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Weight gain on bac!!

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    Weight gain on bac!!

    I know this topic has been addressed before, so I'm just venting here. But I've gained about 8 lbs in the last month and I'm so discouraged! I'm at 180mg and no switch yet....wondering if I even want to keep doing baclofen. When I started bac I weighed 122lbs and now I weigh 130lbs -- ugh! Can't fit into my clothes. For those of you who have had this discomforting side effect, did the weight come off once you decreased your dosage? I'd be ok with it if I had reached the switch, but I haven't yet and I don't want to keep gaining! (It really makes me crave carbs, sweets and I'm just hungry all the time....and still drinking.)

    Weight gain on bac!!

    Hi Hoping:

    Are you using l-glutamine? I gained weight when I first started bac - a LOT more than 8 pounds, I must admit. But my drinking had decreased so dramatically that I decided I could deal with being heavier than I had ever been in my life and not hung-over.

    About two months into the bac adventure I finally took the advice of so many MWO members and started taking l-glutamine. Whoa! I LOVE that stuff. I've lost at least 20 lbs. with no effort whatsoever. I probably started about 10 lbs. overweight, then added 10-15 with the bac. I actually broke down and bought bigger jeans - painful, so I can relate to your distress! Now all of that is gone and I feel grand.

    I take pretty enormous quantities of l-glutamine. I don't measure exactly, but I'm taking at least 20 grams/day, 10 first thing in the morning and 10 mid-afternoon.

    So in my experience, the weight thing is much easier to deal with than the alcohol thing. I hope you're getting some relief with the baclofen? Just please don't forget which demon you're battling. And if you don't have a tub of l-glutamine in your cabinet, give it a go!

    All the best to you.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Weight gain on bac!!

      I gain weight when I stop drinking, regardless of baclofen. Once I'm sober for a couple days, my appetite returns to normal, and I start craving calories like mad. L-Glut is supposed to help with the sugar/carb cravings, but I haven't had much success with it one way or the other.


        Weight gain on bac!!

        Hi Hoping,

        The craving for sweets is probably due to the decreased AL intake. You're not drinking as much but craving the sugar. This was my situation. Debbie at River Pharmacy told me I would lose weight on it, but if I have, it's because I've been beefing up my exercise routine and not because of the BAC.

        IMO, I would look at other factors like change in diet or lack of activity before blaming it on the BAC. I'm not trying to be harsh....just trying to help you with a solution because I feel your pain :h


          Weight gain on bac!!

          Hi all, thanks for the replies.

          Unfortunately, I AM drinking the same amount pre-bac so I can't blame my increased taste for sweets on a lack of alcohol. As I have not hit the "switch" yet, my drinking has remained the same. A few weeks back, it seemed like I did hit it, in that my desire for AL took a nosedive. I was really hoping that was it for me! But it only lasted a few days and here I am. Drinking the same and eating more.

          Red, I have L-glut powder but it doesn'd dissove very well. Are you taking capules or what? Do you think that has helped you lose weight?

          If I have to gain weight to be AL-free, I can deal. But I'm getting fat without any decrease in the desire to drink -- that's what's so frustrating.


            Weight gain on bac!!

            I stir the L-glut into my yogurt. Or I take a spoonful and put it in my mouthe and swig it down with some coffee. It helps tremendously with cravings. Bac increases my appetite. I gained about 6 pounds on it, but then it leveled off.

            Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
            That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
            Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
            Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


              Weight gain on bac!!

              Hi Hope,

              I was on bac 6 months ago and I had to stop due to SE. Onething I've noticed about this wonderful forum is that everyone has a unique experience on their AL free journey.

              I gained 10lbs. on bac. I weighed 125lbs when I started and went up to 138!!!! I was working out with a trainer 3x a week and still gaining!! Also, still drinking. (After I went off bac. the weight did come off)

              My other SE were: extreme somnolence, heavy head feeling, poor muscle control. I couldn't do balance moves with trainer that I at one time could do with my eyes closed!!!

              Sounds like the weight gain does taper off. I know it's frustrating. Hang in there!

              Keep us posted!



                Weight gain on bac!!

                Yes, Hoping. As far as I can tell the l-glute has triggered my weight loss. My appetite is minimal and I never crave sweets. But again, notice that I take a lot. The graininess doesn't bother me. In fact, I mix my morning dose with my rice-based all-one and some brain enhancers and drink it all down. It's been pretty miraculous for me. I've quit drinking coffee and quit taking anti-depressants, as well. Not that I'm suggesting this for anyone else! It's just what my body directed me to do after I started the L-glute.

                As July says, hang in there. Maybe increasing the l-glute, adding some exercise . . . keep on fighting - the alternative is so much worse.:l
                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                  Weight gain on bac!!

                  re: weight gain

                  I have experienced this. I went from pitifully underweight to good and sturdy in the course of 2 months.

                  re: l-glutamine

                  Please see this thread:

                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Weight gain on bac!!

                    That's an extremely helpful article. Thanks. I have l-glut, just having trouble getting it to dissolve. I put some in my lemonade and no matter how much I stir, it winds up in a pool on the bottom of the cup. Don't think I could brave it by itself with a coffee chaser!


                      Weight gain on bac!!


                      I cannot purchase large quantities of L-glutamine here.
                      I bought 100 grams for $14.
                      I am not sure how else to purchase this?
                      Buying online is impractical as the freight is a fortune to my little island and things often don't arrive because we don't have a zip code. I am not kidding. Or making excuses.
                      The health food store has this body building stuff in large quantities... just not sure what to do?

                      RedThread12;894486 wrote: Hi Hoping:

                      Are you using l-glutamine? I gained weight when I first started bac - a LOT more than 8 pounds, I must admit. But my drinking had decreased so dramatically that I decided I could deal with being heavier than I had ever been in my life and not hung-over.

                      About two months into the bac adventure I finally took the advice of so many MWO members and started taking l-glutamine. Whoa! I LOVE that stuff. I've lost at least 20 lbs. with no effort whatsoever. I probably started about 10 lbs. overweight, then added 10-15 with the bac. I actually broke down and bought bigger jeans - painful, so I can relate to your distress! Now all of that is gone and I feel grand.

                      I take pretty enormous quantities of l-glutamine. I don't measure exactly, but I'm taking at least 20 grams/day, 10 first thing in the morning and 10 mid-afternoon.

                      So in my experience, the weight thing is much easier to deal with than the alcohol thing. I hope you're getting some relief with the baclofen? Just please don't forget which demon you're battling. And if you don't have a tub of l-glutamine in your cabinet, give it a go!

                      All the best to you.


                        Weight gain on bac!!

                        Thank you so much for your post! I'm in the same situation!!! I was like 10lbs overweight when I started BAC and now added 15 lbs more!!!! I'm in shock I don't know what to do!!! I ran into a friend the other day that I didn't see for 1 year and she congratulated me for my pregnancy!!!!...and I'm NOT pregnant!!!!!!!!! This is soooooo frustrating!!!
                        I will try L-Glut for sure....hopefully that will help!
                        ....but, BAC is helping me a lot....did not reach my switch yet, but surely I'm drinking a lot less...and I can feel I'll reach my switch point VERY soon!
                        Thank you again for your post!


                          Weight gain on bac!!

                          omg I would just die kabeck if someone said that to me!
                          especially since i am sure you have been working hard at not drinking, which SHOULD result in weight loss. I know if I stop drinking for a week I see a small improvement.
                          BUT to be honest it is better you are a little chubbier versus drinking. I really feel this is true. Get a handle real handle on the drinking and then change the meds or slowly get off them. The weight will come off too.


                            Weight gain on bac!!

                            I thought I posted on this last night, but sure don't see it - But weight gain as a SE is NOT what I signed on for...I have not experienceed an increase in appetite, a lack of exercise or anything different at all, except, I am just GAINING WEIGHT!!! UGH -

                            I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I may not go on with this much more than another month if this continues...I am at 100 mgs and no changes. Feel like absolute dogshit. I hate it - plus I hope I do not have any damn emoticons attached to this post!

                            I hate those too! LOL


                              Weight gain on bac!!

                              1967 - are you saying the health food store does carry l-glute in the body-building section? It is used by body-builders (my doctor is a professional and she is who advised me to up my quantities). If that's not the case, maybe you could ask the health food store to special order what you need?
                              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

