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Meds users MWO

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    Meds users MWO

    I mostly post in the Army thread (and stick my nose into the NTD) also for it's silliness. But the Army can change in a heartbeat from a recipe for chicken soup to a member having a tough time.
    I can only explain about the meds that I have taken myself, like campral and valium. Sometimes I may comment about antabuse as I'm in contact with some one who takes it daily and I always ask his advice first.

    I read and read most threads everyday. For me I am still learning.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Meds users MWO

      My 2 pence worth is that everyone is welcome to post where ever they see fit and in my time here, although I have seen differences of opinions and personality clashes I have never ever seen anyone being told they shouldnt be on a thread. Of course a bit of common sense and respect for others beliefs should be used, for instance if some one is total anti AA then dont post in the AA thread. Likewise if you are modding dont be in Abs. This is a baffling addiction we share and every tiny piece that can add to this jigsaw on the road to recovery should be welcomed. The reason I am never in meds is I dont take any and know little of them thus have nothing to contribute. I would encourage people who solely post in here to give the rest of the site a try, you may be pleasantly surprised but surely welcomed.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Meds users MWO

        Hi All,

        I, too, am a Next Day Threader with the odd venture over to the Army Thread. I also spend some time in the "Starting Out" section as I still consider myself relatively new to this.

        I am using Topamax and think I am the only one doing so on the NDT.

        On some of the threads, we don't talk about AL, although I know the support is there if I want it. Another regular thread I visit is ODAT - One Day at a Time and we seem to talk alot about our day to day lives and family.

        However, I have ventured down to Meds and read and asked about Topamax. My questions are always answered by the wonderful, Sidney. I think she must be my fairy god mother. I have only ever seen her when I need a questioned answered.

        It doesn't matter how you tackle this journey - will power, meds, Allen Carr's book, AA - we all have the same aim.

        Spam xx


          Meds users MWO

          Spam you are so sweet. I post mainly on the meds thread because that is what I know about. Since the Topa helped me so much I want to share what I can so others can have some success too.


            Meds users MWO

            Now I remember why

            tiptronic_ct;844859 wrote: I'm kinda thinking out loud here, but would obviously appreciate feedback / comments from others...

            I've noticed that, (with a few exceptions) very few of the regular posters on the Meds Forum also participate elsewhere on MWO.

            I can't help but wonder why...

            For me, MWO has meant so much, and it still remains an important part of my recovery. I have had nothing but support, regardless of what methods people have tried in their quest to become sober.

            As I said... just wondering... It isn't intended as a negative or positive observation, it's just fairly noticeable.
            Since you posted this, I started spending more time on the General Discussion forum and I quickly was reminded why I stopped going there so much and stick pretty much here.

            On General Discussion, there doesn't seem to be much focus, and it is very easy for people to misconstrue other's posts and flare-ups happen continuously (and for some reason I seem to be particularly provocative without having any intention to be). It's an emotional and volatile lot over there.

            Here in Meds, it seems like we are a calm, reasonable and focussed group, sharing information/experiences and airing ideas, asking for advice and giving it. (well, with the occasional mighty clash of minds and egos)

            This is more my style, so this is where you'll see me most of the time (well, and Holistic Healing -- another calm and reasonable lot over there... it's just been so dead lately)

            Oh, and of course I will keep following the Tigger World Tour!
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Meds users MWO

              That is a very reasonable and reasoned explanantion, Beatle


              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Meds users MWO

                Great thread Tippers ...sorry I wish i got here earlier ...for me i am very reluctant to post the POSITIVE benifits of Baclofen because I think (wrongly) that we are pushing another drug on a addict just don't seem know ..your addicted to a drug here is another drug to make you UN addicted ...its a thought i have been struggling with for a long time you tipps 8 months sober that it does work ... How can a drug make you un addicted to another drug ...its doesnt make sense???? but i do think Baclofen DOES un do the addiction brain chemistry ...however ... It dosent Un do the addiction to alcohol that runs very deep as do all addictive behaviours.. personally I think Doggy girl and KateH articulate perfectly (thanks guys) the peril of problems a addicted person faces.... its bloody hard work the end Baclofen gives us the chance to start that hard work and if we are serious about being free of addiction every one gets there....BUT!!!!!! you have to bloody want it so bad... with every ounce of youre being and there aint no pill for that!!!!


                  Meds users MWO

                  Good subject Tig

                  Early on I hopped around and embraced the entire MWO approach whole-heartedly: topa, meditation tapes, supplements, exercise. It just didn?t work for me. It was at that point I realized that maybe I was trying to make too many changes all at once, a trap that I?ve encountered many times before in my life! I decided to concentrate on one thing at a time and try to get that aspect right before I widened my lens, so to speak, to include other things that might support my plan. Since the drug seemed to the most obvious piece of the puzzle, I tried Campral next, then Nal, before I finally succeeded with Bac. Tomorrow will be 3 months for me AF.

                  Anyway, now that I have a good foothold, I's starting to do other things to support the progress I?ve made. I?m starting to run again and have an appointment next week with my doctor for a complete physical and to get her input on supplements (I?m not too sure that the supplement advice offered on MWO is right for me). If I felt like I could contribute to any of the other facets of our collective mission here at MWO (i.e., getting better) I would definitely jump in. But Beatle is right Tig, there ARE only so many hours in the day! :H



                    Meds users MWO

                    A very interesting topic

                    Having been eight months on TSM and 3 months on Bac, and having seen some results from both, but a 'cure' from neither (yet?) I do occasionally suggest considering meds to some I think might benefit or be open to the idea. But, generally I don't like to encourage people away from whatever their path might be, or they feel it is for now. For the same reason I haven't contacted some folk I was in detox and my day program either.

                    If Bac works for me I'll be more active in 'spreading the word', but until then I won't have enough confidence in it, even though I know it's worked miracles for many.

                    With TSM I think it can be particularly dangerous to talk about it with folk who are trying to stay abstinent, especially if they're struggling. The idea that you can drink your way to being cured for the 78% in the trials presented in the book, and in as little as 3~4 months, might be almost irresistible. Here I am eight months in and it still hasn't worked for me. Lots of the cured folk on the TSM forum still say it works 'for the vast majority' but I'm in touch with more people who've tried it and it hasn't worked for than are on the 'cured' list there! To be fair though, they generally do
                    say that it's more like 6 to 12 months for a good result than the 3 to 4 plus described in the book.

                    So, there you have it! Tldr (Too long didn't read)? Basically I don't want to encourage people away from their chosen path until I have first-hand proof that meds work, especially for TSM.
                    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                      Meds users MWO

                      You all work in your own way!

                      I suppose I hadn't realised that folk stayed in their own little sections - I flit from one to another, posting if something catches my eye - I do take meds (topa) but had seen names of people in different sections so thought everyone did the same as me. I also didn't know that the non-medders and the medders were thought of by some to think that their way was right - I had always found everyone on here (with just one or two exceptions) to be agreeable and to accept that everyone had their own viewpoint and what ever worked for them was their right way. I haven't had anyone say that they have disagreed with me - just that what I take didn't work for them but great if it works for me. I pop up wherever I think I might put in my tuppence worth! I think you are all wonderful and have been a great inspiration - whenever I fancy having a drink - and I do occasionally, I just come here and reading any of the posts, soon puts paid to me thinking about having one! Keep on doing your own things!

                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        Meds users MWO

                        I started out here in Newbie's Nest and the Gen'l discussion area but I felt adrift amongst all the regulars and of course I didn't know anyone. I am very shy in real life, so situations like that are difficult for me. Since I am taking Bac, I hang out here and also because I recognize the main players. I only one I really ever "chit-chatted" with was Cowgal. I really miss her. :upset:

                        This forum isn't very busy, which is a bit of a bummer. I wish there was a place where a lot of the same people go that's more regularly frequented.

                        Pretty lame excuse, huh Tippy-Tig? You don't look the same without your Tigger suit on.
                        Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                        That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                        Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                        Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

