Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) an amino acid that exists in very low quantities in the human brain normally. DMAE is responsible for increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain by inhibiting Choline metabolism in the body. Since DMAE increases Choline levels in the body, more Choline is present to cross the blood brain barrier to raise acetylcholine levels in the brain.
Alcohol depletes acetylcholine levels in the brain thus accounting for some of the cognitive impairments and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol ingestion. Low acetylcholine levels produced by alcohol intake results in long and short term memory deficits, trouble focusing, concentrating as well as stage 4 (REM) sleep deprivation. Use of DMAE raises the level of Choline and thereby acetylcholine levels to reverse these adverse effects caused by alcohol abuse.
DMAE has been reported to diminish withdrawal headaches, improve mood, decrease irritability, and raise cognitive function and energy levels although this latter effect may be secondary to its restorative benefit on REM sleep (stage 4). Some individuals even report improved creativity and will power which can help deal with alcohol cravings during acute alcohol withdrawal.
Medical researchers have speculated that the means by which DMAE increases brain acetylcholine levels is by inhibiting Choline metabolism in peripheral tissues, thereby allowing free Choline to accumulate and subsequently enter the brain where it is converted to acetylcholine.
DMAE increases the concentration of Choline in the bloodstream because it enhances the rate at which free Choline enters the blood from other tissues. DMAE increases the levels of Choline in the brain due to DMAE's superior ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.
DMAE has been reported to offer the following benefits:
Decreases the incidence and severity of hangovers in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol (subjects reported freedom from the depression or headaches associated with hangovers).
Alleviates anxiety and restless feelings associated with alcohol withdrawal
Alleviates the behavioral problems and hyperactivity associated with Attention Deficit Disorder (increases attention span, decreases aggression, irritability, and cognitive thinking that decreases during and after alcohol abuse. Improves learning ability and sometimes increases intelligence in 70% of ADD patients)
Inhibits and reverses the cross-linking of proteins critical in alcohol recovery.
Increases the body's production of energy aiding in feeling of being ran down typically associated with alcohol abuse.
Increases assertiveness (subjects reported having a more outspoken personality).
Reduces apathy and increases motivation in persons afflicted with depression often associated with alcohol withdrawal.
Improves creativity and verbal thinking (fluency).
Increases intelligence, improves learning and memory often decreased with alcohol abuse or consumption.
Elevates mood alleviating alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Reduces the amount of sleep required by about 1 hour per night, causes dreams to become more lucid (vivid), and users experience sounder sleep.
Increases daytime motivation and physical energy in persons afflicted with insomnia.
Increases willpower (subjects who previously were unable to stop drinking reported success).
Increases acetylcholine levels within the brain decreasing alcohol withdrawals and alcohol cravings.
It is a cell wall stabilizer in association with cell damage caused by alcohol.
Apparently removes lipofuscin (accumulation of toxic pigments) from cells, including nerve and brain cells (neurons), and age spots from the skin.
Improves free-radical scavenging of other antioxidants.
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Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)
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