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Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

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    Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

    I found out the hard way not to titrate up too quickly. Had a weird night with crazy feelings (sort of electrical) in my brain. The next day, I could not sit up straight. Kept falling over. My husband forced me to the ER, but when we got there, I refused to to go in. We came home, and later that day I was OK.

    I keep hoping I will hit the "switch" soon. Still having trouble sleeping. Have been up since 3:00 a.m. Have been playing with the dosage times. Seems like I do better when I take my last dose around 6:00 p.m. My PA prescribed Seroquel to help me sleep. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I was taking Trazadone; it was no help at all.

    Wish me luck. Seems my desire for AL has decreased. Can't wait until i hit the switch.

    Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

    Good for you, KTB, not going into ER. You are doing very well, keep at it you will get there. Good Luck! However, you are making your own luck. Well done!


      Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

      Hang in there, KTB! We're all rooting for you!
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

        all sorts of weird stuff will happen on Bac...i think one has to relativate this switch thing too, might not be this revelation feeling for everyone..guess for many it isnt, stick to it m u'll get threre


          Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

          I am at 200 right now. What I find helpful is if I get SE's that are too much or too scary, I drop back down by 10-20 for a day, maybe 2 and then go back up and it's usually fine.
          I took an extra 50mg last week by accident and had HORRIBLE SE's. Scared the chit outta me!
          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


            Up to 200mg Baclofen per day

            Thanks to all for your support. When I had my night in hell from taking too much Bac (did not write down what and when I took it. You better believe I write it down every day. The main complaint I have now is not sleeping (except at inappropriate times such as nodding off at a red light). Luckily I have a doc who is totally on board with the Bac treatment. His PA read the book and is very excited to have a possible cure for their alcoholic and/or drug addicted patients. She is having me come in once a month to check kidney function. I am trying to drink lots of water.

