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Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

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    Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

    Hello everyone. I am returning to MWO after a long time away. I have tried Topa, Naltrexone, and Campral, along with Kudzu and L-glut. Nothing worked. I am very hopeful that Baclofen will do the trick.

    Prior to starting Baclofen, I was taking 100mg Gabapentin 3x a day for nerve pain in my wrist (which I broke while drunk) and Trazodone @ bedtime to help with insomnia. I stopped taking the other two when I started Bac two days ago. Checked on drug interactions and found the only interaction is respiratory suppression. My wrist is really singing this morning, so I plan to take a Gabapentin for the pain. Already had my 10mg Bac.

    My question is: Can someone who has been on 300mg Gabapentin titrate up faster on Bac?

    My GP PA recommended that I not take the Gaba, but the Baclofen does not help the pain in my wrist. Since she is not familiar with Baclofen for alcoholism treatment, she really did not have the answer. However, I will say she is very excited about Dr. A's discovery, and if I really do hit the "switch" people talk about, she plans to recommend the treatment to her other alcoholic patients (and there are plenty).

    I did not take the Trazodone last night or night before last. Woke up at 3:55 a.m.

    BTW, I will be seeing her on a monthly basis to monitor my progress.


    Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen


    I am NOT a doctor, so what I say cannot be taken as fact. I just know my own experience. You should call the pharmacy to get real information. They are always happy to help. It is their area of expertise, even better than the doctor's and very anonymous.

    I take 1800 mgs of Gabapentin today for nerve pain in my head. I have no choice. I suffer from cluster headaches and another syndrome due to MS.

    My doctors have no issue with me taking the Baclofen with it at all. (Although, only one of them knows how high the dosage is I am going to get to.)

    Now, the Trazodone is different. They have asked that I try not to take it.

    In any event, I have found that I do best taking my last Baclofen dose a minimum of 3 hours prior to going to bed, that seems to help with the supression of breathing symptoms, which are horrible!! I hated waking up gasping for air. Also, I am a middle-aged female and the other side-effect of Baclofen (since it is a muscle relaxant) is the inability to get to the bathroom in time. I can deal with it during the day but asleep is different.....

    You will very likely find you don't need the Trazodone once you start getting a good dose of Baclofen in the early evening.

    Good luck with it!! I am just now able to start titrating up on the Baclofen, myself. I am very excited. I was stuck at 80 mgs due to my other doctor's concerns about it being the "max" dosage.

    Let's both hope "it does the trick."

    AF April 9, 2016


      Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

      Thanks for your advice. Glad to know the Gabapentin is ok. I'll try taking the Bac at 4:00. Not sleeping really sucks!



        Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

        Welcome back Kay

        My history is very similar to yours. I tried all that you listed including two stints of rehab. Some of us just take the hard road, don't we? Bac finally worked for me. I am 3 months AF and absolutely loving life. I can honestly say that it saved my life.

        That said, Baclofen a safe drug but a strong one. Many here, including myself, have had to manage some serious SEs to be able to stay on it. Others have had to stop taking it altogether. I wouldn't even presume to give you advice on drug interactions, but if I was in your shoes I would consider listening to your doctor. I'm a little puzzled by your choice of the word "only" in front of respiratory suppression. Doesn't that sound like a pretty serious possibility to you? Sorry, I don't want to sound like a scold. It's just that it seems like you have a wonderful, open-minded doctor there --a rarity. I would work with her for as long as possible. Have you considered taking ibuprophen (Advil) for your wrist? I swear by the stuff. It really helped me with my neck issues as I was titrating up and it was fine with the Bac.

        Just out of curiosity, is your doctor on board with prescribing the amount of Bac that may be necessary for you to his your switch? Please be aware that it may take upwards to a few hundred mg per day, and many doctor's are hesitant to prescribe more than 100 mg. As an aside, I reached my switch at 130 mg, and have titrated down to a maintenance dose of 50 mg per day.

        Anyway, glad to see you here. Henrietta


          Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

          Thanks for the advice, Henrietta. I do take ibuprofen for muscle aches or headaches, but it doesn't seem to help the wrist. Must be the stainless steel! I have a titanium shoulder and it doesn't hurt at all. My plan is to take the Gabapentin only during the day and only when really needed. Currently taking 10 mg of Bac three times a day. No SE's so far. Will increase dosage tomorrow.

          It's good to be back. Maybe this time, it will work. Wish me luck.



            Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

            BTW, my doc is on board with the Baclofen and wants to borrow Dr. A's book.



              Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

              Hi KTB, I don't know anything about Gabapentin, but I do take Trazadone to help me sleep (with my dr's approval). I am at 120mg of bac and I have not any problems with the combination....but today I woke up really woozy so I may cut down to 50mg of trazadone from my usual 100. Your dr. is probably concerned that the bac will make you sleepy and adding the trazadone will make matters worse. I haven't experienced that, but I suppose it's a possibility.


                Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                Hello, Hoping. Two nights in a row, I have awakened at 3:55 a.m. Last night in desperation, I took a Trazodone. Went back to sleep and got up at 6:30. Feel fine. Today, I ramp up 10 mg of Bac. Think I will take the extra 10 mg in two doses @ midday and late afternoon. Had no ill effects from the Gabapentin, but it did help my wrist pain. Also took 600 mg Ibuprofen. Did drink wine last night, but not as much. Had no cravings during the day yesterday. Yeah!


                  Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                  I can only vouch for myself, but I haven't experienced any ill effects combing the traz with bac. Just take note of how you're feeling...if bac makes you really sleepy, than back off the traz. I was sleepy in the first few weeks of bac but I'm fine now (except for my accidental overdose, which was hell!)


                    Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                    Glad to hear that, Hoping. I have had no ill effects from anything except alcohol! Bumped up my Bac 10 mg today. No SE's whatsoever. Just wondering whether because of my gastric bypass surgery in 2001 I have an absorption issue. I was told that I would not absorb 30% of my calories, drugs, etc. Just gonna keep on keeping on! So far so good.



                      Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen


                      I chew up my Baclofen tabs.

                      I am a GBP also.

                      I was never a drunk before then. You??

                      I hate what this surgery did to me. I lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of pain.

                      They did not tell me about this.

                      I am so sad. I have seen so many posts by people here who have have WLS, and they are drunks today.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                        weight gain

                        Has it cause weight gain for any of you!?


                          Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                          baclofen has caused weight gain for me, but I think it is just because when I reduced my drinking, my appetite reemerged with a vengeance.

                          However, I think most people have experienced weight loss on Baclofen. (not sure about this, though.)
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                            I was not an alcoholic prior to the WLS, but did enjoy martinis virtually every night with hubby. When my Dad became ill, I started drinking more. Then after the surgery, I did not drink for a long while, gradually ramped up after 9/11 and the situation with my mother. I have not gained weight...yet...on the baclofen. I have virtually no appetite and have to force myself to eat enough to live. Having been a foodaholic all my life, this is a strange place to be. Kay


                              Gabapentin, Trazodone and Baclofen

                              Baclofen and Gabapentin

                              I recently found this thread -a google search regarding baclofen and gabapentin. If I am not mistaken, Cinders still posts regularly on this forum and I will try to contact. I suspect that Gabapentin will soon become the "NEW" drug for combatting alcoholism -at least from a governmental perspective, so I really want to learn as much as possible. I almost believe that a combination of baclofen and gabapentin may be lurking in the background.

