I started my Baclofen yesterday, and have general questions that I have not been able to find clear answers from the great wealth of knowledge on this forum so I figured I'd start my thread here to gather information. My general alcohol-dependency story can be found here: https://www.mywayout.org/community/f1...ica-43343.html
I'm to the point of utter desperation, and I've tried many different ways to quit, so I'm willing to give this drug a shot. It's better than being dead or in jail.
I live in Brazil, so I was worried about the availability of getting Baclofen. Thankfully, I've found I can get it without prescription simply by asking at the drug store. There are some benefits living in the developing world!
I started my first day yesterday at 20mg, and moved up to 30mg today. I planned on staying here for 3 days, but my side effects have been fairly pronounced. I wasn't able to get out of bed this morning very well, as my head felt like it was glued to the pillow. I'm also feeling a bit uncoordinated. I fell in the shower earlier because I was dizzy, but thankfully didn't hurt myself. Is there anything I can do to help with feeling dizzy?
I also have a pounding headache right behind my eyes (especially when I think of the taste of booze). Is this because I've stopped the booze, or because of the Baclofen?
Is there a good recommended dosing schedule available online? I've scoured the internet, and I can't find one. Talking to a doctor about this treatment in Brazil isn't really a good option, so I'm a bit on my own here.