I?m sure there are many parts in my story that many of you can easily identify with. Even if it?s only four months since my last drink, I thought I should share my experience with you because I feel that this time I don?t have to look for a new solution. Some of you may need exactly my story at the moment and I?ll be glad to listen to you if you want to email me. Sorry for my bad English, it?s not my first language but I hope you managed to get my point. So, for those of you who continue to benefit from the Sinclair Method I can again only say that alcoholism is a tricky disease that has a lot to do with our feelings and emotions, so what works for one may not work for the other. There are lot of us who needs to go much further than to simple block some chemical reactions in our brain cells. The pills might have worked very well on the Sinclair?s rats in the laboratory but the rats have no souls, they have no character defects and they don?t have to drink because they have a problem to handle their lives without a drink. In the long run, I guess we have to wait and see how many people in Sinclair?s program will actually fully recover. We will probably never understand what makes one an alcoholic while the other person can keep drinking socially. But what I know from my own experience that I can?t drink and nobody should tell me that I can, because if I start, I know I won?t stop and maybe next time I will even loose my life. So if you can?t stop and it makes your life a living hell, I can tell you only that there is a solution. In my case and in million other cases AA helped not to pick up that first drink. Don?t make up your opinion about AA before you give it a go. You are not alone, there a lot of people who understand how you feel and they can help you.
As I mentioned here I show you my alcohol intake while on Naltrexone
Just before starting it: average 45 units/week
And average AF days - 0 to 1
1st week - 31.5 units
2nd week - 44.5 units
3rd week - 44.5 units
4th week - 41 units (total 1st month 161.5 units)
5th week - 36.5 units
6th week - 42 units
7th week - 42 units
8th week - 45.5 units (total 2nd month 166 units)
9th week - 33.5 units
10th week - 30 units
11th week - 46.5 units
12th week - 37 units (total 3rd month 147 units)
13th week - 34 units
14th week - 33.5 units
15th week - 29 units
16th week - 26.5 units (total 4th month 123 units)
17th week - 23.5 units
18th week - 28.5 units
19th week - 28.5 units
20th week - 31 units (total 5th month 111.5 units)
21st week - 31 units
22nd week - 34 units
23rd week - 33.5 units
24th week - 42.5 units (total 6th month 141 units)
25th week - 26 units
26th week - 34.5 units
27th week - 26 units
28th week - 35.5 units (total 7th month 122 units)
29th week - 43 units
30th week - 27.5 units
31st week - 34 units
32nd week - 34 units (total 8th month 138.5 units)
33rd week - 36.5 units
35th week - 35 units
36th week - 30.5 units
37th week - 36 units (total 9th month 138 units)
38th week - 24.5 units
39th week - 26 units
40th week - 35 units
41st week - 32 units (total 10th month 117.5 units)
42nd week - 68 units
43rd week - 54 units
44th week - 26.5 units
45th week - 40 units (total 11th month 188.5 units)
46th week - 54.5 units
47th week - 54.5 units
48th week - 48.5 units
49th week - 69 units (total 11th month 226.5 units)
50th week - 44.5 units
51st week - 49 units
52nd week - 51.5 units
Summary by months until I stopped taking it
161 (October 2008 )
226.5 (October 2009)