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Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

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    Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed


    My name is Danielle. I?m a television producer researching and developing a documentary film project on the subject of Dr Olivier Ameisen?s discovery of Baclofen therapy for the treatment of alcohol dependency.

    I believe this is groundbreaking development but know that this medicine is still not readily accepted and prescribed by doctors at a dosage that works, resulting in people often having to self-fund and self medicate.

    This film will focus on Dr Ameisen?s findings and also objectively explore first hand accounts of life on Baclofen.

    As such, I would like to talk to as many people as I can.

    Alcoholism is an illness nothing more, nothing less, and I am hoping to help break the taboos attached to it, and also understand why medical professionals in the UK are so reluctant to listen to their patients, and act on their needs.

    The intention behind this film is to explore Baclofen, spread the word further, and change doctors? attitudes.

    At this early stage, I am not looking for people to appear on camera but would like to hear your experiences if you are currently taking or intending to take Baclofen.

    - Have you had any problems taking Baclofen? Or was it easy and trouble free?
    - Has Baclofen 'cured' you? Or did it not work at all?
    - What was your experience of the medical profession? Did they help you? Did your doctor prescribe Baclofen for you?

    If you have a story to tell, then I would love to hear from you.

    Please email me at: baclofenfilm at gmail dot com

    I appreciate this is a difficult and personal subject and assure you that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


    Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

    Danielle _prod;887543 wrote: Hello,
    At this early stage, I am not looking for people to appear on camera but would like to hear your experiences if you are currently taking or intending to take Baclofen.

    - Have you had any problems taking Baclofen? Or was it easy and trouble free?
    - Has Baclofen 'cured' you? Or did it not work at all?
    - What was your experience of the medical profession? Did they help you? Did your doctor prescribe Baclofen for you?

    If you have a story to tell, then I would love to hear from you.

    You will find the answers to all of the questions you pose in the baclofen threads and posts on this forum.

    It will take a lot of reading and a lot of organizing, but it will lead to a far greater understanding, and a far more comprehensive, correct, and genuine coverage of the subject than you will ever get from a few individuals, who will be a self-selected few (those who want to share their stories, whatever their personal motives may be).

    I strongly suggest you read through the posts here throughly, to get a good knowledge and understanding of the issues, and then, as a member, you can contact people individually (if you feel you want to go that route), to ask further questions.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

      Danielle _prod;887543 wrote:

      Please email me at: baclofenfilm at gmail dot com

      I appreciate this is a difficult and personal subject and assure you that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
      Thank you for your assurance, but I, for one, would need more than a sentence in an anonymous online forum to feel assured.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

        Hello Beatle,

        Thank you for posting back and for all your suggestions.

        This film is at development stage, so of course I am reading all I can in order to understand this very complex matter.

        Making my way through the multitude of posts on this forum is indeed an eye opener that gives me a good grasp of the issues people face and the hurdles to climb (or walls to bang head against sadly).

        Might be stating the obvious, but his is a very human problem, affecting real people, and real lives. This is why I am looking to communicate directly with individuals and hear their own personal experiences.

        I do not feel it would be ethically correct to contact people directly as a result of their posting here. I would get annoyed if someone did this to me and see it as an intrusion on my privacy. This is why I am letting people make the first move (regardless of their motives).

        With regard to the confidence aspect, I totally respect and appreciate your position (and that of many others no doubt).

        The only thing I can tell you is that I have worked in documentary production for the past 15 years and have dealt with many very difficult and extremely sensitive topics that have had enormous impact on the lives of contributors (I am talking about people who have survived Nazi concentration camps, and murder victims' families to name but a few).

        As such, my code of moral conduct in dealing with people is paramount to my work.

        This film is made with a well established London (UK) documentary production company. I cannot reveal its name for the time being as I am working from home and do not wish people to call the company direct.

        I am also in regular contact with Dr Olivier Ameisen who is offering his full support to the making of this film.


          Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

          Thank you Danielle. I'd be interested in seeing some of your previous work. You might not feel comfortable posting links to your own work on this public forum, but I do feel it would be appropriate in this case, given the nature of your request.

          Thank you.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

            Hi danielle

            I am in the Uk and have been on baclofen sinece last Aug with fantastic results. I am even able to modderate my drinking on baclofen. prior to baclofen my life was in a mess . I have been on this forum for quite some time and know a lot of the memebes personally and communicate with them away from the site . I would be more than happy to assist in in any way I can . Send me a personal messgae and I am happy to speak to you on the telephone or to meet which every you would find most uselful as I have made a personal pledge to myslef to help spread the word in any way I can so that other people can take baclofen and be released from the hell that alcohol puts you and .

            And I woud like to say a personal 'thankyou' from me and many of my friends on here who truely believe baclofen is a cure, for making a film about it , its just what is needed to get this drug noticed and allow many others to gain the help that this drug can give !!!!!




              Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

              Hello BH,

              Thank you so much for your kind words and your offer of assistance. I too feel that this is a very important film to be made.
              Anything that can help the huge number of people who have their existence ruined by alcohol and addiction NEEDS to be publicized as much as possible.

              I am very happy with the response I've had so far and very grateful that you are finding the courage to speak out.

              It's important to bear in mind that this film is a British production. We all know that the problem is worldwide, but commissioners will want a British-focused documentary in order to fund it, and so it is very important that I get in touch with people based in the UK too.

              The email address to contact me on is baclofenfilm at gmail dot com

              Thank you again to everybody from the bottom of my heart, please carry on emailing me, and BH, I am sending you a PM.



                Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed


                Hi Danielle

                I have sent you a private post.

                You can see some of my posts over the past few months on Mywayout forums.

                My wife is being prescribed by her GP on the NHS.

                It has been a very frustrating experience, believe me.

                There is no doubt that Baclofen is a "cure". It works for most people who take it and there are some serious obstacles to making this available to people in this country. It is as cheap as chips and available over the counter without prescription in Spain, Cyprus and other Mediterranean holiday destinations and yet here, virtually no one can get a prescription for it. It is something which, unfortunately, shows up the UK medical establishment and individual doctors as being uninformed and not particularly caring.

                I have to say, bravo for taking this on. It is a fascinating project and could have a huge impact.




                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

                  Hello everyone,

                  I've only just discovered the "live chat" button... I know, a bit slow up there sometimes but hey!

                  I'll be logging into it as often as possible from now on and leave it open, so if you want to contact me, talk, or ask me questions, feel free.

                  Bear in mind I'm in the UK regarding time differences.




                    Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed



                      Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

                      Hey, you've caught on to the site.

                      Good on you.

                      I will post my story soon and you can then capture it if you want to.

                      I am not from the UK, so not one of those you want to hear about but still, I will help in any way I can.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

                        bump X2


                          Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed


                          Hi Danielle,

                          I am just starting baclofen in the U.S. Got Dr. Ameisen's book and found it very hopeful. Got my prescription from the company River Pharmacy, and it was sent in from India. On my first week. I feel afraid to trust a doctor to prescribe for me here, and it doesn't seem that we have made great strides in addiction treatment even though these new protocols have been found. It is like the pharmaceutical companies are trying to figure out how to make a ton of bucks on this ailment that affects so many, and not use the generic medicines that already show promise. Here on this site you will see articles on promising treatments dated from 2005, and then silence. I just hope that those of us who try and self-treat will push towards a new acceptance. PM me anytime. Suzanna
                          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                            Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

                            Danielle, I'd be happy to tell my story (anonymously), but it doesn't have an ending yet.


                              Baclofen Documentary Film Help Needed

                              Suzanna and Moglor, I've sent you a PM.

                              Thank you very much for getting in touch.


