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Naltrexone is working for me!!

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    Naltrexone is working for me!!

    Hi all, I've been away on business and kept getting updates that this post was getting a lot of action. I'm home now and thought I'd give an update. I don't want to get into the science discussion because I'm not a scientist and am only really interested in sharing my success in case it can help others. I haven't kept stats in a while because I now drink so irregularly that I don't need to. I still drink but it's very rare and never to excess. I'd say I drink once or twice a month and rarely over 2 drinks; usually just one. I still take the nal when I remember but have had a drink or two without it and without sliding back. For me, TSM has worked. I don't know if the 78% cure rate is true or not, I just know that whatever the rate is I am happy to count myself as one of them. I really never even think about alcohol anymore except once in a while when it really hits me that I actually have my life back. Those times are so overwhelming for me and I'm so grateful. After so many failed attempts at controlling alcohol I don't think I ever really believed I'd be here. When I used to travel for business my first stop was always to pick up beer on the way to the hotel. Not anymore.

    I don't share this to pimp TSM or naltrexone. I don't gain anything if you try them or not. Nor do I claim it's the only way. I only claim that it is the way that finally worked for me and I hope that my success may give hope and continued effort to those that are still trying to overcome this. As I said, after so many failed attempts I had lost hope. If you're there, please keep trying and find what works for you because life is sooooo much better outside the bottle. I'm willing to answer any questions you may have if you're considering trying naltrexone. I'm not a doctor but I can at least share my experience with TSM if it helps. Take care all and good luck!


      Naltrexone is working for me!!

      So you drank the kool-aid too eh?

      sodonewithit!;992951 wrote: I really never even think about alcohol anymore except once in a while when it really hits me that I actually have my life back.
      I can identify with this statement 100%. Feels simultaneously amazing and normal too, no?
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        Naltrexone is working for me!!


        I am very glad that some combination of meds/whatever worked for you, and others.

        But, many of the studies are totally irrelevant to TSM, as we both said. Then why are they included as references as support for TSM? Again, post-hoc subset analysis is data-fishing and can't be proof of anything.

        I did read 5 or so original articles which I thought most germane to TSM, and I was unimpressed.

        On the non-academic side, I find it very interesting that there is already a large database of patients treated with TSM, and that is the Contral Clinic in Finland, which had the "78% success rate" so often touted. Yet they have never publish their results in a peer-reviewed journal. In fact, they don't even say what their results have been in the intervening years. On their website, they only trumpet the same "78%". ( Contral Clinics ) Perhaps the larger results are not very good? Remember, these are actual motivated patients (they paid mucho bucks) subjected to TSM. What are their success rates? If they are half-way decent, wouldn't this profit-making clinic advertise it?

        All interventions for alcoholism work for some people for some period of time. This includes AA, therapy, meds, and doing nothing at all. I do think that NAL (and BAC and TOP) has an effect in decreasing alcohol intake , but it is mild. Of course, anything is better than nothing, but no one knows what the actual success rates are for any of the "unconventional" drug therapies - e.g. TSM and high-dose BAC.


          Naltrexone is working for me!!


          hope all is well my friend..from reading thru this thread sounds like you are doing well...thats awsome...status quoe here...yep drank the koolaide too and have been a few weeks away from a year since I was plastered. The koolaide worked for me and very within 2 months. Took my two half gallons a week habit to nothing.

          Nice hearing your doing good loop

