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A drug to match your biotype?

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    A drug to match your biotype?

    In the research part of the mwo forum cv1 posted a quiz called what kind of drinker am I ?. The post was entered on 22nd of May. I am the allergic addicted type without a doubt. I was wondering would there be any possibility different drugs would suit different biotypes? It would be interesting to hear from anyone who had a particularly good or bad result with any drug. If they posted their biotype it might be interesting to see if there was a pattern. Just a thought.

    Myself-allergic addicted type. Tried antabuse-no side effects,just didnt have the willpower to keep using it. Tried topiramate. Had some success on 25mg but had an adverse reaction when I tried to titrate up to 50mg and had to come off the drug.

    Anyone else?

    A drug to match your biotype?

    herosa;867184 wrote: In the research part of the mwo forum cv1 posted a quiz called what kind of drinker am I ?. The post was entered on 22nd of May.
    What subforum or thread was it on? Sounds interesting.

    Is it this? Reducing Alcohol Cravings - Pt 3 - Test Results
    Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
    That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
    Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
    Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


      A drug to match your biotype?

      If you go to the home page of mwo and look down the various forums you will see the forum below the recipe page. Here is another link to it-

      The Difference In Dinkers

      Its long but the last section is interesting. The myo forum is called the research section but I just read your link and thats it in a shorter format.


        A drug to match your biotype?

        Thanks that is a great link. Best of luck to all.

