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Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

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    Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

    I have titrated very slowly to about 105mg. My dr agreed to up my dosage and she prescribed the 20mg instead of my usual 10mg. Well, you can see where this is going....I took 80mg last night (in one dose), trying to up my dosage to 120. I woke up disorientated, dizzy, nauseated, ears ringing...and I still feel like crap. I don't know what I should do about dosages now...I took 40 mg this morning and unsure of what to take now and bedtime. I know you can't suddenly stop on bac but that's what I feel like doing.

    Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

    I overdosed twice while titrating up to my switch at 270mg. I recommend that you do not take anything for 12 hours after your last dose or until all the "yuck" feeling from the overdose is gone. Then, I would go back to your old dose level (35mg??) for a day or so until you are leveled out and then go up again. That overdose feeling is rough but it will pass. You may be lucky that you were able to sleep through the worst of it!

    I made the mistake after my first overdose of thinking I had to keep taking the bac because of withdraw. I made the overdose that much worse when I took the second dose. It was a misinformed decision that was not helped by the bac "fog" in my brain from the overdose. There is no reason to take more bac until the overdose symptoms are gone - even if you end up with a day with 33% less than before - you just pick it back up the next day.

    Anyway, I am clearly not a doctor so this is NOT medical advice but just based on my own experiences.

    Hope you feel better soon!!



      Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

      Thanks, Kelly, I'll remember that for next time. I did take 20mg in the pm and 20mg before bed b/c I was concerned about withdrawal. I feel much better today and I'm going to heed your advice. Wow, that's a horrible ride! I don't even know how I managed to take and pick up my son from preschool, get my hair cut, pick my stepdaughter up from school and take my girls to dance class. I probably shouldn't have been driving it all b/c my head was spinning and my stomach was churning. Live and learn!


        Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

        I've gone off baclofen again. I am so happy it has helped many. Some of us AF can't do it! I tried for months, I did drink again, nothing to do with baclofen!
        Bless you all on your journey.


          Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

          Saving, I'm sorry it didn't work for you. Have you tried the Sinclair Method? It didn't work for me but it has for many others. Blessings on your journey.


            Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

            Hey H4B -
            I think I OD'd too on Mon/Tues...took 80 mgs in a day instead of 60 (in the middle of the night added 20 I wasn't sure if I'd taken earlier)...after having been at 50 the week before. I was keeping very good track and MAN!! Did I have a bad 2 days.!! Wed. I took much less, but I too was afraid to go a day w/o it...

            I am determined to be more diligent taking this med. I mean, WHOA - that was scary & sucked! I have been surprised at how well I feel the next day overall on this stuff, but am not going to bed earlier, so am still sleep deprived. Yet I wake up feeling pretty darn good.
            Still, those 2 days were HORRIBLE and I am hoping I never feel that way again. It still scares me to think I would be taking 200+ mgs/day on this med to be cured. GAWD - hope not!!

            I am wondering if, when I no longer suddenly feel like drinking anymore, will I suddenly, easily feel like substituting green tea or something for my usual dose of wine everry night?? I mean, how does that work? Hmmmm -


              Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

              Our situation is eerily similar: My doctor agreed to 120 mgs per day and prescribed 20mgs per pill as opposed to the 10mgs I was using to titrate up previously. I've mostly been OK; hovering at 80 mgs per day while moderating (if you want to call it that). I recently decided to go AF and titrate up to 120. A very long story short; I am withdrawing and upping med at the same time and had a similar experience. An intense vibration type head ear ringing sensation, slight vertigo and neausea to the point of vomiting. I'm still in the midst of this but have titrated down to 80mgs today but am leveling myself with small dosage Librium. The later could be part of the problem or the only saving grace I have right now. I tried to talk to my GP about all this today but he didn't seem to get it. Anyways, to add to my complex elixir to health, I started fasting today on just fruit. As a result of Bac, I've gained some weight and do not want it to get out of hand.
              Too add to the strange similarity, I had a variety of parental duties and also managed to get my haircut today--vanity in the end will prevail! When I came home, I managed to cook dinner (in a rough spot of "yuck") and subsequently passed out only to wake very uncomfortably 2 hours later. It's close to 11:00 pm here and I'm feeling a tad better after 10mgs of Librium and hope that I can fall asleep. I also suffer from terrible insomnia oh, and now hunger to boot. The good news is that I could care less about drinking.

              I hope that you continue to feel better and all of this is worth it in the end.


                Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

                houtx: I can relate to your 2 days in hell. It really sucks. But as with TSM, we are pioneers of sorts, and it takes some experimenting to get the right dosage. That is why I'm going slow. I'm on 120mg now and have some minor SE, but nothing I can't live with.

                hopeful: Ugh, yes, the nausea, vertigo and vibrating ears. Awful. I am a little concerned about your juice fast. It may increase your side effects, especially the nausea and vertigo. Why don't you wait until you've hit the switch and titrated down? I haven't experienced weight gain as a side effect. Are you eating more or do you think it affects the metabolism? And yes, vanity does rule! I was feeling like I was gonna throw up and I asked the assistant to get me some mints. Then I couldn't open the dang things b/c my hands were shaking. She probably thought I was on illicit drugs!


                  Accidentally took WAY too much bac, feel sick

                  Hi hoping, I have been on bac since lasy Aug and I did the same as you at christmas mistook 20mg tablets for 10mg ones and od'ed myself for nearly a week I felt seriously spaced out and was really alarmed as I thought I was having a bad reaction to the bac and that I would have to come off it, untill I realised my error ! then felt a bit of a fool, I had to tirate down to my normal dose over a period of a week. Like you say this is all new goundbreaking stuff and fortunatley apart form feeling rahter unwell an od of bac does not seem to be to significante, just makes you mindfull to read the bloody lable lol and think we need to be able to look back and laugh at these blips or we would never get through all this !

                  Hopefull I have gained weight since I have been on the bac and I have had a few eventfull experiences since I have been on bac but I can only speak for myself, but I would say " ITS 100% DEFINATLEY WORHT IT TO STICK WITH BAC WORK THROUGH THE S/E " as a sober life not thinking about al all the itme is just ummm very good indeed, although all the other life stuff is still there as bac is not a life cure, but to me its certainly a cure that has given me my life bac ! So stick with it guys and I will be on the shore waving you on as you swim into sober waters !!!!

                  Your friend in the struggle BH xx

