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Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

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    Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

    Hi all,

    I've given Campral a try a couple of times and it upsets my tummy. S'posed to settle down after a couple of weeks but 4 weeks on it's still yuck and I feel sort of depressed.

    Am off it at the mo and about to begin another attempt at beloved AFdom. I have a bad rough time in the early stages so am wondering whether to give Campral another go or not.

    As AL has been my 'solution' to my troubles including anxiety & depression, i'm seeking advice from anyone who's been depressed on Campral and whether or not I should go AF without it this time.

    Thanks for being here/there everyone

    Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

    Hi Fickle:

    I tried Campral last summer during a relapse after three years AF. I was in bad shape when I started it, but WoW the depression that came with it was unbearable. So my campral story ended quickly. I wasn't able to get any AF time before starting it, and even though my doctor told me to go ahead, I came to the fork in the road between drunk and depressed or drunk and depressed and suicidal. I chose the former for a while but thank god that was when I found MWO. I have gone the baclofen route with practically no SE's and great success.

    I didn't get here with Campral, although I see it has helped a lot of people, so I can't suggest the best route for you, but I am testimony to the fact that there can be a connection between Campral and depression for some people - moi, specifically!

    Does it help you be AF? I actually never noticed any relief, but that's probably because I was drinking when I started taking it.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

      I did not notice an increased depression with Campral. I did not go AF with it this time and I do notice I am very restless without it, not depressed, but boy is it more challenging. I might take one tonite when I get home, this is the hard night, Joe isn't home until 11:30pm! It's a lot easier with my hubby suffering along with me and it's only my second AF Friday this time.

      17 Days AF


        Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

        Congrats on the 17 days Hart!
        And thanks for your comments Red, I suspect Campral may not be the way for me to go.

        I went AF with it then took it 3 times a day as is recommended - it's supposed to take a up to a week to be permanently active in your system and is supposed to suppress cravings. I think it did suppress cravings, however it did not stop the underlying reasons why I drink - ie panic at a certain time of day. So I ended up drinking AND taking Campral which is not good.

        One GP told me I could drink on Campral with no worries but the intention is generally not to drink. Another GP told me that they are supposed to monitor your liver function with blood tests because in some it can lower liver function. I freaked as I realised I was still drinking daily and taking campral. So I figured the drink was enough for my liver to handle.

        I'm going to give Nal a try after reading some of these med threads but try to get AF or at least very low Al usage prior to starting Nal. Am off to read the Nal journey thread.

        Thanks guys!


          Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

          Hey fickle....I was premature, it's only day 14 today (counting didn't improve with sobriety). I can't believe a doc said it's okay to drink while on Campral. Why the hell would he say that!? If I thought I was going to drink I wouldn't take campral, I mean the pills are expensive, why spend that kind of money and drink.

          I had heard the they could effect liver function, but I know my liver was more effected by the massive amount of beer I was drinking than the amount Campral was doing.

          I agree, if it's not working for you, try something else. And hon, I totally understand about panic attacks, I get them, myself about every 6 mos. I have to take meds, which at the worse, knock me out, but I can't function very well when in the midst of a panic attack so what the heck.

          I hope yours are lessening or nonexistent. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.....well maybe my worst enemy, but not a lesser one


            Does anyone get depressed on Campral?

            Thanks Hart,

            Believe it or not I've even had a GP tell me it's ok to drink and take valium at the same time.
            When I said i was scared of getting addicted to valium and/or things getting more complicated, her exact words were "You are worrying about the terrier snapping at your ankles and ignoring the rottweiller that's got you by the throat!"

            Since then I've seen many more GP's.. have had many more experiences where they give me crap advice. I now have it down to a fine art & can usually tell if they have any clue within my first 4 questions.

            STILL LOOKING!!

