Let's say that I drink 2-4 drinks every evening before dinner (1 or 2 doubles). Usually my last Bac dose for the day is taken around 3pm. My concern is with the possible negative effects Bac may have on the kidneys and other internal organs when mixed with alcohol.
Bac comes with warnings about possible kidney side effects and, of course, alcohol also effects kidneys.
Does anyone have any information on this or can at least point me in the right direction?
Both doctors I've asked don't seem to really know the answer to this. The typical response is that both Bac and alcohol are CNS depressants, ergo dangerous in combination (like alcohol and tranquillizers). Is Bac actually a CNS depressant? Moreover, at what levels does this combination become dangerous? Is 60mg Bac over the course of 8 hours mixed with 4 units of alcohol consumed in 1-2 hours damaging over either the short or long term?
Thanks to anyone who can help with this.