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Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

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    Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

    I just ordered yesterday a bottle of the 25MG from River Pharmacy. I've been reading threads about Topa and getting a bit nervous now about taking it. Maybe some of you can calm me down some...and share your experience w/it.

    I do take Celexa and Welbutrin for depression, but saw a few other posters here do too, so my guess is it's ok to continue while taking Topa. BTW - I'm way too embarrassed about my drinking to tell my doing all the research on my own.

    I found some interactions online and A LOT were with over the counter meds like antihistimines, asprin and other cold and allergy meds and such - does anyone know about that?

    Also, can you still drink while on Topa - my goal is to moderate not eliminate.

    If I take Topa at night, will I be ok in the morning to drive? I thought someone mentioned they were too doped up feeling to drive. I have to get to work each day!

    Thanks everyone!

    Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

    Hi Emcee - I don't think you need to worry although everyone reacts differently to Topa. I did go to my Doc and get it from him - but he went by the titration schedule from the book, starting me out on the 25mg daily. I had no significant side effects and was fine (still am) to drive. I also take Celexa and have no problems with it plus the Topa - I think Topa is great and have been AF since beginning of Jan (had planned on Modding but Topa decided otherwise for me). Good luck!!

    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

      I'm able to take my celexa along with Topa. I'm on my second week of Topa, so my dose is 50 mgs. right now. I just started drinking moderately on the weekends. Alcohol now seems to hit me pretty hard- I'm not sure if that's from the topa, or if it's because I barely drink now. My biggest side effects are a topa "fog" which seems to be lessening. Initially, food had a bad taste, and that side effect is lessening, too. I hope this helps.


        Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

        Hi there....I'm currently taking 200 mg and doing fine. Also take Celexa with no problems. Had very few side effects from the Topa that went away. The Topa has been a great drug for me in helping me get thru this and work thru the cravings and issues.
        Be sure to ask any questions that you have.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

          Thank you Nora, Fennel and Sunshine - great to panicking has lessened now. :-)

          Fennel - is the acohol getting you drunker quicker? I read on one post that after two beers she was wasted...hope that is not the case, however, I do hope that I know "when to say when" and not get to the point of blacking out and not remembering stuff like I do know.

          I feel like the topa can't get here quick enough! Want it now! Should arrive by end of next week.


            Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

            Hey Emcee....
            I got up to 125 mg topa and was a I had to back down to 75 mg.....i have found that it greatly magnifies my be careful...and fenel is will drink less so you get more buzzed too
            My doctor just took me off of it....she feels that my very stressful job and other issues in my life have caused me to be a "situational" drinker......what ever that is, and since I have brain fog, forgetfulness and mix up words, she wants me to quit. She is upping my dose of effexor and we shall see
            I am a little nervous about this, but I trust her.....
            Alot of people love the Topa, others hate it....yes you can drive just fine....but remember....this is not a magic bullet.....your head still has to be in the right place and you have to really WANT this, or you will can drinke right over the Topa if that's what you want to do....
            Don;t panic...try it and see if it works for you
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

              I've been on 50 mg and was supposed to go up to 75 this past Tuesday but didn't bc. I don't want to run out of pills. It took them forever to get here it seemed. So, reading this, I just upped to 75. I have been drinking while on Topa but less than usual. Last week, while at a friends had a little wine and said some whacky stuff! So really watch the alcohol. My cravings are mama bear said, though, your head has to be in the right place. I'm still working on that part of it.

              I'm curious Sunshine - how high of a dosage did you get to before the "Topa took care of it for you"?


                Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                Hi 4 - umm, I was up to 100mg am and the same pm I think - I had been on it for about 4 or 5 weeks - and if I poured a drink, I would have a drink and it was like "what am I drinking this for?" so I just stopped - it just - wasn't the same! Yes, I could easily have drunk/drank (?) over/through the feeling - but that wasn't the idea of it - it was very easy to NOT drink. My body just didn't have that same desire to have that drink that it used to have. I am a very happy sober AF sunshine now!! I did continue to take the Topa up to the 150mg mark twice daily though - for reasons best known to my mind (!) and periodically I think I might start to titrate down but haven't yet. This past week I have had the odd craving for a drink but have an awful lot going on right now and am very proud of the fact that I haven't caved! I have come close but am hanging in there! Topa does work - but you have to want to stop too!

                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                  Thanks for the response sunsine. so you are taking 150 total split in 2 75 doses. I haven't gone above 75. I'm about to run out (about a week plus left of pills) and have heard about delays because of the volcano in Iceland. Don't want to be without! Any advice?


                    Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                    Hi 4 - I am actually on 300mg - 150 twice a day. Re your running out - is there a doctor that you could go to and explain - I don't think it is good to just stop taking it - I did find an actual forum like ours, but devoted just to Topa!!!!! The link is below. I think it is more for bipolar rather than drinking - but if you look through their questions, you might find an answer. As I said, I would suggest seeing if you can find a doc to give you some to tide you over until you can get yours in the post. I think the main trouble with just stopping it, is it can cause seizures - but that is in folk that are taking it for stopping seizures.

                    How are you doing on it? How long have you been on it? I think it is great stuff! Hope you manage to get yours sorted!

                    The Crazy Meds Forum: Crazy Meds Talk ver 9.0 -> Topamax (topiramate)

                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                      YIkes! Scary!!! I'll order some now. I don't have a doc I see regularly. It has been several years, so I just don't know where to begin. I'd rather just order it and try to work this out on my own. Thanks!!


                        Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                        Topa worked like a charm for me once I hit 200 mg. But be warned - if you drink a lot when on high doses, it will stop working. I did that (about a year or so ago) - I'm about to start topa again, and if it works again, I will NOT be drinking at all.


                          Just ordered Topa - have ?'s

                          Oh, and I had virtually no side effects. Especially compared to my experience with baclofen.


                            Just ordered Topa - have ?'s


                            How long do you plan on staying on it? Is it a lifetime kind of thing or just until you feel you have your drinking under control?
                            Thanks for the word of advice on the drinking with high doses - that it stops working. That would be pretty frustrating! I can even see that at 50 mg. I can "drink through it" though I don't really have a craving. I have to try for 30 days AF so I can get past the habit part of it, since the cravings are virtually gone.

