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First day on Topa...

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    First day on Topa...

    Hi, folks...
    Yesterday, I took my first dose of topa. I think I know why people lose weight on this made everything I eat taste awful! I heard that carbonated beverages taste bad with topa, but all liquids taste bad to me except for water.

    Also, I'm ordinarily able to multi-task easily. Last night, I could barely focus on one thing!

    The good news is that I had no urge to drink.

    Has anybody else had these symptoms, and if so, do they fade?

    First day on Topa...

    welcome to Topa Dopa my friend.....
    I am into my fifth week and it has not faded yet....
    i am actually considering quitting it because of makes me nuts.....
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      First day on Topa...

      I am not experiencing that at all. I am moving up from 25 mg a day to 50 mg today. I'm actually hoping I'll experience some of the loss of appetite. I am not really craving the alcohol like I was, just the habitual side of it that I have to contend with.
      Hope you feel better fennel. I can't imagine all liquids tasting bad!! that isn't a good thing! even tea? Maybe it will get better. I did find I was very tired the first couple of days.


        First day on Topa...

        Fennel - when I first started Topa....everything tasted awful. Could hardly drink my Diet Coke. :egad::egad: Now, you know it's serious. Things are better now. I actually am eating too much.
        The 'Topa Dopa' effect didn't last for too long with me and I was able to work thru it.
        Hang in there! I really call it a miracle drug. It has helped me immensely. I haven't stopped drinking completely. But, the awful cravings have stopped thanks to the topamax and the L-Glutamine.
        Good luck and ask any questions that you have. I know that you are having a hard week with Mrs. Fennel out of town. :l
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          First day on Topa...

          Hi Fennel,

          I took my first dose on Monday evening. (It's now Wednesday morning here.)

          We can compare notes.

          I don't have anything to report yet.

          Spam xx


            First day on Topa...

            I've done very well on it - haven't been out to the forum in awhile- it totally took away my urge to drink. I've been sober for a long time (with the exception of 2 minor slips - and I mean very minor).

            The appetite came & went. I haven't had too much of a problem with topa dopa as it's called - I had a bigger problem with muscle weakness & fatigue in the beginning. That seems to have subsided, but that was my biggest issue in the beginning. to the point where once I got to 75 mg, I acutally ramped back to 25 mg & stayed there for awhile again until I felt it was going away. I am now back to 75 mg again this week and feel good. Even when I went back to 25 after being on the drug, my desire to drink didn't come back. (the mental 'wanting to' was still there - just to participate, I think, but I really didn't want one, per se). Never had trouble with any drinks or carbonated drinks tasting bad, so . . . .

            I think once you've been on it awhile, it will be better for you. I think it's a miracle from the standpoint of taking away my desire to drink. I can tell you after all these years of wanting to drink or do something (smoke, drink, do drugs - you name it) - it's like a miracle to me.

            Good luck.


              First day on Topa...

              NoraC;837124 wrote: Fennel - when I first started Topa....everything tasted awful. Could hardly drink my Diet Coke. :egad::egad: Now, you know it's serious. Things are better now. I actually am eating too much.
              The 'Topa Dopa' effect didn't last for too long with me and I was able to work thru it.
              Hang in there! I really call it a miracle drug. It has helped me immensely. I haven't stopped drinking completely. But, the awful cravings have stopped thanks to the topamax and the L-Glutamine.
              Good luck and ask any questions that you have. I know that you are having a hard week with Mrs. Fennel out of town. :l
              Not the diet coke, too! :H Yah, the only thing that tastes ok is water, but that's fine.

              I hope the fog doesn't last too long for me, it's really borderline debilitating. I have to say, it's amazing to have ZERO cravings! Thanks for remembering about Mrs. Fennel being away...I'm doing o.k. We talk every evening. At least I'm "behaving" myself while she's out of town...that makes me feel like such a decent spouse, if that makes any sense. :l


                First day on Topa...

                mama bear;836995 wrote: welcome to Topa Dopa my friend.....
                I am into my fifth week and it has not faded yet....
                i am actually considering quitting it because of makes me nuts.....
                I can't handle it if the "dopa" doesn't fade, mama...


                  First day on Topa...

                  4MyHealth;837009 wrote: I am not experiencing that at all. I am moving up from 25 mg a day to 50 mg today. I'm actually hoping I'll experience some of the loss of appetite. I am not really craving the alcohol like I was, just the habitual side of it that I have to contend with.
                  Hope you feel better fennel. I can't imagine all liquids tasting bad!! that isn't a good thing! even tea? Maybe it will get better. I did find I was very tired the first couple of days.
                  The first night I took it, I was wiped! Water does taste fine to me, so I have that going for me, lol! I'm hopeful it will get better...not having the craving is such an amazing benefit for me...


                    First day on Topa...


                    I took my third dose of Topa last night (25mg) and have woken up in La La land this morning. It would be funny if I didn't have so much to do.

                    My eyes are tired although my body is OK. I will report more about it on the ODAT thread.

                    I could so go back to sleep right now.

                    Spam xx


                      First day on Topa...

                      Funny Girl;837151 wrote: I've done very well on it - haven't been out to the forum in awhile- it totally took away my urge to drink. I've been sober for a long time (with the exception of 2 minor slips - and I mean very minor).

                      The appetite came & went. I haven't had too much of a problem with topa dopa as it's called - I had a bigger problem with muscle weakness & fatigue in the beginning. That seems to have subsided, but that was my biggest issue in the beginning. to the point where once I got to 75 mg, I acutally ramped back to 25 mg & stayed there for awhile again until I felt it was going away. I am now back to 75 mg again this week and feel good. Even when I went back to 25 after being on the drug, my desire to drink didn't come back. (the mental 'wanting to' was still there - just to participate, I think, but I really didn't want one, per se). Never had trouble with any drinks or carbonated drinks tasting bad, so . . . .

                      I think once you've been on it awhile, it will be better for you. I think it's a miracle from the standpoint of taking away my desire to drink. I can tell you after all these years of wanting to drink or do something (smoke, drink, do drugs - you name it) - it's like a miracle to me.

                      Good luck.
                      Geez, I've missed you! Seems I haven't seen you around for a long time...

                      I know what you mean about the miraculous lack of's really great! I just want the fog to dissipate, I can live with everything else. I guess this is what "normal" feels like- who knew?


                        First day on Topa...

                        Thanks - I have missed you all as well. I hadn't been out here in awhile - took a little 'haitus'. Now I'm back - it helps me to come out here. Helps me stay focused - I didn't realize how much it helped me till I was gone. Anyway, I guess when I started the first few days I felt a little less like myself - not sure if I'd describe it as foggy, but I seemed to lose track of time - things like that. It subsided pretty quickly. Your body will need a little time to get used to it. Overall if you can tolerate it pretty well, the lack of desire to drink AL will make it well worth it. It's been pretty great for me. Life is pretty good. It gives you the freedom you need to work on the behavioral issues without the constant physical need to drink. What a great thing! Keep us posted on how it's going!


                          First day on Topa...


                          How long have you been taking Topa?



                            First day on Topa...

                            Since February 22, I think . . . .


                              First day on Topa...

                              hello from Auz hope there more Aussies in this forum??/

                              i'm very new to this whole thing.......and a bit confused.....I'm still a very heavy drinker but the signs are there i need to stop....blackouts , jeopardising a new wonderful relationship etc......
                              I've spent a lot of time ....when sober trying to make sense of all you need to take the vitamins???/ ....have ordered some kudzu......but what drug do you take .....baclofen or topomax........or do you take both of them?
                              i'm working with a local doctor but don't know if he is aware of this site or the advice given here.......i am also taking karvea for blood pressure antidepressant ......and on HRT patches......would love someone to cut to the chase and stear me out of my misery.....and yes it is misery when you have to rely someone else to fill you in on the evenings goings the way i don't drink during the day during the week and hold down a job but have lately started drinking at midday on weekends?????
                              can someone please help me??
                              PS did read the book last year but left it behind when i left my marriage so will need to revisit it!!!

