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Starting Baclofen

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    Starting Baclofen

    Hi Guys.

    I started my Baclofen yesterday, and have general questions that I have not been able to find clear answers from the great wealth of knowledge on this forum so I figured I'd start my thread here to gather information. My general alcohol-dependency story can be found here:

    I'm to the point of utter desperation, and I've tried many different ways to quit, so I'm willing to give this drug a shot. It's better than being dead or in jail.

    I live in Brazil, so I was worried about the availability of getting Baclofen. Thankfully, I've found I can get it without prescription simply by asking at the drug store. There are some benefits living in the developing world!

    I started my first day yesterday at 20mg, and moved up to 30mg today. I planned on staying here for 3 days, but my side effects have been fairly pronounced. I wasn't able to get out of bed this morning very well, as my head felt like it was glued to the pillow. I'm also feeling a bit uncoordinated. I fell in the shower earlier because I was dizzy, but thankfully didn't hurt myself. Is there anything I can do to help with feeling dizzy?

    I also have a pounding headache right behind my eyes (especially when I think of the taste of booze). Is this because I've stopped the booze, or because of the Baclofen?

    Is there a good recommended dosing schedule available online? I've scoured the internet, and I can't find one. Talking to a doctor about this treatment in Brazil isn't really a good option, so I'm a bit on my own here.

    Starting Baclofen

    Hi Ryan, :welcome:

    Just click on Baclofen in the blue font in this forum and all the posts from members who take Bac will be there. Several members have published their dosages and the side effects associated with titrating up. You will find these posts most helpful and will save you time.

    The headache could be withdrawl. Have you discussed it with your doctor. Withdrawl can be dangerous if you quit cold turkey.

    If you decide you don't like Baclofen, try Naltrexone....I am now AF because of it.

    Good luck in your journey,



      Starting Baclofen

      Interestingly Addolorato did a study which showed that baclofen can be used for withdrawal symptoms so this may help. I started on baclofen at a clinic and they had me take 10 mg in 3 divided doses the first 3 days and then gradually increase as able up to 80 mg /day with up to 120 mg/e (divided doses). The somnolence and dizzyness are typical experienced the first few days. It took me a few days to be able to take 20 mg in one dose I had to take just 10 mg every 3 hours to avoid the sleepiness which seemed to peak at about 2 hours into it. I can now take about 80 mg/day in 4 doses of 20 without significant side effects. I was glad that I wasn't working the first few weeks on this medicine. I know of others who had essentially minimal side effects at the same dose. It may be we metabolise the drug differently. I am older and female so that could be a difference too. I am glad you seem to be planning to be abstinent on the drug as I think it is best to use all the tools in the tool box for the best effect.
      Good luck and keep posting


        Starting Baclofen

        Hi ryan. I don't take bac myself but see you have some good info on that. Here is our tool box contains a lot of helpful info for dealing with cravings and other issues re: abstinence, recovery, etc. I wish you luck and would like to hear more from you.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Starting Baclofen

          I'm up to 60MG and am just REALLY tired. I'm actually ok with this SE for now, as sleeping without booze has been difficult for me.

          Still am having serious cravings, but am hoping the Bac helps soon....


            Starting Baclofen

            Up to 120MG per day and I don't think I can continue with this. I'm having serious problems at night with HORRIBLE dreams like I've never had in my life, then my brain seems to wake up, but I'm not able to move or physically wake myself up. I've read about sleep paralysis happening to people, but I can't take this any longer. After I finally do wake up, my body is wrecked. Sorry if I'm not forming complete thoughts right now, it's 5AM and I'm still rather a mess.

            I think this is probably because I'm taking my largest dose before I go to bed. I actually like the SE of making me very sleepy because I have problems sleeping in general. Stupid.

            I REALLY wish I could do this under the care of a doctor, but I'm living in south america and it's not possible here.

            Any thoughts? I'm not doing so well here.....


              Starting Baclofen

              sir ryan,
              Is your dose helping you with your cravings? If so please consider spreading the dose throughout the day so you don't have that terrible sleep paralysis. You might even consider not taking a bedtime dose. The half life is only 2-4 hours so you might consider taking your last dose 3-4 hours before you retire. Worth a try. I was advised to taper very slowly. I guess the doc I went to had one patient have a seizure by stopping too fast. I am currently on just 40/d and was as high as 80 per day. I am older and smaller and a woman so that may make a difference in the amount needed.
              Good Luck, and keep us posted


                Starting Baclofen

                You may want to consider dropping down your dosage and then increasing very slowly back up. The SEs you describe sound to me like you've titrated up too quickly. Don't give up! I got to 190 last Dec and got off it, only to kick myself in the rear and get back on it again. I wasted 3 months in the process. Just back off a bit and have another go at it, just more slowly and you should be good.
                Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

