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Naltrexone is working for me!!

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    Naltrexone is working for me!!

    Hi all,
    I'm not usually one to post in forums but I feel that it's my obligation to share my progress with naltrexone in case it may help others out. I'll give you a little about myself first and then cover my progress. I'm one of those people that type with 2 fingers so my posts won't be too long. I will be happy to answer questions or provide any help that I can to others that are battling alcohol and are trying or want to try this method.

    A little about me: I'm 41 years old and have been drinking heavily since I was 18. I'm mostly a beer drinker but will drink wine occasionally. I almost never drink liquor because I don't care for it. Like most of us, my drinking has caused a lot of problems in my life and I've tried to quit too many times to count without any long term success. I have a masters degree and a very good, professional job. I've been a 'functional alcoholic' for a couple decades.

    If you're reading this then you must be interested in naltrexone and the sinclair method so here's my experience so far. I started nal on Jan 15 2010. I have a drinking log and a spreadsheet but I can't figure out how to get a graph in here to show my progress so I'll just show a brief overview here.

    Week 1 - 69.5 units, 9.9 daily avg
    Week 2 - 73 units, 10.4 daily avg
    Week 3 - 76 units, 10.9 daily avg
    Week 4 - 80 units, 11.4 daily avg
    Week 5 - 74 units, 10.6 daily avg
    Week 6 - 27.5 units, 3.9 daily avg
    Week 7 - 34 units, 4.9 daily avg
    Week 8 - 32 units, 4.6 daily avg
    Week 9 - 38 units, 5.4 daily avg
    Week 10 - 18.5 units, 2.6 daily avg
    Week 11 - 5 units, .7 daily avg
    Week 12 - 10 units, 1.4 daily avg
    Week 13 - 5 units, .7 daily avg
    Week 14 - 8 units, 1.1 daily avg

    I am currently at a point that I don't even think about or crave alcohol. It used to always be on my mind - either looking forward to drinking or feeling guilty about it. Now I only drink when we're out with friends in the same situations that I used to binge in, the difference now is that I drink socially now. I follow the sinclair rules to a T (99% of the time!). I take my nal at least an hour before drinking. That's it. It is so great to wake up every morning without a hangover!! Anyways, this is really working for me and I believe it has saved me. I'm not trying to push naltrexone or the sinclair method. I just want to share my experience and answer any questions from others that are trying to take their lives back. I'll check this occasionally and answer questions (based on my experience) if there are any. Take care all!

    Naltrexone is working for me!!

    sodonewithit, CONGRATS! I too am on NAL for 9 weeks now and I really feel that it is working. AL is becoming less of my focus daily - I really see a difference in my thinking and drinking. I have tried so many ways to quit drinking and I think I have finally found the way. Thanks to you and others who are on NAL - your posts keep me motivated and hopeful. My end goal is to give up AL forever. I know everyone's goals are different and I am so happy to see the results from the NAL users.:thanks:
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


      Naltrexone is working for me!!

      Red, so glad it's working for you too! I'm absolutely amazed by the progress!! I was taking out the recycling the other day and I started laughing because it had been 2 weeks and it was only half full (mostly cardboard); it used to be filled with beer bottles weekly. If I missed a week it would be overflowing! I hope others can also get relief from this method or one of the others on this forum. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the rest of your journey!


        Naltrexone is working for me!!

        Sodonewithit! that is awesome!!!! I just started on Topamax two days ago and am hoping to curb my cravings and lose a few pounds a long the way (i hear topa helps w/the weight loss). If that does not work...I will be heading to naltrexone.

        Did you have any side effects? What kind of dosages did/do you take? Did you have any kind of restrictions? Did you take L-glute or Kudzu along the way? I love hearing success stories.

        Red - glad it's working for you too!



          Naltrexone is working for me!!

          Good luck with the topamax!! The nal made me nauseous for about 4 days. Especially the first day because I took the full 50 mg pill. I forgot to cut it in half like the book says. I took half for the next 4 days and then went back to the full 50 and all has been well since. I didn't use anything else but I did buy and read the book. I'd suggest others do as well because it warns you of the time for the extinction to kick in, slides backwards, etc... The thing I liked about the book the most is it explained why I couldn't control the cravings in a way that made sense to me and allowed me to stop beating myself up. I didn't place any restrictions on myself. The one thing I did do was ensure that I drank regularly (maybe even a little more than usual) on it so the brain wasn't getting the same reward it was used to. I even forced myself to drink when I didn't really feel like it when I first began to get the process going. Knowing what was happening in my brain and that it would take a few months to re-wire gave me a lot of hope and confidence so I just took the pill and continued the awful behavior I'd been modeling for years. Hopefully the topomax will work and you won't need this info. If it doesn't and you move to nal, I'll be happy to help any way I can. Take care and good luck!


            Naltrexone is working for me!!

            Sodonewithit! What is considered a "unit" ? Is that 1 beer or 1 glass of wine? Anyhow...I've noticed over the last few days that the topa certainly stops the cravings and I'm only on 25MG which is the lowest dosage. But the side effects are not the far I'm really only experiencing fatigue but also anything w/fizz like soda or even beer...tastes like poop. It's awful. I'm not trying to cut out 100% just to drink "responsibly"...I'm thinking TSM might be better suited for me. Hmph! Just spent a bunch of $$ on topa. I think I'll stick it out and get thru these meds and if it is not helping me then off to the store for some NAL!

            Like you...I just want to be in a social situation and not consume 9 beers or 4 glasses of wine!


              Naltrexone is working for me!!

              Interesting post sodonewithit! I wish I'd seen this and the book b4 starting on Topamax. I'm back down to 25 mg. bc I'm about to run out. I've lost my cravings, but see how I might need to have the effect of the reprogramming of my brain -- of the effects of al. Just ordered 200 Topa tabs, so I'm in that for a while. Please keep posting and let us know how it goes. Like Emcee, I may buy the book and move to nal if Topa doesn't do the trick. What a dream to drink socially!! Good for you & Red!!


                Naltrexone is working for me!!

                Here's the standard that I use:

                Serving size Type of alcohol % Alcohol Typical
                12 oz. Beer (may be ?Lite?) 4%
                10 oz Beer (standard brand beer), Ale, Lager (also some Microbrew) 5%
                10 oz. (for 5%)
                8 oz (for 6%)
                7 oz (for 7%)
                Wine Coolers, Hard Lemonade or Cider ?Malt Beverages? Varies 5-8
                9 oz. (for 5.6%) 8 oz (for 5.9%) Ice beer 5.60%
                8 oz. (for 6%) Microbrew 6%
                8 oz. (for 6%) Canadian Beer 6%
                8 oz. (for 6%) Malt liquor 6%
                7 oz. (for 7.5%) Ice malt liquor 7.50%
                4 oz. (for 12%) Wine (table wine) 12%

                Why this one? Because I found it on a website and it was easy to cut and paste into my drinking log!! Also, I think it was pretty close to what was in the book. I'd have to check to be sure. Anyways, I figured that as long as I was consistent then the actual measurement wasn't as important. I graduated to stronger beers (6+ %) a long time ago and didn't want to be dishonest and count one strong beer the same as a light beer so this worked for me. I can check the book if you want the guidance in it but I think it's pretty close to this from what I remember. It also includes standards for liquor but I didn't put that in my journal because I don't drink it. I'm sorry to hear that the topa isn't starting out so great. I really can't speak intelligently on it because I haven't used it or researched it. I truly hope that you adjust to it and it works for you! Nal was a little ugly for me for the first few days but then my body adjusted. Hopefully it's the same with topa? I know how awful this hell can be and I feel for you. I still worry that my results are too good to be true and reality will rear its ugly head again. I sure as hell hope not!!! It's hard to explain, but it feels different this time. I truly believe that this is the answer for me. You should be proud of your efforts and resolve to beat this, you can get your life back!!! I'm not sure that I really ever believed that before but I do now and hope others do as well!

                4MyHealth - Good luck!! I wish nothing but the best for you and others fighting this addiction!! Whatever works is truly a life saver in my opinion. Please keep us all posted on your progress and keep on fighting until you get to where you want to be!!! Now that I've started this, I'll keep it current as long as it has value to others. All the best to you!


                  Naltrexone is working for me!!

                  I am curious where you prescribed this or did you order it? If so where did you order it? I would like to try some for my brother but not sure where to get it the best way/place. thanks and thanks for the wonderful news!


                    Naltrexone is working for me!!

                    Lion- without a perscription you can get it at River Pharmacy (link is on this site)

                    Thanks sodonewithit! That helps. I may go get the book and read up on TSM. :-)


                      Naltrexone is working for me!!

                      I got mine from all day chemist out of India. They were easy to work with and the meds were legit. They were also the cheapest I found.


                        Naltrexone is working for me!!


                        I am currently at a point that I don't even think about or crave alcohol. It used to always be on my mind - either looking forward to drinking or feeling guilty about it.
                        That so describes "us," doesn't it?

                        I am very happy for you that Nal is working for you. Thank you for posting. Sharing the good, the bad and the ugly helps us all.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Naltrexone is working for me!!

                          good to hear its working for you. I am on my 12th week I think on tsm. Its been great from the get go. A bit nasaus for a few days but nothing compared to your average hangover. The bigest things I have noticed is I have a lot more clarity and control while Im drinking, no blackouts, no waking up for hours in the middle of the night, no hangovers. I can have 2,3 or 4 drinks and stop. Its such a relief after worrying about and fighting alcoholism for years. Keep posting, it helps everybody.


                            Naltrexone is working for me!!

                            The Sinclair Method

                            Please forgive me if there's a million questions that have already been asked about this but I am completely new to forums and find it all confusing! I would like to know what the Sinclair Method is as I have just read these messages and find that there may be hope for me. I don't want to go to AA, I would try anything before that but my drinking is driving my husband of 26 years away as I am drinking (bingeing) at weekends - and once I start I can't stop.


                              Naltrexone is working for me!!

                              brummy hi ........... i tried naltrexone for about 7 months ....... prescribed by a psychiatrist as its not licenced for al in uk ...... it really did help me cut down ....... but i never actually completely stopped while on it ..... so they stopped prescribing it ........ read all of the theory about the sinclair method and it seems sound ..... i just didnt do it right .......... if you can get a prescription give it a go .......... just wikepedia the sinclair method it will tell you all about it ............ im a biologist and psychologist so if you need anything expanding on drop me a line ....... and im not "bigging" myself up just happen to know about the brain and stuff .... take care PM ps once got pissed in the pub where aston villa were formed ......... tiles on wall were claret and blue hence the shirt ..... apparently been knocked down now x
                              I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round .... really love to watch them roll .... no longer riding on the merry-go-round ...... I just had to let it go

                              Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

