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NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

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    NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

    Hello everyone,

    Thought you may be interested in this.

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), part of the NHS, have published brand new guidelines on the 24th June 20010.

    For the first time (as far as I know), there is a mention of baclofen for the treatment of alcohol dependency.

    Might be a small step, but a small step in the right direction since so few doctors are even aware of it.

    it's one more document to show your GP, and one more item to back up your argument.

    The full guidelines can be viewed here:

    Alcohol dependence and harmful alcohol use: draft full guideline for consultation

    Hope it helps,


    PS: Please carry on helping me with my documentary about baclofen, I really need all the support I can get. Cheers.

    NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

    Of course Garbutt plays the anti-baclofen villain saying harrumpf, it don't woik. Danielle, this could be nice side-bar drama. Garbutt spent his life getting grants to trudge through endless and fruitless studies. Then along comes Ameisen, suave and charming, to find a cure that works for many (but not all). He does this as a hopeless and bedraggled discard from medicine, with the help of nothing and no one. Garbutt is glowing green with jealousy (not a cheap video effect used in boring documentaries).


      NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

      Wow, was that a dig about the boring documentary. Or did I misunderstand.


        NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

        Ha! Funny remark about green effect used in cheapo docs... Good points you make Bernard.

        Gratitude... Yes, I think (hope) you got the wrong end of the stick. Nothing boring about the doc I'm making.



          NICE / NHS mention bac in guidelines

          I just think Garbutt hasn't the ability or willingness to do a true dose dependent study of baclofen. It may be his institutional review committee who won't allow it. Addolorato did the 30 mg on very sick people and did find a significant improvement on their intake. We need studies to see the range of dose and those are hard studies to design, but given the scope of the problem and the potential benefit they must be done soon. Meanwhile I am a case study of one success.

