Sunday morning I took 10mg of bac and went to the market put my bags in the car and took a cig out and I took a puff. I pull out of the parking lot and by the time I get to the corner my head is spinning and I mean spinning fast I pulled over into a grave yard to get my thoughts togather because at that moment I could not drive. So I'm praying real hard for God to let me make it home which is right around the corner. Now mind you I was dead sober nothing in my system but bac and birth control. So I'm driving home with one eye closed to try and stop the spinning I pull up in my drive way damn near fall up the steps. Went in the house and sat on the sofa I left the keys, the food everything in the car. This was way worst then any hangover.
My husband gets the bags and of course we all know the look, the you have been drinking "look" i almost started crying and I told him "smell my breath, my hair , my clothes I haven't touched a thing I don't know what is wrong with me" he told me to go lay down and before I did I took another 10mg of bac. I went to sleep and when I woke up the spinning stop but my head was feeling huge. I took another 10mg and went to sleep a few hours later. Monday I woke up and I felt indifferent after work I didn't really have a craving to stop to the "candy" store. I just kept driving. I'm at 40mg I just started that amount yesterday. I don't know what Sunday was about but something inside changed. i refuse to believe that such a lil amount 30mg could have that effect. Maybe because my drinking heavy was only about 11 months , maybe because of my weight IDK something is different.
