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    L glut is fine on anti D. Check out the L Glut thread in the holistic section, there is some really awesome information in there on L Glut



      Anyone have experience with Celexa? My Dr prescribed that for me and I'm on the 2nd day. I swear I didn't sleep a wink last night (took it at 4:30pm). So today I took it in the morning instead. It really peps me up and kills my appetite. I had sort of expected the opposite.
      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart



        shoot phoenix...i have taken so many i can't remember...pretty sad huh?
        i take effexor and have no issues...was on Paxil for years.....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem



          I am on lexapro which is quite similar to celexa. I believe it is the same type of drug. It seemed to be fine working with the baclofen too. No discernible interaction I could identify. Alcohol dependence often goes hand in hand with depression and or other mental illness. Most side effects of any medicine taper off with time. You could try a smaller dose the first few days on advice of your doctor.
          Good Luck



            Hi Phoenix - I am on Celexa and have been for years - it changed my life. i still remember the actual day and time that it kicked in for me!!!!!! It was as if a black cloud had been blown away from over my head and life was great - what I thought it should be. I had (have) no SE's at all so maybe you just need to give it some time - I take mine at bedtime simply because that way I always remember it. If I have a new doc (hubs is retired military - ALWAYS getting a new doc) and he even HINTS at coming off it, I feel like snarling at him - sort of like taking a bone away from a dog!! I hope it works for you as well as it has done for me.

            Hugs, sun xx
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



              sunshinedaisies;964950 wrote: Hi Phoenix - I am on Celexa and have been for years - it changed my life. i still remember the actual day and time that it kicked in for me!!!!!! It was as if a black cloud had been blown away from over my head and life was great - what I thought it should be. I had (have) no SE's at all so maybe you just need to give it some time - I take mine at bedtime simply because that way I always remember it. If I have a new doc (hubs is retired military - ALWAYS getting a new doc) and he even HINTS at coming off it, I feel like snarling at him - sort of like taking a bone away from a dog!! I hope it works for you as well as it has done for me.

              Hugs, sun xx
              I am so glad to read this. I am already feeling a little better with 3 days under my belt. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart



                Hi, this is my first post. I have been reading the forums for a week or so mainly for baclofen related info after reading Dr. A's book.

                A few years ago I was taking Paroxetine (aropax) SSRI which gave me side effects. My doc switched me to Effexor (SNRI similar to paroxetine but messes with another neurotransmitter as well as serotonin). I was drinking most nights at least a 6 pack the entire time I was taking these meds. I didn't notice that they helped me at all but the alcohol is too much of a complicating factor to tell if they would have helped.

                I ended up becoming sober with the help and support of my girlfriend at the time and I took campral as well. I drank off and on for a long time while taking these meds daily until finally stopping drinking. I don't know in any of them helped or not, it didn't feel like they helped at the time.

                I stopped taking campral as soon as I lost my healthcare card (in Australia we get discount medication with this card when we have low income) due to getting employment. I also tapered off the effexor which caused side effects that lasted for months. I tapered off them because I didn't believe they were helping with my anxiety anyway and the cost was too much even though I had a job.

                This was a few years ago. I have become reliant on alcohol again and today is my first day taking baclofen. I also have decided to try antidepressant for the anxiety again and I have been prescribed Mirtazipine (remerol) as I didn't want to go with an SSRI again due to the withdrawal I experienced.

                Sorry for the length of the post. I hope the SSRI is helpful for you and if you get any side effects I hope they aren't too bad.



                  electron;966041 wrote:

                  This was a few years ago. I have become reliant on alcohol again and today is my first day taking baclofen. I also have decided to try antidepressant for the anxiety again and I have been prescribed Mirtazipine (remerol) as I didn't want to go with an SSRI again due to the withdrawal I experienced.

                  Sorry for the length of the post. I hope the SSRI is helpful for you and if you get any side effects I hope they aren't too bad.
                  I think you will find that Baclofen works incredibly well for anxiety. :welcome:
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart



                    PhoenixRising;968378 wrote: I think you will find that Baclofen works incredibly well for anxiety. :welcome:
                    Thanks for the welcome

                    You're right about the anxiety, I can really feel my heart rate slow after taking the baclofen. It is quite different to the effect of valium though, it doesn't slow my mind down at all.



                      Hi Electron,

                      I was prescribed Remerol when the SSRI I was also taking at the time (Effexor) kept me awake at night. It knocked me flat--had the opposite problem, couldn't wake up. Just something to watch out for since baclofen can also cause drowsiness.

                      You're right about the Effexor--I'd get the zaps whenever I forgot to take it; awful. I take Celexa during the winter now, very mild, no noticeable side-effects (sleep, sexual, neural, or otherwise).

                      Welcome! ~ Pride
                      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers



                        Pride before Fall;970417 wrote: Hi Electron,

                        I was prescribed Remerol when the SSRI I was also taking at the time (Effexor) kept me awake at night. It knocked me flat--had the opposite problem, couldn't wake up. Just something to watch out for since baclofen can also cause drowsiness.

                        You're right about the Effexor--I'd get the zaps whenever I forgot to take it; awful. I take Celexa during the winter now, very mild, no noticeable side-effects (sleep, sexual, neural, or otherwise).

                        Welcome! ~ Pride
                        Hi Pride, thanks for your input. I started taking remerol at the same time as baclofen and I have been thinking that baclofen was the reason I am so tired all the time, maybe it is the remerol! it knocks me out when I take it before bed and I have a really hard time getting up in the morning for work and I'm shattered all day.

                        Maybe it was a bad idea to start the two at the same time, I'm reluctant to stop either though because I know you have to give antidepressants a decent amount of time to work.

                        Do you know if it is safe to take baclofen when you have been drinking? I had a bad day today at work and got really bad anxiety, I'm drinking tonight and I still want to take another dose of baclofen to stay on the same dose but I'm worried for my health considering the cns depressant effects of the drug combined with alcohol. Sorry for the off topic. I should probably start a new topic with questions like that



                          I can tell you that I have titrated up to 250+ and continued to drink the entire tiime, but I can also tell you that drinking does amplify the SE of the BAC. You can read through the threads and see that many of us continued to drink while on BAC. Last night I actually managed to be AF and was able to sleep all the way through the night, sometthing I haven't done since I started BAC.



                            Anti Depressants & Anti Anxiety

                            Hi just starting taking BAC last week , Gp given me 20mg to take day...

                            What do i need to be looking at getting up to dosage wise,

                            they have offered to prescribe me anti depressants / anti anxiety drugs

                            I suffer from severe panic attacks & depersonalization , - and this in turn makes me depressed....

                            I've tried SSRis and found the Side Effects way too much , felt suicidle causing panic attacks .. my doctor said maybe try a tricyclic

                            Anyone have a suggestion for one ? or even an SSRi that has had very mild side effect
                            a good combo with the baclafen

                            I am actually hoping that my doctor can ramp up my Bac dosage , and this in turn will stop the anxiety and panic attacks..... a few people said its worked



                              Your doc is on-board with baclofen (I trust you've told your doc where to find the info, who to talk to - there is a baclofen doctors thread here). There is a ton of info on the consolidated baclofen thread and even on more recent threads. Cool that your doc is with you on this. Your doc is also your best guide as to how medications interact. No one here can do that for you. There are no MD's here, and no one here can tell you how one medication will react with another, especially in your unique case, which seems more volatile than most.

                              Good luck. I hope you find what you need. Sorry, but it makes me very nervous when people ask for medical advice here - and it's now happened twice in just a few hours. You need to talk to a doctor.
                              * * *


                              ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                              - Vernon Howard

