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Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

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    Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

    Thanks Ne for your reply: I read a lot of your posts and they always make so much sense and I'm so glad you made it - truly an inspiration! I think I can do this, just super scared (crying as I type this) because I just want to be free of this monster. Just want control of myself.

    I appreciate your response,


      Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

      I have been on antidepressants since 1996. I chose to go off last August and it was not easy. I tried to use exercise and diet to offset the change. My anxiety was through the roof. It seems like Baclofen has calmed me now in a way antidepressants never did. In being calm I am much more myself and much happier in a deeper way. Some antidepressants are harder to wean off of than others like Paxil and Cymbalta...I do not know where Celexa falls in that category since miraculously it is one I never took. You could ask your doctor to wean you off Celexa and not mention baclofen. You could also wait to see how you feel on Baclofen first and then decide. Whatever you decide use caution, make an educated decision and have a plan. One way to address serotonin levels is through your diet. The book Potatoes not Prozac is a great one and it's all very simple. I am glad I went off my SSRI, at first it was uncomfortable but then certain aspects of my personality re-emerged. For me that was really important. I came to understand SSRI's numbed me in ways I hadn't even been aware of, allowing things to be ok that were not ok. Thankfully Baclofen has removed the anxiety from my body which I believe was the real problem...physical anxiety, not depression and of course too much alcohol. Stay in touch and let us know how things move along.


        Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

        Emcee;1244783 wrote: I think I can do this, just super scared (crying as I type this) because I just want to be free of this monster. Just want control of myself.

        I appreciate your response,
        wow, Em. I could have written that two years ago. I might have!

        The conclusion I've come to is this: I drank a bottle or two of wine every night. (Beer before that, and liquor in my younger days, just for the record.) I was "functioning". But I was a drunk and miserable. My health suffered and my life sucked.

        Bac is a relatively innocuous drug. We don't know a lot about it, but we do know, particularly at low doses, that it's safe for people who are alcohol dependent. We know that it's safe at high doses for people who are treated for spasticity. (Though that data is not as strong/recent as I would like. I think people with the baclofen pump get more, and I haven't read that stuff.)

        With bac, as with most things, a balance is what you're looking for. I didn't know what balance meant, much less how to look for it, (:H) so it was a particularly difficult ride.

        Fear can really undermine the whole thing. That's true, in a deeper sense, for all things, too. But for this, fear can convince you that it is not actually possible, or whatever else. I treated it more like voodoo (no offense to our voodoo practicers out there! ) than medicine.

        For every side effect there is an explanation. The reason is because it's just medicine. That brings me great comfort even now.

        There's an easy solution to the side effects: change the amount of bac. That said, sometimes you've got to push through.

        You don't have to experience the dramatic SEs. Ever.

        The bottom line for me? It works. I'm free.

        Hang in there. :l

        (As to the AD, I don't know that I would go dramatically changing anything. Everything with forethought and a plan, and this shouldn't be very dramatic or exciting. Well, the end result is. Penelope, thanks for your thoughts. I'm interested in that...)


          Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

          penelope67;1244815 wrote: You could ask your doctor to wean you off Celexa and not mention baclofen. You could also wait to see how you feel on Baclofen first and then decide. .
          This is a good idea. At one time I did try to split my 20's in half as directed by my Dr. And I could tell. After a few days I was extremely irritable and cried for no reason. But with the bac it may replace what I was missing in the other 10mg so I will come up with a plan once I start on bac. Plus I think the irritability and sadness I feel is due to the alcohol being a depressant.

          Thanks so much for your insight!


            Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

            Ne: I am a wine drinker too for the most part. It wasn't until just recently that I don't care for beer as much as I used to. My problem is that for some reason, I hit this wall after the 3rd glass and I finish the bottle w/out realizing it, (completely blackedd out.) It's like my body is still up and at 'em, but I have no recollection of pouring that last glass, getting ready for bed, etc...

            I love your rationale and reasonings - they make total sense and are simply stated. I agree that I need a plan and will really think it through while waiting for my bac to arrive. I will try to push that fear away and once I do get started I will be on this board like a hawk and searching out as much support as possible. You guys/gals are so supportive that I know I'll have all the help I will need.

            Thanks SO much for your help.

            PS - what amount are you on to maintain your cravings or are you bac free?


              Baclofen Efficacy Reversal


              I am very glad you are going to try the Baclofen. Based on what you have written, I think it will be amazing for you as it has been for most everyone else. Good luck.

              Baclofen Benefits:

              :bagdude: "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome."-Williams James


                Baclofen Efficacy Reversal

                Mirawizad;1245214 wrote: Em,

                I am very glad you are going to try the Baclofen. Based on what you have written, I think it will be amazing for you as it has been for most everyone else. Good luck.

                Thanks John!!

