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new to Nal...didn't go so well, what should I do?

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    new to Nal...didn't go so well, what should I do?

    Hi there, I got my nal yesterday and chewed 1/2 when I got home and had some wine (right away...) and got pretty sick...but didn't drink anymore..: ) I'm scared to take it tonight..should I wait or take 1/4 while on my way home from work or just wait until I can take while not driving? I was a mess... thanks!!!!

    new to Nal...didn't go so well, what should I do?

    The S/E's can be non-existent or they can be horrible for some people. I am so sorry you were feeling horrible.

    The good news: Side effects from nal go away VERY quickly in 95% of cases, usually within the first couple to few doses.

    My advice: Go back to 1/4 if you feel like it. It's very likely that even by your second dose the S/E's will have passed. It happened to me. I took 25mg first and threw up. The next day I took 25mg and felt fine. Haven't had S/E's since. If it happens again, it sucks I know, but it will abate very quickly.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
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      new to Nal...didn't go so well, what should I do?

      Oh and I'd take it when I got home.
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        new to Nal...didn't go so well, what should I do?

        took the 1/4!

        Thanks! I took the 1/4 part way home, no prob. Had unexpected guest w/ wine waiting! It was fine, I had some but I'm so happy, I'm not smashed and I'm good for bed..had an over the counter sleepy pill too so that helps. Is that OK? I may try the full 1/2 tomorrow but not sure I'm ready for the whole pill...does that sound right? Thank you so much!!

