very glad I did. She assures me I'm "normal" (whatever that is) and reassures me that things are okay.
                  The other successful (at being contentedly sober) people had support--family and friends and usually MWO.
                  And they exercised.

                  Just in case you wanted to know.

                  The short answer: No. There's nothing wrong with you! It takes what it takes. Hope it's a good day!


                    Bac at 300mg +

                    Hi Ne,

                    Thanks for your ecouraging words. So lack of SEs does not necessarily mean bac won't work, I'm getting from your post. That's good to know.

                    I've been to AA and that just made me want to drink. And I have had a few therapy sessions with two different counselors which were okay but I never felt very motivated to go, and it didn't seem to make a difference in my thinking or my urge to drink. I'm also not very motivated to exercise. Ugh! (Maybe I am a lost soul!)

                    I do have a ton of support from my parents and siblings. In fact, they're really the main reason I am trying to conqueor this thing. I hate that they worry about me so much. If they didn't care so much, I probably wouldn't have given my addiction to AL a second thought and would probably be dead by now. But they are always there with encouragement, information, and love. I wish it was enough!

                    Okay, I will just keep titrating up for awhile and take my chances with mixing online bac with US bac, since my doc won't go over 300 mgs. (I'm lucky she will even do that!)

                    Thanks again for your insight, research (oy), and encouragement.



                      Bac at 300mg +

                      I've noticed some folks that had to go to at least 400mg to have any luck so I would not let it get you down.

                      Be glad you aren't having the SE's!


                        Bac at 300mg +

                        Yeah, Cos. From the sounds of some peoples SEs, I am pretty fortunate!

