I now feel normal !!!!!
BUT ......... I am going through a period of extreme sadness and in some ways anger about everything al has put me through. I have lost untold relationships (freinds, family and partners) because of my drinking and suffered the heartache that goes with it . I have cried enough tears to drown myself . It has been 30 years of hell, which have left me alone and heart broken.
I am angry because baclofen has made me realise I am not weak or bad I was just sick. I cant imagine what sort of a life me and my children would have had if baclofen was about years ago. My poor children have been dragged through all the crap in my life that al has caused, they have had to see my drunk falling over, making promises I dont keep, embarrasing myslef and them, they have had to see me taking to my bed for weeks in self pity when another relationship has failed because of my drinking. My two lovely boys are very self sufficient as they have had to fend for themselves when I have been to hung over to get out of bed ! I am not proud of all of this and its in the past but its left me feeling very sad and angry.
I aslo have to watch my ex partner with his new girlfriend doing all the things I would love to do, but he could not be with me because of my drinking. I know its a silly thing to say because life is not fair, BUT ITS JUST NOT FAIR !!!!! I never asked to be like this and its the one condition that in this life very few people have any sympahty for, if you have a problem with al you are seen as a bad person. You onlyhave to look at TV shows anybody with a al problem is always a character who is not very nice and unlikeable and they usually do bad things , steal leave their children etc to add to the overall badness of them !1
I have spent nearly 30 years hating myself thinking I was weak and stupid ! Baclofen has made me realise I am niether. I also lived in contstant fear of what al woudl turn me into, now that is gone I am just left with this over whelming sense of loss for all that al has taken away from me. IT JUST NOT FAIR !!!!
I feel like I am going through a period of mourning for all that al has robbed from me , my saving grace is this site as I know all you wonderful people, some who have become my personal friends, understand and allow me the facility to rant on .
I just wish I could find a way to come to term with my feeling and anger I just want to keep crying as I never asked to be like this I dont desreve all the tihngs that have happened to me and the lonleyness that I now have in my life .
But to end on a postive note I will be eternally grateful that I did find baclofen and that it worked for me and I would encourage anybody to try it and stick with it, I cant say life for at the moment sober is wonderful but I know it all part of a process and hopefully in time I wll be able to look back and appreciate that.
BH x