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    Hi Susana, I have been following your posts about your brother here and on the other thread. First I want to say you are a great sister. Most family members would have given up by now and walked away. It takes so much to help someone who has a chonic problem with addiction, my family doesn't understand and they think I should just choose to stop drinking. People who don't have addiction problems usually can't understand why someone chooses to do something so destructive to themselves.

    When I read some of the responses to your situation on the other thread I felt really sad. I have to believe they meant well but it just seemed very harsh. Please don't stop looking for help here. In the end your brother has to want help and to get better and I hope that Dr Levin is the answer. Maybe once he is feeling better you can get him to read the posts here and hopefully he will join the discussions and find the answers/help that will lead him to freedom from this horrible addiction.

    I truly believe there is no one answer to recovery. I have tried many options and each one has failed (I am now on NAL and I believe this is the answer for me). But I know that each of the options I tried have worked for someone. I don't believe there is any right or wrong way to recover, whatever works for someone - that is the right plan for them.

    Best of luck to you and you and your brother are in my prayers! (also take some time for you - don't let his addiction consume every moment of your life - you can only be good to him if you are good to you:h)
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


    Hi red,

    you are very caring and you always express yourself in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

    I'm sorry you feel "sad" about the responses susanna has received on the other thread, but I have perceived the people on the other susanna thread to have been welcoming, full of advice, nurturing and supportive.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "harsh", but I'm guessing you are referring to people strongly advising her to take it slow with the bac, to not titrate up too quickly...?

    If this is what you mean, I have also been concerned a bit by this, and wrote a long post about it on the other susanna thread, but rescinded the post after a few minutes, fearing that people would interpret it as ill advice and reckless.

    Basically what I said in that post is:

    I have read ALL the posts on baclofen on this forum over the past 10 months (yes, every single one). And if there is one thing that is clear, it is that the way each person responds to baclofen varies so extremely that it is impossible to make generalizations.

    Some people simply cannot tolerate it even at low levels. Others have no problem titrating up quickly with no side effects. Some people reach their "switch" at fairly low levels, whilst others have to go almost astronomically high to feel any effect.

    I pointed out that a few people on this forum titrated up outrageously quickly with no side effects. Lo0p and tiptronic come to mind first, but I know there were others. Most of these were men in fairly good shape (like your brother) and they were drinking heavily when they started with the high doses of bac. (Guys, please correct me if I am wrong here -- I am speaking from memory, and we all know how reliable that is after years of abuseuch

    This is not medical advice, of course, I just feel (as perhaps red was saying) that the advice to susanna has been fairly one-sided in urging her to err on the side of caution. It could in fact really be erring to hold back only for the reason that many others have had negative experiences titrating up too quickly. Many others haven't. And considering the condition susanna's brother is in, I'd wager he is willing to put up with some adverse side effects in exchange for the far more adverse side effects he is suffering now. (also, please refer to tip's link in the other susanna thread, to a study involving baclofen used as a alcohol WITHDRAWAL aid.)

    This is just a thought, and susanna and everyone needs to consider everything as it applies to themselves and their specific situation.

    I know susanna and her brother are under Dr Levin's care now, and that is wonderful. I actually used Dr Levin's protocol exactly (titrating up very slowly) long before he entered the picture. I only did this because my body was so sensitive to bac that I just felt my way, listening to my own body... pausing whenever the SEs became too uncomfortable.

    I'm guessing Dr. Levin is so cautious precisely because he wants to assure that patients don't experience adverse side effects which could discourage them and cause them to give up.

    I myself was willing to put up with a great deal of discomfort in order to grasp at the last straw out there that could save me from utter personal destruction and certain early death.

    However, I also work in an area that requires a sharp mind -- always on your toes. The bac side-effect that makes your mind sort of foggy and, most disturbingly, makes you "lose" your words, was certainly not tolerable in my situation. Hence I took it very slowly.

    I'm sorry if I misinterpreted you, red. But this was a thought I wanted to share, anyway.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      beatle;846840 wrote: Hi red,

      you are very caring and you always express yourself in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

      I'm sorry you feel "sad" about the responses susanna has received on the other thread, but I have perceived the people on the other susanna thread to have been welcoming, full of advice, nurturing and supportive.

      I'm not quite sure what you mean by "harsh", but I'm guessing you are referring to people strongly advising her to take it slow with the bac, to not titrate up too quickly...?

      If this is what you mean, I have also been concerned a bit by this, and wrote a long post about it on the other susanna thread, but rescinded the post after a few minutes, fearing that people would interpret it as ill advice and reckless.

      Basically what I said in that post is:

      I have read ALL the posts on baclofen on this forum over the past 10 months (yes, every single one). And if there is one thing that is clear, it is that the way each person responds to baclofen varies so extremely that it is impossible to make generalizations.

      Some people simply cannot tolerate it even at low levels. Others have no problem titrating up quickly with no side effects. Some people reach their "switch" at fairly low levels, whilst others have to go almost astronomically high to feel any effect.

      I pointed out that a few people on this forum titrated up outrageously quickly with no side effects. Lo0p and tiptronic come to mind first, but I know there were others. Most of these were men in fairly good shape (like your brother) and they were drinking heavily when they started with the high doses of bac. (Guys, please correct me if I am wrong here -- I am speaking from memory, and we all know how reliable that is after years of abuseuch

      This is not medical advice, of course, I just feel (as perhaps red was saying) that the advice to susanna has been fairly one-sided in urging her to err on the side of caution. It could in fact really be erring to hold back only for the reason that many others have had negative experiences titrating up too quickly. Many others haven't. And considering the condition susanna's brother is in, I'd wager he is willing to put up with some adverse side effects in exchange for the far more adverse side effects he is suffering now. (also, please refer to tip's link in the other susanna thread, to a study involving baclofen used as a alcohol WITHDRAWAL aid.)

      This is just a thought, and susanna and everyone needs to consider everything as it applies to themselves and their specific situation.

      I know susanna and her brother are under Dr Levin's care now, and that is wonderful. I actually used Dr Levin's protocol exactly (titrating up very slowly) long before he entered the picture. I only did this because my body was so sensitive to bac that I just felt my way, listening to my own body... pausing whenever the SEs became too uncomfortable.

      I'm guessing Dr. Levin is so cautious precisely because he wants to assure that patients don't experience adverse side effects which could discourage them and cause them to give up.

      I myself was willing to put up with a great deal of discomfort in order to grasp at the last straw out there that could save me from utter personal destruction and certain early death.

      However, I also work in an area that requires a sharp mind -- always on your toes. The bac side-effect that makes your mind sort of foggy and, most disturbingly, makes you "lose" your words, was certainly not tolerable in my situation. Hence I took it very slowly.

      I'm sorry if I misinterpreted you, red. But this was a thought I wanted to share, anyway.

      Thank you both of you for your input - i read each word with extreme focus. Will re-read again. Hugs to both of you.



        Hi Beatle, thanks for your response. I guess I get a little sensitive when I feel someone is being told they are doing something wrong ecspecially when they are really just trying to help. She is trying so hard to help her brother and she is doing it with Dr Levins help. Someone had made a comment that Dr Levin has never even met her brother and I guess I may have taken that as a negative. I know everyone means well. Other people have told her that her brother should not take BAC until he is AF. I just feel really bad for her, I have not seen anyone post so much trying to get help for someone else. I have no answers, I luckily have never suffered from withdrawals nor seen anyone who has. I just really hope and pray her brother gets better and gets the help he needs and she can get some rest. I can only say that what helps me feel better is to encourage others and see people get away from this hideous addiction. I can't say it enough - my wish is for an end to addiction no matter what path is taken.
        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

