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Just saying .....a update from Reg

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    Just saying .....a update from Reg

    I ll just spit it out ....Baclofen works !!!!! I went to 330mg no desire whatsoever for alcohol I didnt drink for 4 months ...but it didnt cure my alcoholism.. I went to bed every night and listened to my Hypno tapes ( not the RJ ones) ..I lay awake for hours ...i went to work My work improved so much i got a promotion .I went to the local Buddhist place seeking help I learnt to be calm and focused..... I woke up EVERY morning positive and feeling so good to be sober ...I decided I could go through a major renovation with a 8 year old child and a very much stressed relationship with my partener .... with a smile on my face ..I have accepted that i am in so much debt I will be catching the train to work in a wheel chair... the one thing out this rant is the I. I. I. the selfish prat I ... I know ( there i go again) ... I have to up the stakes on me !!!!! that.... "I" I realise this basic fact that I am a self centered PRAT.. Now I just gotta sell him and that letter "I" on Ebay .... no reserve start with 50 cents auction ends in 30 days.
    sorry for the rant
    Down to 30 mg and will begin again ...but... some one needs to invent a pill with a metaphysicall awakening agonist and gabba B agonist ... Im a lazy soul and I know the jigg is up

    Just saying .....a update from Reg


    You know, these rants perform a specific function here at MWO.

    So many of us just "know" when we can stop drinking our lives with just be magically healed.

    Unfortunately, for some of us, it won't. For some of us, being sober is difficult, too.

    Getting sober is just a tiny step in a long process.

    I am glad Baclofen works for you. Very glad. I am up to 120 mgs/day and gritting my teeth through the SEs.

    But posts like yours reminds me that getting sober is just one piece of this puzzle we call life.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Just saying .....a update from Reg

      Thank you Cindy just fed up with this brick wall any chance of painting it to make it look better


        Just saying .....a update from Reg


        Is there anyway it looks better drunk, hungover, sick, unable to cope?

        What are the options?

        Just sayin'

        We might as well figure out how to make the proverbial lemonade from the lemons.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Just saying .....a update from Reg

          Cinders;873596 wrote: Reggie,

          Is there anyway it looks better drunk, hungover, sick, unable to cope?

          What are the options?

          Just sayin'

          We might as well figure out how to make the proverbial lemonade from the lemons.

          thats not hard:H:H


            Just saying .....a update from Reg

            :H:H:HA metaphysical awakening agonist!!! You've identified the proverbial nutshell, Reg.

            IMO taking on ourselves (sober) is THE hardest work on the planet, but at least there are more examples and avenues for that than there have been for quitting AL. Bac definitely rocks! But, yeah, there's the rest of it.

            Makes me think of a book I have by Jon Kabat-Zinn, "Wherever You Go, There You Are." Not much more to say than that, except to drag out the old Winston Churchill maxim, "never, never, never . . . " oh, wait, no. I like this one better: "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

            In solidarity . . .
            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

