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Bac Script Pharm Question

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    Bac Script Pharm Question

    Hi. I am up to 120 mgs but have been using a doctor's script until yesterday, when I ran out. I have requested a refill but have not heard back. In the meantime, I have been using a River's Pharmacy Lioresal that I ordered in increments of 10mgs (my doctor's script was 20 mgs) but at the same dose. I've noticed that a lot of people talk about differences in the their various scripts so I'm wondering if I have a problem. The doctor's Bac consistently gave me the vivid scary dreams as a SE and last night I didn't have that. I'm also feeling headachy today with a tightness in my neck muscles which hasn't been an issue for me since I've been on Bac. I'm wondering if I should increase this dosage to compensate for the weaker brand? I guess I'm due to titrate higher anyway but don't want to do it blindly. I think the supplementation we have to do to get to the dosage we need to be at makes it much more complex to monitor.

    Anyway, any and all advice on this matter is appreciated and specifically, if you've ordered from Rivers, did you notice a difference? It's a bit tricky for me because I don't have that many side effects to begin with so noticing a big difference with this brand isn't obvious.

    Otherwise, I'm doing well on Bac but have not reached my switch. I'm abstaining a lot and that in itself is a miracle but I do not trust myself in a social setting and if I do drink, it's the same vicious cycle as before. I love hearing about beers down the loo... If I could manage at 1 or 2 drinks nightly, I'd be pretty happy!


    Bac Script Pharm Question

    Hey, HP

    Lioresal is supposed to be the real McCoy - the original brand name.

    I also detected differences between BacMax, Liofen and Pacifen. I simply adjusted the dosages to compensate - upping by as much as 40mg on Pacifen and lowering 30 on Liofen (using BacMAx as the benchmark). It was easy enough, since I could go on how I felt at the time and I didn't experience serious side-effects.

    A gradual switchover from one brand to another would be ideal, but obviously in your case you didn't have any other alternative.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Bac Script Pharm Question

      I noticed a big diff between Pacifen and Lioresal. Taking 125 mg of Lioresal was almost too much when I switched from 140mg of Pacifen. I had to back off a bit and titrate back up.
      I am now at 150mg of Lioresal. Haven't hit the switch yet, sad to say, but still plugging away.
      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


        Bac Script Pharm Question

        Thanks Tip & Phoenix for answering... I did get my US script filled today and it's the same name as the overseas version. It's weird that I felt a difference at all.

        Anyway, I am very much back on track.

