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my bac(success)story

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    my bac(success)story

    dear all
    i have been a binge drinker for the past 25 years and thanks to bac this is now over. i thought i would share my experience here with all of you who are still contemplating to start, or on the verge of calling it quits due to the SEs or no tangible success. I owe this forum a lot and want to give a littel of it back. This is my story and can serve as inspiration, i dont reccomend it since i have no medial background at all.

    I have started bac on april 2 this year and now after 2 months and a few days have hit the switch about 10 days ago, so pretty much exactly after 2 months. I made all sorts of mistakes on the way up to the switch dose which were
    - not reading the protocols of others
    - went up way to quick
    - drank even more than usual
    - AND most importantly relied ONLY on the medication without applying any willpower or extra-motovation which profed to be totally wrong

    i have reached my switch dose at 275/mg, and believe me that is a lot of bac, and the SEs up there are not funny. i couldnt sleep, had no appetite, i forgot everything, i couldnt speak properly and many others little things like going to the loo every 30 minutes especially in the night. But i stuck to it, and i am now on the way down to my maintenance dose which i yet have to find but i hope it will be as low as possible.

    Although i drank all the way to the switch it was not good for me, since bac in combi with booze made me very deppressive. i had a week where i managed to drink 2 beers every night and then stop, but after that i went on a binge where i had 15 beers and 15 vodkas. only when i said to myself ok, now try to stay sober for a few dyas and dose up on the 275 i finally managed to reach the switch.
    Long story short, one can drink on the way up but if one manages to stay off the booze i reckon it will be a lot easier and the SEs will be lighter and dont give up, there might be setbacks and days where you lose all hope, but i guess if it has worked for me it can work for you too..thanks to all

    my bac(success)story

    Thank You so much for posting your story. Baclofen does work. It isnt always the same dose for everyone, not always the same SEs but it works. Please pay it forward, stay here with us and help others learn of how baclofen can help change their life. No one deserves this hell called "Alcohol".


      my bac(success)story

      i will be around, for sure


        my bac(success)story

        Thank you rudolf. Your kind of stories keep people going. I'm happy to hear you will stick around. A lot of people still need help.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          my bac(success)story



          Those of us on this journey take heart whenever we hear of a success. Yes, the SEs are horrible. I have horrible sleep, going to the "loo" all the time, wear diapers to bed just in case, have had sleep paralysis from titrating up too fast, walk through my days often exhausted and sick at my stomach. It is hard.

          But, I keep reminding myself about the SEs from alcohol. Those are even worse. Much, much worse.

          At about 100 mgs/day, I decided to quit drinking and go AF for the rest of my titration up. It has been much easier than before. I still get the desire to drink but am able to swat it away as never before possible.

          I am hoping being AF will make the Baclofen SEs much less painful.

          I do know I will continue up until I hit my switch. I have fought this demon too long and hard and have failed at almost every turn. I know that being sober and staying that way will not be the end of this journey. I have a lifetime of drinking to sidestep life to deal with. But at least I will have a chance to deal with those issues, something I could never do if I keep drinking.

          Again, thank you for sharing and sending many smiles your way for your triumph. Only those of us who truly know, understand how amazing it is to beat this addiction.

          AF April 9, 2016


            my bac(success)story

            Rudolf - amazing stuff!

            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              my bac(success)story

              Well done rudolf, I am really happy you got there in the end, after a struggle and with doubts it would work for you.


                my bac(success)story

                thanks everybody,


                  my bac(success)story


                  wnated to let you know that bac is still working and i am trying to tirtrate down to my m-dose. it seems that tihs process is as difficult as it was to find the switch dose and as slow, i tried to go down to 200/day but quickly moved back up to 250 with an extra 25 for once you hits your switch take it easy...the SE's, once you get used to these high doses are getting lighter ...

                  one thing i want to tell U: bac is a good drug, does a lot for you BUT the triggers are still there, for me boredom is a big one, and to fill all this time one has spent on booze (a lot) have to be filled....long story has to change ones life, to find new meanings, as many of you ( i guess) one has lost a lot of life quality with the drinking, the hobbies are gone, a "normal" way of living his free time is no longer....think about that, please...
                  all the best


                    my bac(success)story

                    Very true, Rudolf.

                    I also learned that getting sober is but the very first step.

                    One must also take the down-titration slowly. I only went down by by 10mg every week after also burning my fingers a bit by thinking it could be done as quickly as I titrated up.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      my bac(success)story

                      Great post Rudolf,

                      I stuck with the tirating up on bac like boot camp, some days I was so ill it would have been easy to quit, but I never lost site of what the alternatvie was ! going back to the hell of drinking ! I have been on bac for 10 months now, looking forward to reaching mu year anniversary. But I feel very sad that I could not have found bac years ago and svaed me and my family all the heart ache !

                      Keep it up !



                        my bac(success)story

                        bad news this time

                        hey guys

                        seems that once more i have been too quick in my celebration of success. friday i went on a binge after 2 weeks AF..i was jittery all day and finally gave in although the craving wasnt even too strong...i was alone though, bored and a little depressed so off i went...

                        so, i am not discouraged yet, i will stand up again, will dose up once more on 300/day and will go on...



                          my bac(success)story

                          Upwards & onwards, Rudolf!

                          Its as "simple" as that
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            my bac(success)story

                            Motivation & other coping skills

                            You said:

                            "AND most importantly relied ONLY on the medication without applying any willpower or extra-motovation which profed to be totally wrong"

                            What were some things you did as extra-motivation? What tools did you apply besides just relying on the Baclofen?

                            The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...


                              my bac(success)story

                              extra motivation

                              to answer to your question: i think it might be not enough to only rely on the drug, i think that as long you are on the search for the switch you have to also motivate youself not to drink, do some sports or whatever you have learned in detox, AA...i think it would no be wise to throw away the toolbox the AA or others have provided you with...

                              i give u an example: i relapsed friday after 2 weeks AF and despite thinking i had found my switchdose, would i have been able to dive through this 15 weak minutes i would have maybe not relapsed...i was too weak, i was alone, i was bored, i was depressed....
                              i think that one has to know his triggers well, they wont vanish, we all i think have to work on ourselves, to more ore less re-invent ourselves....

                              sorry to be a smartarse, it was me in the end of the day who bragged and in the end of the day relapsed again....but also DR. A said in his book that with bac the techniques he learned with AA and others came in handy now...despite bac...i was never in AA (too dogmatic for me)

