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tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

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    tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

    hi all
    im awaiting a call from the alcohol team, i'm on a waiting list to start a recovery programme. i want to do all i can in the meantime to help with cravings and to stay cut down or abstain from al. i've read alot about kudzu and l-glut.

    i want to know how succesful you have been with it. i have tried kudzu before for a short time but didn't really see any effect, mind, it was only for a few weeks. i suppose i just want to hear who believes this stuff makes a difference and who doesn't?
    also what kind of doses you have taken? i know the mwo recommended doses but does this dose suit everyone?
    i want to keep things as calm as i can with reguards to medications after my stupidity lately, so i wont be ordering any more meds online, just wait to be treated by a professional.
    thanks for any advice.

    gw x
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

    Its been my experience that l-glutamine is almost effective as naltrexone without any of the side effects. I use up to 5 grams about 2 hours before I usually drink. Some days it works and somedays it doesn't. Like any of the other craving reducing meds, its still all about you and your desire to stop.

    I think kudzu is over emphasized as a craving reducer. The studies I've seen have indicated that it represses drinking after drinking has already has started - but I've never tried it over an extended period as a craving reducer.


      tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

      Girly - I used L-Glut & Kudzu both 3 x a day and had a good deal of success. It cut cravings for me. There are updated dosages from the original book though & I believe I originally was taking about 1000 mg of L-Glut 3x day and 300 mg Kudzu 3x day. I'm told the Kudzu from here is better than from other places - I have no idea since I only got it from the online health store here. I think it really makes a difference for me. I notice a difference when I don't use the L-Glut especially. of course, diet plays a role as well. You want to make sure you have enough protein floating around in your system to keep blood sugar level.


        tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

        @ girly
        was using kudzu in combi with naltroxen for a few months, no effect despite some reduction in craving in the very beginning


          tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....


          I tried this several times over several years as I had heard of it's properties long before discovering MWO. I found it didn't make a difference to my drinking.


          I've usually had some of this in my cupboard over the years as it's used by athletes during intensive training. When I was training hard there were times when I'd still binge-drink, I also tried it during previous drinking attempts along with GABA too. This time I tried it and of course I've been very successful but I would attribute than in the main to my changed state of mind - this time I've put everything into my sobriety, and that went further than simply 'wanting' to stop. I think the L-Glut has helped me along althought I do think my success has been around 75% change in the way I dealt with things mentally and perhaps 25% L-Glut plus diet. I wouldn't rely on L-Glut but use it as an 'aid' to assist you.


            tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

            RE: L-GLUT::

            (This is based on my own extensive research and personal experience.)

            Take 5 grams (yes grams) 3x day on an empty stomach with vitamins (bs and c) and a little fruit juice. The best way -- most efficient for absorption as well as most economical -- to do this is to take the powder form in a glass of water or juice. You can also take other aminos at the same time. Taurine is a calming amino, and also good for the liver -- can't beat that.

            You will almost certainly experience a reduction in cravings on this protocol. (Even if you don't, the l-glut is very good for you in many other ways).

            Here is a post I wrote on the thread "Weight gain on baclofen":

            I have only ever used the powder. It is very fine and dissolves very very easily in water and has practically no taste. I get it from various internet sites. The product I am currently using is called "Essential Glutamine Powder" by Iron-tek. But I have used many others, including Bio-Recovery's L-glutamine powder. It is all pure good stuff, and dirt cheap compared to almost any other supplement.

            Below is one site. Note that this is NOT a plug at all. I usually get it from another site (a competitor), but that site has it temporarily out of stock. So I am just passing on another site where I found it when I googled it for this reply post.

            You can just type "glutamine powder" in to google and browse around yourself.

            Iron-Tek Essential Glutamine Powder -- 17.6 oz - Vitacost

            And btw, it is stressed everywhere I have read that l-glut should be taken between meals, and especially not with protein and carbohydrates, but preferably with fruit juice (this applies to all amino acids, I believe). I therefore wonder if you perhaps are not getting the full benefit of the l-glut if you are mixing it with yogurt.

            RE: KUDZU

            The stuff on this site is absolutely the best you can get (perhaps there are other brands out there that are good, but from all my comparisons (both research and personal experience), the MWO kudzu is FAR superior. You can do the research yourself. I am pretty sure you will drink less if you take it an hour before drinking. It will also reduce cravings. The main problem with kudzu for me is that if I take it regularly, it loses effect. So I have to take it only when I know I will be drinking... although, if you are not drinking, you could take it an hour before you will be in drinking situations.

            I can practically guarantee you will experience at least some reduction in cravings using these products this way.

            I hope my years of research and experience can benefit others -- so that they don't have to suffer through this saga (reinvent the wheel).
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

              Beatle - thanks for the tips on how to most effectively take the L-Glut. I'll try that. It seemed to work well for me on an empty stomach in pill form, but maybe I'll try the powder with fruit juice. It sounds like a good way to take it & may be less expensive.


                tell me about kudzu and l glutamine....

                beatle, very informative post, thankyou:l
                The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


