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Bac update

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    Bac update

    I wanted to post an update on my bac progress... and get some insight from those who have been on this road...

    Started on May 15 with my husband, we have been doing the same dose. Started slow... 15mg per day for a few days, and went up slow, and have been on 60 per day for the last 4-5 days....

    Initially we both felt the cravings were reduced, and our drinking was reduced by almost half, that lasted for about a week.. but then we had some stressful events and it wasn't as reduced, and it's stayed that way- I'm on 60mg but my cravings are about 75% still there. My husband seems to be having the same experience.

    Part of the problem is that I didn't get my goldpharma order until today so we didn't have enough to dose up faster... I realized I need to order enough of this stuff to stick to a plan of increase without counting on a getting there with a low level. I ordered more today. This "stocking up" via the internet feels a bit uncomfortable, but I'll get back to the main topic.

    Since we've been on the bac for over two weeks how much and how fast should we increase? So far no bad side effects, except I've felt a little tired. I have felt a reduction in anxiety so that has been nice, my husband noticed a reduction in anxiety too, maybe even more profound than me.

    I know everybody is different, but I'd still like to hear what others have done.

    Thanks everyone!

    Bac update

    I think it would be OK to increase the daily dose by a total of 20 mg/day every 3-4 days depending on the side effects.
    You need to reach a point at which the cravings are minimal or stopped entirely
    Some people find this place at around 80-100 mg per day. They may need higher doses at times of anxiety or stress.
    I have been on Bac since mid Jan and Alcohol Free the entire time. I currently take about 50/day. I get it through a regular doctor who knows how and why to use it so I have no problem getting lots and working within the parameters he prescribed.
    It only costs me about $27 for the generic 10 mg bac and I get 240 of them which lasts me longer than a month
    Good Luck
    I hope the medicine helps you as well as it helped me


      Bac update

      Thanks sunny, going up to 80 today

      I also ordered some 25mg pills from Goldpharma so we don't run into supply issues.

      This may warrant a trip to Mexico, lol. We've been to Cozumel a couple times and I used to see people coming off the cruise ships and going to the pharmacies.... now I can see why! I wish it could be that easy in the US!


        Bac update

        Good luck on the 80 Chi! keep posting your progress please!

