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    I have noticed that while on high doses of bac my self esteem goes rocket high. Actually I think faster, my thinking is clearer and the ideas that appear in my head are astonishingly good and profound
    My wife calls me a megalomaniac when I am in such state. And I sleep 4 hours only.
    I wonder if Dr. A. wrote his book under influence of baclofen, this very ideas and thoughts stimulant?


    I've noticed I need less sleep but I am much foggier on baclofen rather than clear headed. I forget a lot and make a lot of poor decisions. It's getting better now that I am coming down after reaching the switch. My self esteem is rapidly increasing now that I have no cravings for alcohol - not related to baclofen. I am starting to feel "ALIVE" again!



      birdy02;847387 wrote: I've noticed I need less sleep but I am much foggier on baclofen rather than clear headed. I forget a lot and make a lot of poor decisions.
      This is exactly my experience.

      I also find, like fallon, that on baclofen it takes me longer to get a buzz from alcohol, and when I finally do, it is weaker, less intense than it used to be. The same thing happened to me with Naltrexone, although I only tried it for a short time, as my prescription was for 30 pills.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        Have you experienced mania on Bac? If so at what level.

        I've just started Bac under the supervision of a Dr, one of the reasons i took this route is because i have previously reacted badly to meds (mania on Prozac that i stopped taking pretty quickly).

        I've also experienced mania after coming off a four month cocaine and ecstasy binge.

        I'm defining mania as i understand it; not as medical diagnosis (several weeks of sleeping just a few hours a night, racing thoughts, wittier than i have ever been - in my opinion at least- working like a demon, the perception of great clarity of thought and insight into everything apart from my behaviour and actions, interspersed with periods of extreme anxiety).

        Both of these experiences were several years ago, i work in a highly pressured environment and I'm clearly prone to high levels of anxiety that i have been using to my advantage for several years.

        Have others experienced mania on Bac? If this is covered on the SE thread let me know, i didn't see it but i don't want to waste time by asking others to post again.

        Please get back to me on this, Pm if you feel that's best.

        thanks as ever for the wonderful support you've all been giving me.

        If the prophet knocked my door with all that heaven held in store i'd probably ask to see a sample.



          I have sleeplessness on high doses of Bac do not experience any kind of "psychic tension" like I did on higher doses of Lexapro. My layman's analysis would be it's different than other kinds of revving up because it works on GABA-B and not the Serotonin channel, but I am not a doctor (nor play one on TV). On lower doses I actually get sleepy.
          "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
          AF since June 24, 2011



            I experience the mania on bac. I have to keep at 30mg per dose, or else it gets out of hand.

            I liken it to an amphetamine high. Does anyone else?

            I am diagnosed as bipolar (don't know if there is a diagnosis for that, actually), so maybe this has something to do with it?

            SSRIs make me even more manic.

            Sleeplessness ... definitely.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              I have less mania tendency on Baclofen. I also cannot meditate as deeply as I used to. It is interesting.



                Reading all the articles here about baclofen and strange side effects, I often wonder if some of the SEs are more related to alcohol withdrawal, reduction in alcohol consumption (concomitant with improved diet, improved nutrient absorption in the gut, etc.) or some specific neurochemical effect from the bac itself. I know when I have managed to stop drinking for more than a few days at a time without any kind of drugs, I experience a period of elevated mood, presumably due to brain chemistry normalizing, or rebounding.

                After taking my first bac dose last night, and then working with it onboard today, I can definitely feel something similar to an amphetamine high. My brain feels like it's moving faster than the rest of me. This may, however, be due the fact that my body is moving slower with the muscle relaxant qualities of bac. :-)




                  I noticed a period of "pressure of thought" and talking loudly at around weeks 4 to 12. It resolved itself.
                  Andy R:



                    effects on high doses

                    Positive: I am more witty, energetic, I made a huge progress at my work. Generally, I became more happy and self assured for the first time in my life. I am thankful to bac for letting me see how I could be, had I not been depressed and suffered low self esteem all my life.
                    Negative: At times I became too self assured, too talkative and sometimes (especially on high doses like 200 mg) capable of making silly decisions.
                    But all in all positive effects grossly overweight the negative ones.



                      bump--for those who may be interested

                      Edit: Should anyone miss it, this thread was started in June of 2010.



                        Yea,me too.I had had mild mania.crystal clear thougts and imagiation on bacs overdose over a year ago. At that time I after swallong 120 mg of bacs at once had vivid visual special effects both closed and open eyed halluciations lasting 6-8 hours(peak at 3 hours).Effects both scary and fun.Bacs in sudden high dose(esp. if staring bacs) seems to shoot serotonin and serotonin level up-resembling some some psychedelic phenethylamine(esp similar to the 2C family--2CB,2CI etc etc)Tolerence ti phenethylamime effect develoves quickly,allowing GABA B to do its job as anticraving and antianxiety agent.Best to titarate up and down slowly to mimmise side effects.



                          Totally can relate. Started in July. Who needs booze when you're charming, witty, and totally lack shyness without it? My bench press went up to 315lbs and I ran a half marathon. I started writing my own damn autobiography while reading Dean Karnezes (UltraMarathon Man), Political books, and Ralph Waldo Emerson Poetry in my spare time. Now I get sick and suicidal, crippling anxiety. It can leave as quickly as it goes and strikes mostly when I try to ween down, or forget my meds. I'm no troll, this is my reality. Now taking more or less both can make me anxious and even nauseous. Some incredible people have reached out to help me, and I'm feeling great this moment, but I am very cautious moving forward.

