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Topa vs Bac any preference?

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    Topa vs Bac any preference?

    Meech;907332 wrote: Techie,

    Hi Techie!
    thank you thank you thank you.

    I was really getting more confused about it all. I think I will ask for the Topo. I MUST GET THE NERVE UP TO ASK THE DOC on Tuesday. boy I must have lived a very sheltered or non-confrontational life or whatever as talking to my Doctor about this is one of the scarest, embarassing things I have had to do in my life. God I need to do it though. Maybe one of the most HONEST things I have had to do in my life.
    I'm glad you posted your experiences with Topo.
    Meech try and relax. Your Dr. has heard it all Im sure. This is FAR from the worst thing a patient has shared with them!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Topa vs Bac any preference?

      I kept drinking on topa and also had memory problems. Bac supressed my cravings and I am AF for 6 months now on it. Early side effects are quite worth it. I am tapering off now and am comfortably abstinent at 40 mg. My higest dose was 110 mg on just one day otherwise I was maxed at about 80/day. As I am tapering now I notice a little bit of irritability and ?slight depression. Has anyone had any experience with this. I am trying to relax and exercise and remind myself that it is probably normal. I don't feel like drinking tho. Hallelulia!


        Topa vs Bac any preference?

        This has been on my mind

        I have been wondering if you are able to use Bac to moderate? I have searched threads and most all of them refer to it as a med to abstain only. I know many of you said you drank still but not as much........I would like to be able to just decide when I want to drink and how much!


          Topa vs Bac any preference?


          Was that a really dumb question?


            Topa vs Bac any preference?

            I much prefer the bac to the topa.....side effects wise...but I have only been on it a few weeks and am currently up to 40 mg/day...
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Topa vs Bac any preference?

              I have tried Bac with severe side effects, including the same ones that Topa often has. With Bac I could not think straight, had trouble stringing sentences together, was wobbly on my feet, depressed and on the list went. Im on Topa currently, earlyish days. Just recently up to 75mg (last two days) and perhaps may have had some break through last night, as I did not drink nearly as much I would normally have done, even tho I was under extremely stressful situation.Yahoo. no hangover today! Down side is that I do have some memory problems and have a bit of trouble with word recall and feel a bit un motivated. all in all not bad really, I can live with that! I like the fact the I dont have to worry about taking pills around with me and remembering to take them all day long, but at the end of the day I would do what ever works if it out ways the side effects, its just working out in the first instance where is best to start.


                Topa vs Bac any preference?

                individualnz;908134 wrote: I have tried Bac with severe side effects, including the same ones that Topa often has. With Bac I could not think straight, had trouble stringing sentences together, was wobbly on my feet, depressed and on the list went. Im on Topa currently, earlyish days. Just recently up to 75mg (last two days) and perhaps may have had some break through last night, as I did not drink nearly as much I would normally have done, even tho I was under extremely stressful situation.Yahoo. no hangover today! Down side is that I do have some memory problems and have a bit of trouble with word recall and feel a bit un motivated. all in all not bad really, I can live with that! I like the fact the I dont have to worry about taking pills around with me and remembering to take them all day long, but at the end of the day I would do what ever works if it out ways the side effects, its just working out in the first instance where is best to start.
                I've read where the supplement DMAE helps with the memory SE issue!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Topa vs Bac any preference?

                  franziasgone;907463 wrote: I have been wondering if you are able to use Bac to moderate? I have searched threads and most all of them refer to it as a med to abstain only. I know many of you said you drank still but not as much........I would like to be able to just decide when I want to drink and how much!
                  Wouldn't we all! Not a dumb question either. IMO it would be better to abstain on the bac for a significant amount of time before trying to mod on it. There are those on this site who feel differently. I have been abstinent on bac for 6 months now. My thinking is that I want to use ALL the tools in the tool box. That means, for me, good judgment as well as the craving reduction afforded by the bac. When I drink, even one drink, my judgment is just a bit impaired and I drink more than I planned. Why do anything early in this process that undermines my success? Since I have no interest in drinking, thanks to the bac, why "test" the theory with drinking? Hope that makes as much sense to you as to me.
                  Good luck


                    Topa vs Bac any preference?

                    Thanks Sunny~
                    I guess I knew the answer to my question......I keep reading what a "miracle" it has been and that's what I am looking for ~ AND ALSO be able to drink! Ha!


                      Topa vs Bac any preference?

                      Thanks Techie I might try some of that DMAe. When you took 75mg, where you taking it in split doses morning and night or mid day or all in the evening?

                      I think Im finally making some headway alternating 50mg with 75mg then I will just move on with 75mg for a while and see what happens. I have been taking it all at night, and it seems to be working okay SE wise but I wondered if that was the most effective way of taking it? Any one know?? Just wondered about the timing of taking the Topa in relation to cravings. I do believe it is a rather long acting drug that builds up in the system rather than a quck fix tho. I dont mean to be ignorant,t I just have not purchased the book so just going off what I can find from various sites.

                      Regards Indy


                        Topa vs Bac any preference?

                        Indi - it is best to follow the titration schedule in the book - I will PM that schedule to you, as it is best to take it both am and pm.

                        Sunshinedaisies x
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          Topa vs Bac any preference?

                          Thanks Sunshine,
                          Much appreciated if you get the chance. If not no worries either, I will buy the book eventually.. put it on the list of things to do and get!

                          kind regards Indy x

