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quitting baclofen

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    quitting baclofen

    Please know that I am only referring to my personal experience here. I don't want to discourage anyone, since everyone is different, and it might work for you, as it has for others. It just didn't work for me. I have titrated up to 280 several times since July, and I never hit the "switch." I did stay largely sober for the first 3 months, but I was just switching one drug for another - didn't get drunk, but got a sleepy, foggy buzz on the bac - which eventually led me back to my drug of choice. I have been on 180-280 mg for months, and I'm drinking, and as much as I hate it, I have to admit that it's not working.

    The side effects are also terrible for me. I'm very tolerant of side effects and would pretty much do anything to quit drinking, but since it's not helping, I can't take it. The muscle twitches are constant - from little ones that you can't really see to big jerks where I drop something or my leg jumps off of my chair. I wake up at night jerking like I have some terrible disease and lie there twitching. Because whatever muscles we use for breathing are so relaxed, I keep waking myself up snoring. The absolute worst side effect of all is that after my 3rd round, my ears start popping and keep doing it for hours - like my ear drum is snapping. And I'm passed out by 7:30 - just like when I drink.

    I'm only posting this as my outcome in this group experiment. Please don't let me stop you from using bac - read other people's stories too. There are some really good ones. As for me, I've just ordered topamax again. It worked wonderfully for me last time (over a year ago), and I was an idiot and threw it away to keep drinking. On topa, I actually did largely lose interest in AL - even if it was in front of me! - and stayed that way for quite awhile. Here's hoping it works again.

    quitting baclofen

    Hi, Larisa

    I'm so sorry it didn't work for you. Hopefully the Topa will have the same effect as the last time. Have you tried anything else? TSM?

    Thank you for posting: we need to hear about all experiences.

    Best of luck to you.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      quitting baclofen

      Thanks, Tip. I'm really disappointed that it didn't work. I haven't tried TSM - might do that if the topa doesn't work again.

      On the upside, I did lose 27 lbs in those 3 months! And kept it off.


        quitting baclofen

        I hope you find what works for you don't give up My Story

        AF - 08/06/2010


          quitting baclofen

          Larisa;844764 wrote: The muscle twitches are constant - from little ones that you can't really see to big jerks where I drop something or my leg jumps off of my chair.
          Hello Larisa,

          Sorry to hear that you are quitting baclofen.

          When I got my daily baclofen dose up to 140mg previously, I also had muscular twitches. My head would suddenly flop over to one side and I would sometimes involuntarily drop a book that I was reading. Just as well that I don't work in a museum looking after priceless artifacts! So, I gradually reduced my daily dose to 80mg and the twitches disappeared. Now, I'm slowly increasing the dose again. I'm currently at 100mg per day and I increase the dose by 10mg no more frequently than once per week.

          I wish you every success on your new path.

          "Love's the only engine of survival"

          Leonard Cohen


            quitting baclofen


            So very sorry that Baclofen didn't work out for you. The side-effects can be really horrendous!
            With so many new (and old) drugs, and new research, I believe there is path for everyone. You just need to find yours. So many of us here have had tried over and over before we found our way. Have you tried Naltrexone yet?
            Don't give up Larissa!


              quitting baclofen

              Best of luck with the Topamax, Larisa, and thanks for your post. I'm doing my 2nd go-'round with the Bac, I am hopeful. I get the twitches, too; they freak me out sometimes!

              Hugs for a better tomorrow...
              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                quitting baclofen

                Thank you all for the support. I will NEVER give up. I can't wait 'til my topa gets here!!!


                  quitting baclofen

                  Larisa;845475 wrote: I will NEVER give up.

                  Now THAT'S
                  the spirit!!!

                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    quitting baclofen

                    agreement Larisa, dont feel bad

                    I had SE that were just not tolerable all day long and at night. Im sure its different for everyone. It did help me cut down and it has helped, but wrecked other parts of my life. I still recommend looking at ALL the possibilities why some people become addicted to: alcohol, sex, gambling, porn, and so on. A good place to start (but not end) is the book: The Heart of Addiction. Its short on therapy, but right on in causes in my opinion. It depends on your personal history. good luck, azuldog


                      quitting baclofen

                      Hi Larissa,

                      You're story sounds very much the same as mine. Except I had also terrible weight gain on bac and lost some balance. I am also off bac and started back on topa. I did the topa last year and was sober also...lost weight, felt good, (minus the metallic taste and tingles all are much better side effects for me to handle than bac). I still have some topa left I'm using. Can I ask where you are ordering your topa from? Good luck and keep trying!

