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Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

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    Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

    craving;887379 wrote: Thanks Virgil.

    I did not know that Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as Ibuprofen reduce excretion of Baclofen!!
    Hi craving,

    Without doing some further digging, I do not know what the implications of reduced excretion of baclofen are. Would you care to enlighten me? I realize that this statement has been quoted from Dr Phill's website.

    Ibuprofen is my painkiller of choice and, over the last two or three weeks, I've taken a few of these. However, prior to that, I had little reason to take this medication so ibuprofen would not have had any significant impact on my use of baclofen.

    "Love's the only engine of survival"

    Leonard Cohen


      Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

      Virgil;887459 wrote: Without doing some further digging, I do not know what the implications of reduced excretion of baclofen are. Would you care to enlighten me? I realize that this statement has been quoted from Dr Phill's website.
      reduced excretion = more Baclofen in your body
      so even though you have not increased the dose the Baclofen dose you are taking can be felt a lot stronger than what you actually took.

      You can see it as a potentiator of Baclofen.
      since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
      since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
      reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
      since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
      since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

      My stats :


        Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

        craving;887466 wrote: reduced excretion = more Baclofen in your body
        so even though you have not increased the dose the Baclofen dose you are taking can be felt a lot stronger than what you actually took.

        You can see it as a potentiator of Baclofen.
        Hi craving,

        How succinctly you have answered my question for which I am grateful.

        Thank you!

        "Love's the only engine of survival"

        Leonard Cohen


          Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

          Does that mean you can increase your baclofen dosage by taking it with ibupofren (also my painkiller of choice)?

          Sounds tempting, but perhaps unpredictable. And difficult to assess what is the proper dosage for your body.

          Anyway, it is good to know about this interaction. This kind of sharing of information is invaluable. If I should ever experience an increase of SEs while taking bac, I will not be terrified by the SEs.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

            beatle;887102 wrote: I finally agreed, at the urging of my therapist, to see a new psychiatrist.

            She told me SSRIs are not appropriate for people with anxiety issues.
            Hi beatle,

            I remember your having mentioned this before and I am thankful that you have done so.

            None of the SSRIs have reduced my anxiety and one - Prozac - sent my anxiety through the roof. As a layperson, I could never understand why SSRIs are prescribed for anxiety as they work on the brain's serotonin system. Yet, GABA is considered to be the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter and, as such, seems (to me, at least) to be the neurotransmitter that gets the most attention regarding anxiety and its disorders. The following may be of interest:


            So, why do so many psychiatrists prescribe SSRIs - yes, I appreciate that is a rhetorical question (unless we have some MWO members who are psychiatrists).

            "Love's the only engine of survival"

            Leonard Cohen


              Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

              craving;887108 wrote: Buspiron and Citalopram are both used mainly for anxiety I think. Although Citalopram is an anti-depressive it would be mainly used to threat certain forms of anxiety.

              My guess is that usual medicine that would help against anxiety voids the effect of Baclofen.
              I disagree (in the nicest possible way)

              I was on Molipaxin (an AD with anti-anxiety benefits as well) towards the end of last year. It was the best period I've experienced in years. I was on a lower maintenance dose of bac than I am now (80mg as opposed to 120).
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                Just another thought around ADs and anxiety: my psychiatrist specifically avoided prescribing SSRIs, and opted for ADs which predominantly target dopamine as opposed to serotonin.

                He didn't elaborate (and I didn't think to ask) on exactly why (although he was very anti-SSRI due the extent of SEs by many patients), but it might be worth looking into.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                  tiptronic_ct;887498 wrote: Just another thought around ADs and anxiety: my psychiatrist specifically avoided prescribing SSRIs, and opted for ADs which predominantly target dopamine as opposed to serotonin.

                  He didn't elaborate (and I didn't think to ask) on exactly why (although he was very anti-SSRI due the extent of SEs by many patients), but it might be worth looking into.
                  Hi tiptronic,

                  That's fascinating and supports what beatle was told. I didn't realize that there are ADs, which target dopamine. Would you care to mention a few?

                  Thanks in advance.

                  "Love's the only engine of survival"

                  Leonard Cohen


                    Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                    Virgil;887501 wrote: Hi tiptronic,

                    That's fascinating and supports what beatle was told. I didn't realize that there are ADs, which target dopamine. Would you care to mention a few?

                    Thanks in advance.

                    Will do, Virgil. I'm on my way to battle rush-hour traiffic to get home, but will do so as soon as I can. I only tried one SSRI out of the 6 I was on. The rest all targeted mainly dopamine.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                      Virgil;887346 wrote: Hi John,

                      Good to hear from you but I'm sorry to learn that you seem to be experiencing a medication interaction.

                      Just a thought in response to your comment above. Have you taken a look at:



                      Take care!

                      Howdy Virgil,

                      Nice to hear from you again as well. Thanks for providing the links... I've saved them for quick referral. I've noted the interaction of Propranolol as mentioned there. Along with Buspirone, it's no wonder I struggle to make it through each workday.

                      I'm very interested in knowing more about those medications which target dopamine as well tiptronic_ct (at your convenience, of course).



                        Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                        Right. Here's the info, as promised.

                        A brief background: initially diagnosed with major depression + anxiety + insomnia + (a little while later) ADD. Psych felt that an SSRI would not be advisable given common SEs and my particular diagnosis.

                        Please bear with me: what follows below is expressed very much in layman's terms and as I understood it when explained by the psych. There is one I cannot remember the name of. If / when it comes to me, I'll post about it.

                        - Molipaxin / Trazodone (and Ritalin) - targets serotonin, but combined with Ritalin apparently boosts dopamine significantly. However, it is NOT of the SSRI class, and doesn't have the same side-effects. Worked wonders for insomnia.

                        - Remeron (Mirtazipine): pronounced dopamine effect. I ate like a pig on it. 5kg gained in 2 weeks...

                        - Amitripyline: not as strong on dopamine effect. It was prescribed together with Wellbutrin, to try and counter the severe insomnia I experienced at that time.

                        - Wellbutrin / Bupropion: a "pure" dopamine re-uptake inhibitor. I experienced terrible SEs on it, though.

                        I went off ADs altogether when my psych prescribed Zoloft (an SSRI) - I took it for about a week, and then reconsidered.

                        Hope that helped a bit...
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                          Wellbutrin / Bupropion: a "pure" dopamine re-uptake inhibitor. I experienced terrible SEs on it, though.

                          Tip, what exactly does that mean? I'm on Wellbutrin -- is that ok to take with bac?

                          John, I can offer no scientific explanation for your sudden craving for alcohol while on Celexa, but SSRIs in general do increase cravings for carbohydrates/sweets. I've been on various SSRIs in the past, including Celexa and Lexapro, and they both had me raiding the cookie jar. As your "sweet" of choice is alcohol, perhaps there's a conncection? Just a thought.


                            Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                            hoping4better;887756 wrote: Wellbutrin / Bupropion: a "pure" dopamine re-uptake inhibitor. I experienced terrible SEs on it, though.

                            Tip, what exactly does that mean? I'm on Wellbutrin -- is that ok to take with bac?
                            Wellbutrin is perfectly safe to take with bac - my psych checked and double-checked all meds for interactions before he prescribed.

                            What I meant by "pure" (you see - me and my layman's terms ) is that it is specifically a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor. I.e. its dopamine effects aren't "incidental" or part of a dual serotonin / dopamine effect.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                              I would not have considered Bupropion (Wellbutrin) against anxiety. It works on Dopamine yes, but more in the other direction (creating anxiety) ?
                              since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                              since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                              reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                              since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                              since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

                              My stats :


                                Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                                craving;888053 wrote: I would not have considered Bupropion (Wellbutrin) against anxiety. It works on Dopamine yes, but more in the other direction (creating anxiety) ?
                                At that stage, the bac was handling my anxiety - the Wellbutrin was geared towards depression.

                                And yes, I experienced the bad old days on it. Just worse.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

