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Bac Dosing Question

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    Bac Dosing Question

    I am, or rather should be at 50mgs per day now.

    I have gone up very slowly to avoid SEs - however this is what I am typically doing:

    Take 10mgs around 10-11am.

    Another 10mgs around early afternoon.

    10mgs more around 5pm, then because the cravings are there I begin drinking, and because I have began drinking I am afraid to take any more bac - I live alone and if I were to collapse or anything no-one would know.

    This sounds really stupid, I can't even manage to take my dose! What do others do if they have had a drink- take the remainder of the bac regardless?

    I'll never reach the switch this way. :blush:

    Bac Dosing Question

    I take it anyway even if I drink and usually i don't drink as much. My Story

    AF - 08/06/2010


      Bac Dosing Question

      Thanks FM, That's what I was guessing - I think I'll just have to do that too.

      The cravings are less - but still there nonetheless.

      I probably should have the first dose earlier too, then might manage to fit the last one in around 5pm.

      I kind of thought I was being clever taking the first dose a bit later, so I am not tired in the morning - what time do others take the first dose of the day?


        Bac Dosing Question

        Hi Tryagain

        My heart goes out to you... it can be a confusing process. I think I'm reading two things here: First, you're spreading out part of your dose in the day, then taking the remainder when the cravings hit later in the evening. Second, it sounds like you are worried about the Bac directly interacting with the AL and knocking you for a loop. Please keep in mind, upping your dose when you feel a craving coming on will not supress the craving. Bac doesn't work that way. It does cause SEs --sleepiness being a major one, and that's why there is so much discussion about how to pace the dosage throughout the day.

        Taking Bac (if that's all you're taking) and then drinking should not cause you to collapse. It's a safe drug. But you need to take it so it builds up slowly in your system in order for it to trigger a response of indifference to AL in your brain. IMHO I believe you should take the Bac earlier in the day, and spread it out as much as possible so the sleepiness doesn't affect your routine. I also wouldn't worry too much about the drinking. Almost all of us here were drinking until we hit the switch.

        Tryagain, at 50 mg you may have a ways to go before you hit your switch. Pace your doses, go slowly, and let your body handle the increases on it's own good time. If ever there was a case of taking the lesson of the turtle and the hare to heart, it's this journey with Bac!

        Best, Henrietta


          Bac Dosing Question

          Thank you Henrietta, I am going to try that.

          I will start earlier in the day, then hopefully should have taken the whole dose before I think about drinking and perhaps won't even start.

          Even at this low dose I know it is helping me, I just need to get organised to make sure I take the full dose everyday and continue to go up...even if it is slowly.


            Bac Dosing Question

            Hi Tryagain,
            For what it's worth, the one time I spoke with Dr LeVin (he claims 40 successful bac clients) he said his protocol is to take 1 dose in the morning, 1 at mid-day, and 1 at bedtime. So you split your daily dosage into 3, making them as close to equal as you can. If one dose has to be higher, take that dose at bedtime. It is basically so you maintain a pretty constant medication level in your body. You then increase the dose by 20mg/day each week. If you have really strong SEs, stay at that dose a little longer.
            This is my 2nd try with bac, as I miscalculated and almost ran out the first time.
            I am at 140mg/day (45mg at 9a.m. & 3p.m., 50mg at 9:30-10p.m.) after having to stay at 120mg/day for 1.5 weeks due to SEs, mostly serious vertigo. I, too, live alone and always try to take precautions against possible hazards, like always keeping my cell phone on me, not climbing ladders when there's no one else about, sitting down to put on my jeans... You could also set up a system whereby someone checks on you periodically, and comes by if you don't answer the phone. I expect you can google safety protocols for homecare for more info.
            BTW I am female, 62, 155# and hoping for the switch asap...

            Thanks for your valuable input and the hope you provide!:thanks:

            Be Well All,:h

            "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
            Leonard Cohen


              Bac Dosing Question

              PS Forgot to add that I am still drinking, but less by half than when I started bac this time.
              "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
              Leonard Cohen


                Bac Dosing Question

                I take my Bac regardless. Need to up my dose to 50mg ASAP. Drinking WAY too much the last 2 months.
                The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...

