I used this program with great success. I quit drinking all together. Until last summer. I'm an avit Mountain Biker. I race and do okay. Well, last summer, when the heat started, I noticed that I would ride and overheat!! I also noticed that I had completely stopped sweating! STRANGE!! You can't imagine how that affects mountain biking. I couldn't keep up with beginning riders in heat above 70 degrees!
I did a lot of internet research about not sweating and it lead right back to, you guessed it, TOPOMAX! That's one of the more serious side effects of it. So anyway, I weened myself off of it. And the cravings came back. And I started drinking again, as much as before. That doesn't help my biking much either. Now that summer is over, I'm starting the program again, and using topomax and not drinking (nearly as much), but there has to be some alternative..
Has anyone else experienced this?