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If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

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    If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

    My suggestion is that when you encounter posts that you disagree with or that are not of interest to you, ignore them. If you are thinking that only POSITIVE posts about the anti-craving med options will be made here in the meds forum, I think you are going to be disappointed. The meds have pros and cons for individuals, just like any other sobriety options / programs have. IMO one of the benefits of this largely unmoderated forum is the presentation of a wide variety of opinions on the broad subject of sobriety.

    Don't let strong opinions upset you when they are not consistent with your opinion. It's all just opinions after all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

      Thank you DG, I agree, but I still think if someone wants to a make a strong opinion that meds will not work alone that is fine, but they should make it clear that it is only their opinion.

      It is akin to me going on an AA thread and saying it won't work without meds, without having any real experience or knowledge but giving a strong opinion of something I do not know anything about...and not stating I haven't even seriously tried it, and it is only my opinion - that is where I have the problem, not with the opinion, but with the categorical type of post that could confuse a searcher.


        If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

        I think it's time we all let this thread just die - it is not serving a purpose anymore...
        Just my opinion!


          If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

          tryagain, if you believe everything you read on the internet is being presented as FACT that is not prefaced with "this is my opinion" then....well..... I mean really. Don't you just assume that posts are people's opinions? I don't take anything as a hard fact unless there is a link to a research source or something. I guess maybe I've been around on the net too long...

          And as an active poster on the AA thread, you are welcome to come there and post anything you like.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

            It's OK DG, I think I have got the message I am not very welcome anywhere here.

            Guess I will just go back to lurking.

            Sorry if I offended, it was not my intention.


              If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

              If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

              This was the original question which in my eyes clearly opens up the debate for differing opinions and comments. I don't use medication or supplements but the question asked is one that caught my attention from the start. It's something I've mulled over more than a few times in my head.

              I've refrained from making comment previously as I know some may take offence due to the sensitive nature of the question. I guess my comments could be taken as a little cynical in respect of my beliefs. I'm aware of this though. So don't take things too personally. I certainly don't judge anyone because they have a different method of staying sober. I may question it from time to time mind you! That's my right; to have opinions and to question things.

              Let's not get overly sensitive here.

              Many Blessings

              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                Thanks Phil. I appreciate your comments. I agree we all need to move beyond our sensitivities here in this and other threads. Its counterproductive to do otherwise. If folks get turned off we can lose valuable input. This site is about members collective care and support, social interaction, and most importantly (underpins the former) a knowledge share. We all need to remember the value each of us brings to MWO...John
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                  I just want to say that I love this section and it is where I found NAL and TSM for the first time (Crown86's posts about his journey with NAL). I read and read and read here and over on the TSM forum. I bought the book and then the meds and it has been a lifesaver for me. I can honestly say that I did read some posts that could have discouraged me but it also made me keep reading and researching to see if this was for me. I believe to be truly educated I need to read all (negative and positive) about this so I know what to expect for me. I too can be a little sensitive to other peoples opinions but I am learning that each person has different experiences to share and as long as we don't insult each other we can learn something that may help us. I truly believe there is no one way to overcome this problem. I appreciate each one of you for sharing your stories and experiences. I hope this thread does not discourage anyone from looking for thier solution.:thanks:
                  AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                  Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                    If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                    Can I just say as someone new to this and new to the forum that I am finding everybody's posts on this topic very interesting, both for and against 'medication' and everything in between.
                    Everybody's view is valid and people's opinions are important.

                    I am currently trying Baclofen, it might be the right thing for me, it might not, I don't know yet, but I'm very serious about giving it a try. I'd like to hear from the people who don't believe in it just as much as I want to hear about the ones it did work for – I don't care if they haven't tried it and its just their opinion- I still want to hear their opinion. :goodjob:


                      If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                      Welcome Hip,
                      I am taking bac and have been very successful! no booze for 4 months. You wont be dissappointed!
                      if you ever have questions, I will try to help, as will everyone here.
                      take care.


                        If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                        I have been on baclofen for almost 5 months now and have had no cravings.
                        I know of 4 others who are also doing very well on it
                        I would recommend someone consider it if they are having trouble with ralapses


                          If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                          tryagain;870506 wrote: Thank you DG, I agree, but I still think if someone wants to a make a strong opinion that meds will not work alone that is fine, but they should make it clear that it is only their opinion.

                          It is akin to me going on an AA thread and saying it won't work without meds, without having any real experience or knowledge but giving a strong opinion of something I do not know anything about...and not stating I haven't even seriously tried it, and it is only my opinion - that is where I have the problem, not with the opinion, but with the categorical type of post that could confuse a searcher.
                          I had thought this thread was a debate but can see only positive experiences would be accepted here. I posted as someone who HAS tried meds and am very informed having read and researched just about every way to solve drinking problems. Most people I have spoken with in person including Drs, 'Specialists', counsellors, therapists usually comment on my level of knowledge, as well as experience on the subject of alcohol problems.

                          I suppose all that reading and personal experience is wasted as you have already decided I have not got a clue. Great pity and I won't post in this section again as I can see my experiences with meds as well as battling this disease just isn't welcome with some people here. I will have to assume those posting positive experience are proven experts so their comments can be the only ones valid.


                            If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                            I am going to stick my neck out on this one. Jean Dausset who won a Nobel Prize in medicine said that Baclofen is a cure for addiction. That may be bold, some would say revolutionary, but the point is that Baclofen may indeed be a cure and the Guardian newspaper has recently published an article suggesting that Olivier Ameisen has made one of the most important discoveries of the century. The Baclofen issue is not about opinion but hard science developed over the years starting with experiments on laboratory animals, just like other drugs, which showed that it physically stops craving. No other drug can claim that. It is only a year since he published his book in English. It is worth reading and whatever one's opinion is, ultimately, is of no importance if Ameisen is right because the drug and the experience of taking it will prove whether it does or does not do what it says on the box. I suppose that someone may have said that people who were saved by penicillin were just expressing their opinions, but so what if they did. Surely the point of this whole community is to share experiences and give support. You cannot be blamed for being skeptical in the face of an extraordinary claim that goes against 50 years of medical dogma that there is no cure and never will be. Of course, it may not be but it obviously works as is evidenced by this community. Time will tell and nothing else.



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                              I'm not sceptical about this at all. I don't doubt some of these meds and certainly Bac do reduce or eliminate cravings/the need to drink. Alcohol problems however also entail another aspect - that is the psychological complication. So remove AL and yes you have 'cured' that part of the illness however the person then usually finds they have underlying issues/difficulties to deal with and indeed we see these reported daily on this very forum.

                              SO meds do deal with the first part of what is generally a two-fold condition or illness.

                              For me Campral wasn't strong enough to stop me drinking as my compulsion, twisted thinking, not dealing with life and wanting to escape from my issues were too strong. Bac could have probably done the job for me from what I've read but I ended up getting myself to a point where I was able to make that mental switch or change myself. It was a long and painful journey and it's reminding myself daily of how awful it was that keeps me from drinking.

                              So once again I'm not disputing meds at all and not even sure why I feel I must explain this either.

                              They are useful they just don't treat both sides of the situation. Antibiotics do the job because they destroy the action of bacteria, a bit more straight forward.


                                If these meds/supps work why do we still have a drink problem?

                                Hi UKBlonde

                                Ameisen in his book illustrates how he spent years trying to sort out the issues which he was told were underlying his addiction. The point is, why do those things result in us drinking alcohol instead of cranberry juice and he isolated the problem as being related to the depletion of endogenous GHB as a result of anxiety or stress caused by those underlying issues. He also goes on to say that by sobering up on Baclofen he was then able to address those issues through counselling so no one is ruling out talking therapies or any other treatments. The point here is that the debate is a scientific one; and there is not enough science yet to say categorically that it is a cure but a lot of people who have taken it, me included, know what effect it has, have seen the results, and are satisfied that it is. We all have to learn for ourselves because, ultimately, you cannot put a laboratory inside every human body to find out what is going on and prove anything absolutely. We are all different and react differently but at the moment Baclofen seems to be as good as it gets.



                                Olivier Ameisen

                                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

