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Christyacc's update

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    Christyacc's update

    I haven't been on in a bit, merely lurking, checking up on people, for the past month or so. I just thought I would give a quick update.

    I have gone off Bac all together. I had a TERRIBLE reaction when I increased my dose. I had symptoms similar to that of anaphylactic shock. I was terrified. Everything was similar except my throat didn't swell. Everything else did swell however. I worried for my children, my husband, my mom....I honestly feared death.

    This is the second reaction I have had while titrating up. The first time it happened, I thought about throwing in the towel, but didn't. However, this once scared me enough.

    I am not AF but the Bac had helped. My drinking is considerably less, and so are my cravings.

    I'm not mentioning to deter anyone, by any means, my thoughts were to only update.

    I think Bac has done marvels for many, and will for many more.

    Best of luck to everyone, and a big huge thank you to those who were there for know who you are .
    AF July 6 2014

    Christyacc's update

    Hey Christy,
    Thanks for posting. I am so sorry that you had these side effects and I understand you having to stop. You really did give it a strong try. Keep posting with us.
    Your friend, Road.


      Christyacc's update

      christy, it occurs to me that maybe your adverse reaction may be due to the brand of baclofen you are taking?

      Some people on this forum have experienced widely different SEs and later found them to be related to the type of bac they were taking.

      Since you have had such positive results also, I wonder if this might be something to look into.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Christyacc's update

        I am feeling positive results now, not even on Bac. I went off, maybe 2 weeks ago, but yes, something to look into. I had a script from my dr for Bac, and that's what I was taking. I should make an appointment and speak with her about it--now that I think about it.
        AF July 6 2014


          Christyacc's update

          christyacc;873025 wrote: Everything else did swell however. I worried for my children, my husband, my mom....I honestly feared death.
          Hi Christy,

          Your experience is frightening.

          It's interesting that you mention about swelling. When I previously reached 140mg baclofen per day, both my ankles swelled to the extent that it was difficult to put my shoes on. I reduced my daily dose very slowly to 80mg and the swelling disappeared. Over the last few weeks, I've been gradually increasing my dose and I'm presently taking 130mg per day. Next week, I'll be back on 140mg per day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

          My best wishes to you.

          "Love's the only engine of survival"

          Leonard Cohen


            Christyacc's update

            Baclofen is processed through the kidneys and not the liver. One reason the medical community is interested in it as a detox medication for patients with compromised livers.

            Ensure you drink extra water to help those kidneys along. We have damaged them, too, you know.

            AF April 9, 2016

