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the switch Nr. 2

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    the switch Nr. 2

    Hello there
    i have not given up yet and have increassed to 175mg/day and do feel that i might eventually get closer to the switch. i have changed my supplier of Bac and the new ones i use are much stronger (the old ones were not much to write home about)..
    i do feel some of the SE now though, dry mouth, dry nose, sweating like a horse, a bit slow in my head, physically tired and not up to much..the usual story i guess...funnily a beer or 2 helps to get better

    on the positive side of things though I had bad cravings yesterday and gave in to it with 2 beers, after which i had enough, the 3rd i opened i flushed down the loo...never happened in my live...

    guess one i reach 250-300/day the long awaited switch will kick in...
    thanks for all you encouragement


    the switch Nr. 2


    I am just now back up to 80 mgs/day finally. I ended up using Dr. Levin, mentioned here on the website and was able to get prescriptions.

    Like you, I am not going to give up.

    We are all rooting for you to hit that switch!!

    Hang in there. Seeing the reduction should give you a very positive attitude.

    I don't know about you, but flushing any alcoholic beverage down the toilet is not something I could do normally.

    AF April 9, 2016


      the switch Nr. 2

      hi cindi

      flushing a beer down the loo is something i have never done b4, a step in the right direction i reckon...

      the good thing is that if i have normally stopped after 2 beers in the old days the cravings on the next day were unmanagable, today so far nothing....

      lets see, the day is not over yet, but i am (carefully) confident.....
      i shall keep you posted and thans for giving me courage...


        the switch Nr. 2

        Good Luck Rudolph! Looking forward to hearing how it goes.


          the switch Nr. 2

          hi all

          i had another 2 beer day yesterday, hasnt happened like this in 20 years, i could have NEVER stopped after 2, NEVER....i didnt even open the 3rd one would have flushed it down the loo feeling great, cannot thank you enough for all your advice, i was very close to flush Bac down the loo...



            the switch Nr. 2


            Really great to hear.

            I believe the study done in January on 60 subjects shows the "switch" to be on average 145 mg/day, with some going as high as 300 mg/day.

            There are a few people on MWO who had to go up very high, 200 + mg/day and one or two over 300 mg/day.

            It sounds scary and I hope they are under doctor superversion BUT continuing to drink should scare the you-know-what out of us, for sure.

            I will deal with the SEs. I will not drive, if necessary. I will drink coffee when I get super sleepy during the day, I will titrate up slower if the SEs get very bad.

            I will do whatever it takes.

            I hope you will, too.

            AF April 9, 2016


              the switch Nr. 2

              yes me too, whatever it takes


                the switch Nr. 2

                Now where have I heard that line before?

                :H :H :H
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  the switch Nr. 2

                  rudolf;853609 wrote: Hello there
                  i have not given up yet and have increassed to 175mg/day and do feel that i might eventually get closer to the switch. i have changed my supplier of Bac and the new ones i use are much stronger
                  (the old ones were not much to write home about)..

                  Rudolf, what are the new ones and what are the old ones? I noticed a big diff when I went from Pacifen to Lioresal.
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                    the switch Nr. 2

                    the old and the new ones


                    the old ones were called simply baclofen and are produced in Poland (useless at least for my purposes, dont wanna get into a lawsuit with them):H)..the new ones are Lioresal prodcued by Novartis and they seems to do the trick..



                      the switch Nr. 2

                      still on it

                      i might have hit the switch as i havent had any drinks for 4 days now, have also dropped my daily 2 beers..lets see what the weekend will bring..i had to go down from 200 btw.. the SEs were tough guess i pushed it too hard, i am now on 75mg/day


                        the switch Nr. 2

                        Sounds Really good Rudolf! Baclofen is great isnt it?


                          the switch Nr. 2

                          i thought i had found the switch and stupidly titrated down to 75/day instead of the 200 i took before...the punishment came quickly, a super binge on saturday, 6 beers, a bottle of wine and half a bottel of vodka..i went back to 200 now....i am confused, and very worried again, the SEs are tough


                            the switch Nr. 2

                            Rudolph... a couple of things about Bac for you to keep in mind. The most amazing thing to me about Bac (other than bringing on the actual switch) is how your body adjusts to it. As long as you titrate up slowly --and are willing to back down slightly if the SEs get to be too much, you will get used to it. IMHO, I think most SEs occur on the very leading edge of titrating up, that is, your body continuously adjusting to a new, higher level of Bac. That just a theory though. Once I hit my switch and started titrating down, I did not even notice it was taking Bac. I had zero SEs.

                            Second, my SEs got more pronounced the closer I got to my switch. I'm not saying the same is happening to you, but at 175 mg per day, it's a distinct possibility.

                            Third, and I know a few people tend to disagree with this, but Bac usually does not help with cravings until you hit your switch. Many of us were drinking right up until the switch occured. And just like you, many were drinking just manage their SEs! My advice is not to worry too much about the drinking and cravings at this point. Trust me, the switch will take care of that. I would put you energy into winning a race where a slow and steady titration is everything.



                              the switch Nr. 2

                              Thank you Henrietta... that was exactly what I needed to hear.

                              I have been taking it VERY slowly, and the SEs have been manageable as a result (I back off whenever they get to be too much, like you advised.)

                              How long were you on bac before the switch?

                              I have been doing this for almost 10 months...
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

