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Did TSM really work for you????????????? I hate this!!!!!!! I am using NAL and praying to God it works! Only been 1 month. This is the most horrible way to live. Please let it work! Please come back and let us know how you are doing. I am scared and hate this life. I have tried so many things - please let this work!!!!!!:new:AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.
Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.Tags: None
Yeah it worked a miracle for him. He doesn't come around anymore I don't think. He's off to bigger and better things.:nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10
Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread
Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
A Forum
Trolls need not apply
Yep Loop nailed is nothing sort of miraculous. It definitly worked for me big time. alcohol no longer plays the role in my life it once did...which was utter descruction and hell on earth. I am still not 100 percent abstinent but I don't worry about it either...I never go past two beers at this point if I do drink which is now rare..damn I never I thought I would be EVER saying this.
Loop not that I moved on to bigger an's weird when your not drunk depreessed and craving more more and the best part you stop thinking about booze it sounds so cliche but you end up just start living it's nice.
I will make it point to pop in more because this is the site I found out about TSM and TSM gave me my life back
Crown86, I couldn't be happier for you! Just listening to you talk about your life is so hopeful to so many of us, I'm hoping you will keep coming back to encourage those who are still on the road forward. Hey, I understand when something isn't the focus of your life anymore it's hard to remember "what was it that I was supposed to do?"
All the best to you
TSM stands for the Sinclair Method - which is taking the drug naltrexone on hour prior to drinking. Naltrexone blocks the receptors in your brain which alcohol effects. Over time Naltrexone will re-wire your brain to a pre-alcoholic state.
Don't just take my it. Also check [url=]
OMG Crown you made my day!!!! You are the reason I found this method. I have followed your posts since you started and spent almost two months researching, reading the book and reading the posts here and on TSM forum. I finally became comfortable with trying this in Mid February and have been taking NAL for 6 weeks now. My units are down by half (still daily too - no AF days yet) and I just keep telling myself not to overthink or try to rush this. I will not give up! I just recently started to post here - lurked since December - cause I really need a support group. My family does not understand and I really have alienated any friends I used to have. I am rebuilding my life but it is sometimes very scary cause its been so long that I have been "in the dark". Almost 8 years now and I don't even remember what a "normal" life is supposed to be. Thanks to you and everyone who posts here (and on TSM forum) - you guys/gals have given me hope again!!!!!!!!!:thanks:AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.
Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.
half is good my friend...half is actually awsome...just be patient. My experience was a fast and from all that I have a read an unusual one...the only other member I know in the TSM forum was AJ that had results this fast. I know your pain I know your suffering and rembering what a normal life is like...i know it very well.
This I can tell you when the naltrexone kicks in full force your "normal" life will at first feel like a new toy and then just plain old life...and beleive me it's nice. without alcohol destroying your life a "normal" life is not only possible it's more of a gimme.
yeah I over thought it too...LOL first I though wow a drug without an MD then I thought well there is no md telling you to pour two half gallons of whiskey and a 30 pack of beer down your gut...why not a's hard but it's best not to overthink it
BTW - you made my day my friend if I am the reason you found this method...I have been slcking lately but I swore to myself and God I would try my damedest to spread the word on TSM if it worked for me,...I know the pain alcohol brings oh to well and feel for anyone suffering from it
Hang tough and good luck
Hello Red,
i do not have time for a longer post, but I am 1000% sure it is working. You can check my Drink Tracker from the past year. I started TSM on February 13th and you can see there units going way down. Yesterday was my 5th AF day in a row, this did not happen for over 8 years.
Hang in there my friend, it only can get better!
Love, MZ
Let us know how you are doing!
crown, it's so good to hear from you - thanks for posting! - and that all's well (so well!) thanks to TSM - so glad it worked incredibly for you
your friend
eightI don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies
Red, I just saw that your units are down 1/2..!!! Fantastic!! Please stay patient with TSM. Most times it needs 4 months to work.
Eight, how are You doing with Nal? I hope you are well. You always are such a huge support for everyone.
Crown...what can I say?! Big congrats, so happy for you and your GS doggie and spread the TSM word around!! I am sure you are helping a lot of peeps here with your incredible success.
Good luck to all!
Love, MZ
MamaZum;838800 wrote: ...
Eight, how are You doing with Nal? I hope you are well. You always are such a huge support for everyone.
...I continue with Nal even after 8 months with no change (except I don't like drink so much - which is actually hugely significant - but still I drink because of my GAD/Panic Disorder). I also take Baclofen now, but am having a very hard time titrating up because of the SEs. So, not much change here (which is why I haven't updated my progress thread) but here's hoping for some change soon!!
Best wishes to all
eightI don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies