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TSM Day 1 11th May 2010

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    TSM Day 1 11th May 2010

    OK. Long story short is that November 1st 09 I started an abstinence based program by taking Naltrexone and NOT drinking. Had a lapse on New Year's Eve where I bought two bottles of wine, drank one, didn't enjoy it, didn't want more and that was it for the night. (Previously drinking 2-3 bottles of wine a night.) Continued on the Naltrexone until 10 days ago. During that 6 months I had some really bad cravings that I describe like a roller coaster. A slow chug up the incline of about 3-4 days duration, 1-2 days crescendo then 1 day rapid plunge down the other side and craving over and done with. But (apart from NYE) no relapsing.

    Saw GP 10 days ago and started on Baclofen 50mg Friday 10 days ago. Nauseous to the point of vomiting by Sunday. Decreased to 25mg at night Monday 8 days ago. Bizarre, weird, unbelievable, wacky, crazy, vivid dreams. Last night teaching a kitten to stand on it's hind legs totally upright with left hand raised to take an oath so that it (the kitten) could be a witness in a judicial trail. I kid you not. And that was not by far the wackiest! :H

    Saw GP today. Had printed off the following:
    Can a Pill Cure Alcoholism?

    Sinclair Method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Cure for Alcoholism

    He had not heard of the Sinclair method but he is a good doc that will listen. So I got scripts for 60 Naltrexone tablets and his blessing to give it a go. I told him I will need the tablets "for life" and he was OK with that.

    I left him with the info. I do believe he will help other patients also who want to try this path.

    Half an hour before my doctors appointment we got a phone call from our vet to say our dog's biopsy showed a malignant tumour (cancer). I did contemplate drinking tonight without taking a naltrexone as the thought of intoxication was tempting. We love our boy. BUT I have had 2 glasses of wine. I feel good. I feel in control.

    Here's our baby .....
    Abstinence from November 01 2009
    Relapse New Years Eve 2009
    Totally alcohol free since January 01 2010
    TSM from May 11 2010

    TSM Day 1 11th May 2010


    I hope the TSM method works for you!! It has worked for many others. It is a longer road than Baclofen but if you can't take Baclofen due to SEs, Nal is a great choice.

    I am sure other TSMers will chime in and give you good advice and support.

    Take heart, stick it out and you will find your way out.


    ps So sorry to hear about your boy. Many dog lovers here, me being one and I hope there is something they can do to save him and keep him from pain. Keep us posted. He is beautiful.
    AF April 9, 2016


      TSM Day 1 11th May 2010

      Here I was telling my Doc about the kitten dream and all he could say was "well at least they are entertaining!" Oh man. You better believe it. No nightmares. No night terrors. But weirdo dreams. Really weirdo.

      One night I found myself betrothed to a friend. I was allegedly marrying HER (yes, a female friend) so that she could get Ozzie citizenship. (She is Dutch.) But in my dream I was desperate to get out of the marriage without anyone getting hurt. Plus, my friend is married already. And bigamy seemed a real possibility. Not to mention the fraud charges with her pretending to be a bloke so this marriage could take place.

      And the number of times in my dreams over the last week that I took a wrong road and had to back up - now maybe that was prophetic. I never ever did a U turn tho. Always backed up - and always used reversing mirrors and never looked backwards physically. Hmmmm a dream analyst would have a field day!

      Some dreams were tops tho. Must have put a zillion miles on my Harley the past 10 days.

      No wonder I woke up exhausted! LMFAO. :H
      Abstinence from November 01 2009
      Relapse New Years Eve 2009
      Totally alcohol free since January 01 2010
      TSM from May 11 2010


        TSM Day 1 11th May 2010

        Good Luck and welcome aboard!!! have you checked out yet? good people over there. very informative and supportive. come see us. and I'm sorry about your dog. Mi oldest is 16 and has tumors all over him. so far none have been malignant but he also can barely stand up sometimes. I've had him since I was 19. It's gonna hurt to lose him and it won't be long


          TSM Day 1 11th May 2010

          Welcome Fibe

          Firstly I am so sorry to hear about your dear doggy...

          In my opinion 50mg is a crazy amount to start on with Bac, I really can't emphasise that enough. I've been at the extreme end of people with side effects from it, but I got them from the start, even at 3x5mg a day, and it took me over two months to get up to even 100mg.

          The very best of luck with TSM. It's a potentially very long road requiring much patience for most compared to Baclofen (though there are the odd 'overnight' - meaning a few short months - successes), but those it works for it does indeed seem to work incredibly well

          Best of luck and please keep us posted!
          I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

