After several months, I ordered BAC from and just received it and started taking it last Friday. I started with 30mg and then titrated up to 45 as of today (Friday). Usually In am able to get through the workday with no problem but once I get home the cravings are inexcapable. I am fairly good at controlling my intake but it takes extreme willpower (and intentional lack of availability of alcohol!) to not drinik to excess each night.
While I have not experienced any craving reduction, I have already definitely become aware of a decreased desire to drink to excess. Normally, it is extremely difficult to stop at about 9 beers each night, but now I find I really don't want any after 5 or 6. I am very excited about this and hope that as I titrate up it will take away the cravings altogether.
I will keep everyone posted as to my progress.