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Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds :)

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    Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

    Hehe. Just found this on one of my old drives. It's from 4 years ago. This is after I lost my first 40 or so pounds and I was cycling antabuse (taking it Mon, Tue and maybe Wed, then drinking like a fish once a week on Sunday).
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

      :upset: for you then!

      :yay: for you now! woop!


        Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

        LoOp have you ever heard of a supplement called Tongkat Ali? It is a root from indonesia that boosts your testosterone when you take it. I have tried many different suppliers and find the best I have found is World A.B.S TKA 1:200. Your brain shuts off testosterone production at a certain preset level. This root causes your body to produce more testosterone on its own and doesn't rely on adding more artificially -- which can cause atrophy in not so fun areas.

        Take a look and let me know what you think,



          Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

          Hey Rob,

          This is a bit of a hijack, but since you seem knowledgeable, thought I'd ask if you know of a root that lowers testosterone? Its making my hair fall out, dammit.


            Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

            No man I only looked for boosters!


              Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

              Speaking of testosterone, lo0p, what do you think of this:

              reverse negative feedback loop testosterone (gaba, baclofen, etc...) - Forums
              Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
              George Santayana


                Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

                SlipperyPete;1197243 wrote: Speaking of testosterone, lo0p, what do you think of this:

                reverse negative feedback loop testosterone (gaba, baclofen, etc...) - Forums
                In lieu of LoOp responding, I'll add my 2 cents in on this one.
                The query is academic masturbation.
                There is no anabolic effects known to baclofen, it is a wonderful drug for eliminating calories "in" as it turns off one portion of the hunger drive system.
                Norepinephrine will turn off the shadow system- as yet to be detailed in my own research.

                The anabolic component and feedback systems are nothing but marketing whizz-bang theory.

                Any such use of oxandrolone will shut off the hpta axis, baclofen will not help at all in this. It is a strong sustainable action that cannot be ameliorated with anything but an hcg or hmg moderator.
                If one were to follow such a protocol, one should not worry about the miniscule effects of baclofen. But treat the condition as properly should be done.
                First off, at LEAST 500mg of testosterone should be used.
                Coupled with oxandrolone of probably 50mg for a male. Half that depending on age and condition. For example a burn victim would need half that or HIV wasting syndrome person would need elss based on mg/kg.
                A female would take no testosterone and rely soley on oxandrolone at a max dose of 15mg/day
                With a more optimal range of 5-10mg/day in divided doses. Limited via side effects.

                These are very safe dosage recommendations. The male would need hcg/hmg post cycle rehabilitation. The female would receive none as they do noth have to worry about the shutdown.
                This is fully outside of the gaba loop.

                In terms of gaba, the main point would be calorie restriction by shutting down the reward center of the brain allowing for less calories "into' the system> There are far better ways to address any other issues that using baclofen for cycle use and pct use.

                All told, it has a huge place in terms of bodybuilding. I will explain why later but not for the reasons that post conjectured. Its only true use is limiting calories in


                  Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds


                  In memory of Lo0p
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

                    bump***thanks Tip**


                      Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds

                      thanks for this. So sad to see Evan and read how positive he was - how engaged with life - such a young enthusiastic with all his charts and graphs and meal plans.

                      Such a lesson eh? We have to be careful with what we put into our mouths - to calm anxiety, to go to sleep, to wake up, to feel better and on and on. But LoOp was really such an inspiration and I'm thankful for all his posts here and over on TSM.

                      Poor young fellow. Such a waste. Sad few days until we process this.
                      My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                        Hopes and dreams and idle (sober) minds


