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9th Week Topamax

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    9th Week Topamax

    I've Been AF for about a week at 225mg Topamax. My drinking days were declining before that. I plan to go to 250mg this weekend and stay there for a couple of weeks and see how things go. I've been very satisfied with the results from Topamax. Everyone reacts differently I guess. It has made me be more creative and like things I used to be interested in like photography once again instead of vodka all the time. And saving a lot of money. 25mg Titrate up per week, I did really well with side effects, enjoy the tingling Just ordered All One from ebay.

    9th Week Topamax

    I was getting a lot of daytime drowsiness but It has started to go away. I am used to drugs that cause somnolence. I think tons of ethanol had to do with that. Benzodiazepines don't really make me that tired anymore. I work a fast paced job on a combo of meds and it doesn't seem to effect me. The topamax seems to calm me and the pdoc told me it was because it is stabalizing my glutamate. I hate that excited glutamate feeling when my hands are shaky, my voice even shakes, and everyone is watching me, ahhhhh, the reasons not to drink. I wonder how long it will take for my GABA/GLUTAMATE levels to return to normal, if they ever will, or will i take ssri, anti craving, anti anxiety meds for a while?

    10 wks Naltrexone
    9 wks Topamax titrated 225mg

