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Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

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    Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

    Morning, all. I've been following the discussion the Brits are having concerning finding a doc to help in the UK. Anyone have any suggestions for someone in the mid-east-coast?

    I'm still terrified. I keep reminding myself that I am remarkably hung over, so it's not fair to think Bac is the reason (or the only reason) I feel this bad. But I'm definitely having side effects (generally wobbly, and fuzzy headed.)
    I would feel much more comfortable if I were taking something from an actual pharmacy under the supervision of a doctor. However, I work for a physician, so can't go to my gp. And the looks of things from the phone book are not promising. And I hesitate to show up on somebody's doorstep (or office, whatever) and say "Hey, I'm a drunk and desperate." Doesn't seem like that avenue would be too promising for later trust.
    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, I've read most of the older threads about Bac, are you 'old-timers' that got sober, or managed your drinking, still out there?
    Thanks, and thank God and you all for this site.

    Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

      Glad to hear it. I was just re-reading some of your old posts...
      I followed 8 days a week's thread. Doesn't seem like he's around...
      But great that he found some sobriety.


        Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

        research;892768 wrote: Morning, all. I've been following the discussion the Brits are having concerning finding a doc to help in the UK. Anyone have any suggestions for someone in the mid-east-coast?

        I'm still terrified. I keep reminding myself that I am remarkably hung over, so it's not fair to think Bac is the reason (or the only reason) I feel this bad. But I'm definitely having side effects (generally wobbly, and fuzzy headed.)
        I would feel much more comfortable if I were taking something from an actual pharmacy under the supervision of a doctor. However, I work for a physician, so can't go to my gp. And the looks of things from the phone book are not promising. And I hesitate to show up on somebody's doorstep (or office, whatever) and say "Hey, I'm a drunk and desperate." Doesn't seem like that avenue would be too promising for later trust.
        Any input would be greatly appreciated.
        Also, I've read most of the older threads about Bac, are you 'old-timers' that got sober, or managed your drinking, still out there?
        Thanks, and thank God and you all for this site.
        Hey Research,
        So you have baclofen, what dosage are you on - for how long? Is your GP who you work for? Do they not endorse baclofen?
        I have been taking baclofen for 5 months, 4.5 months AF. Baclofen works - there is no doubt.


          Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

          Thanks, Road

          I have been on Baclofen since May 31st. Took 5m/day for 11 days, then 10 for a couple of days, then talked to Dr. Levin in Chicago and upped that to 30m for 2 days, then 10, then 30, 40, 40, 50, yesterday.
          I feel terrible, but have had way more to drink (and smoke) the last three nights. I can drink way more on the Bac. Ugh. I know I went up a little fast, but I've would like this week at 50, then I'll proceed up slowly, 10/week I think.
          No the physician I work for is not the one I see. But it's a very small community and I don't trust confidentiality to keep me employed! My GP has no idea I'm an alcoholic, nor does my boss or most of my acquaintances. I have one good friend and one great (alcoholic) husband supporting me through this. This site has been a life-line.
          Great good news that it's working for you! Congratulations and well done!


            Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

            Are you saying you are at 30-40-40-50 per day? Sounds like you are going up way too fast. Maybe I am misreading. I did the dosages as follows: 5-5-5 for 3 days, then 10-10-10 for 4 days, than 20-10-20 for 5 days and so on. I can understand not wanting anyone to know, we have all been there but when it comes down to our health or our confidentiality, we should go with our health (In my opinion).
            Good luck!


              Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

              Good to know your dosage routine.

              Point well taken, Road. On both counts.
              I know I went to fast after the initial experiment. I promised myself I'd go slow... Sigh. It seems like it's going to take foooorrrreeeever. And I'm not very good with following directions... Ever. But 50mg/day is too much. I only took 10 this morning, felt terrible until next dosing time, around 7 hours later, and took another 10. Feel better now, not quite so much like a puddle on the couch.
              I'll follow your threads to see what your experience was. I know I've read some of them, but can't keep everyone straight yet.
              Also, and of course, you're right about my health. This is my last ditch effort. And not, this time, because I'm desperate and completely fecked (as the MWOers on the other side of the pond say. Is that a bad word? It makes me laugh. Sorry if it's horribly offensive.) I like my life, for the first time in many many many years. And I see a light at the end of the tunnel. So I've promised myself a no-holds-barred last-ditch-effort to overcome my alcoholism.
              But haven't made it back to AA yet. Sigh, again. But I'm happy to be here!


                Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

                You may have a better chance with a psychiatrist. I am in Va but also don't have the guts to talk to my doc about it. I go for my annual checkup next month, and I may. He is a pretty cool guy.
                Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                  Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

                  Please dont look at it as a slow process. Try to look at it as the end of this disease is coming soon. Start out with the small doses and increase little by little. When I did it this way, I had very minimal SEs. If you are determined to do this quick than rather than upping doses, what I did was pick a day early on and not drink that night. I was a little sleepy from taking bac, so I slept through instead of drinking. I did that for the next few nights and the cravings just left. There is light at the end of the tunnel with bac - just dont rush the dosage or u will get discouraged.
                  BTW, I am not offended by swear words!
                  My advice is to go slow and dont wait for a switch to quit drinking, let the bac get in your system and between it and willpower, send al to the curb!


                    Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

                    Research, I suggest you have a frank discussion with your own doctor. Doctors are bound by confidentiality rules which are very strict. I would suggest you take him/her a copy of dr Ameisen's book and ask that he read it and work with you on this
                    I am on bac. it took a few weeks before I could take 60 mg comfotably. I did not drink and have not since before starting so maybe my side effects were less.
                    I don't know about AA as they don't follow a scientific model but some sort of support for abstinence would probably be helpful.
                    I think of will power plus bac as the Hammer and the Nail. We need both tools.
                    Good luck and keep us posted


                      Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

                      I do know of a doctor in Atlanta, Ga who priscribed it for me. It might also be worth calling Dr Levine and asking him if he knows of any docs in your area willing to prescribe the meds.


                        Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?

                        How are you making out?


                          Baclofen prescribing doctors in Virginia?


                          Thanks for asking!
                          I don't know if the Bac is going to work for me. I had a good productive day yesterday, only (!) drank 11 beers the day before. Took 10mg three times, about 6 or 7 hours apart. Then had friends over for a while, and I drank 2 bottles of wine (most of it after they left, of course.) I definitely hurt this morning. And the bac doesn't help. Took 10mg at 7am, 4 hours later I'm still sleepy--both from the booze and the pill. But also lightheaded and when I lay down I find that I have to catch my breath.
                          Good news is that I'm off to my folks' house today and by necessity will have two sober nights, while taking the meds, for the first time. And I got the supplements, and have copied some other people's plans (a plan! What a novel idea!)
                          Really thanks for asking. This place is a lifeline and a guide for me. I'm following along quite avidly...Sorry for lurking. Not quite ready to participate. Thanks, though, to those that have responded to pms, and for Tigger! (seriously, brilliant, check in all day long...)

