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my bac(success)story

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    my bac(success)story

    i found this great blog ..excellent reading, a guy in the UK..
    Baclofen Remedy


      my bac(success)story

      I am sorry you relapsed. I think of will power plus bac like the hammer and the nail. One not effective without the other. Don't give up. 2 weeks and a relapse can be a lesson in what worked and in what went wrong. Go over the situation and plan differently for next time. Also remember that cues for relapse can be truly subconscious and last as briefly as 33 msec. So short that we don't even see them. But rehearse a plan for the next time. My sis sent me a card saying fall down 7 times and get up 8. So you are on the right track.


        my bac(success)story

        thanks sunny, will do


          my bac(success)story

          Keep going Rudolf, you will get there. What you are saying is so true. You need to examine what areas of your life need attention. Bac cannot do this for you, it can only, as I think it is doing for me, give you the space and perspective to look properly at what needs to be done.
          I am currently on 200mg of Bac a day and am alcohol free. I have put myself in situations that would normally trigger feelings of alcohol deprivation but have not done so. However I do not feel ready to declare myself 'switched', as I can see other situations where it might not be so easy to say, I will not drink. However if I did, I think the Bac would help get me back on track, rather than, as previously, go completely off the rails.
          Good luck mate, this is just a small setback, you are not weak, you have great resources within you to have come this far, keep going.


            my bac(success)story


            cheers mate, i will take that advice to my heart, i will be moving actually feeling pretty good now again after having had the blues for a few days after the relapse....

            i wanted to say thanks to all of your guys here in the forum, gutsy people..all of you, and special thanks to Dr. Ameisen.

            I understand his policy not to post in fora like ours here very well, he is medic and he is a scientist, and a well reputed one at that.. i think what he has done is that he has pushed the door wide open for researchers to base their studies on baclofen and they will develop, i am dammed certain, a drug which is better than baclofen, with less SEs, where one doesnt have to swollow 10-15 pills/day...

            i am sure that by now the medical establishemnt is on the track of bac, they will develop "the drug" in the next 5- 10 years...i hope that this wont be too late for many of us...


              my bac(success)story

              i would like to call on all the bac success stories to come out an tell their story, i have the impression that if there are people who succeed that they dissapear with their valubale histories....we need you guys, every single one of you,


                my bac(success)story

                I am a bac success story. Sober and abstinent for over 5 months on Baclofen since jan 18th 2010. getting my life back


                  my bac(success)story

                  excellent, congrats, how was the journey for you? ups and downs?
                  thanks a lot


                    my bac(success)story

                    konbrot;892435 wrote: ...You need to examine what areas of your life need attention. Bac cannot do this for you, it can only, as I think it is doing for me, give you the space and perspective to look properly at what needs to be done.
                    You have hit the nail on the head.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      my bac(success)story

                      It sounds like you are doing very well!!!

                      The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...


                        my bac(success)story

                        Don't know if rudolf's question was for me. I actually had self withdrawn from alcohol about 5 days prior to starting bac. it has helped me 100% to prevent the "next relapse" I was, prior to bac able to abstain for only 5-6 days (sick) before drinking again. Once on the bac the combination of my "never again" willpower plus the attenuation of cravings was enough for me to succeed. I hope more people can try it. It helped to know that at the clinic where I went they were experiencing over 80% success. I decided I was in that boat. No regrets. No bad side effects. Quite somnolent especiall first few weeks. Not so much now 5+ months into it. I remain at 80mg/day +/-


                          my bac(success)story

                          I took my first dose today....i will stay in touch with you all, too....
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            my bac(success)story

                            yeah sunny the question was for you and thanks for answering, sounds great,

