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Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

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    Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

    The reason I ask is that Rudolf brought this up on another thread. He had no luck with bac while on cymbalta, even at 350mg, but as soon as he got off, the bac did its magic. I'm up to 190mg which is a lot for my height/weight (5'3", started at 125lbs). I also take Wellbutrin. I know my dr wouldn't condone me abandoning the wellbutrin for bac, but I'm tempted to try. The SEs at this level are getting too much and I'm about ready to give up on bac.

    Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

    Yes. See my post in the cymbalta & baclofen thread.
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      Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

      Thanks, Lo0p, good to know. I'm giving it a little bit longer but the SEs are killing me.


        Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

        please clarify Loop


        I just got off Effexor, had D/Ced Bac a few weeks ago due to massive SEs.

        Are you the dude/dudess who took all the Bac in one wack??

        I am off ADs and Bac still drinking and in despair and fuked up. Please elucidate.

        thanks, azuldog


          Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

          Hi h4b,

          I think you've started an important thread - thank you!

          According to Wikipedia, Cymbalta is an SNRI and Wellbutrin is an NDRI. So, perhaps it's the type of antidepressant that has an effect on baclofen's efficacy. So many questions and so few answers as no organization seems to be prepared to foot the bill to pay for research. I guess the WHO would be a possible starting point.

          In fact, I wonder if any other medications and/or supplements interact, positively or negatively, with the action of baclofen. Getting answers to this question is further compounded by the fact that the medical profession appears to have little knowledge of dietary supplements. I'm more than happy to be corrected on this.

          "Love's the only engine of survival"

          Leonard Cohen


            Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

            azul, no that wasn't me. I've been titrating up very slowly. Sorry to hear you're plight -- what's next?
            Virgil, I think you're right about that. I tried looking up bac drug interactions but I couldn't find much. You'd think they'd know more about a drug that's been on the market for so long.


              Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

              hi guys
              i didnt want and cant say that all AD's are neutralizing bac, cymbalta did for sure, imagine i am down on 100/day and it works just fine..would be time for some real research, but not being from this field at all i would even know where to start...


                Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                and by the way, i am not depressed at all, now way, just sober and normal, at times happy at times grumpy...


                  Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                  hoping4better;902620 wrote: Virgil, I think you're right about that. I tried looking up bac drug interactions but I couldn't find much. You'd think they'd know more about a drug that's been on the market for so long.
                  Hi h4b,

                  Well, I've had a couple of glasses of wine this evening (not bad at 7:30pm). So, I wouldn't normally do this as my OCD* holds me back. But, I may, just may have stumbled across a website that starts to answer some of the questions we're raising. I invite you to take a look at this:

                  Baclofen Drug Interactions -

                  Of course, tomorrow I may be deleting this post if what I've written is pure rubbish! I hate OCD*. :argh:


                  *OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder
                  "Love's the only engine of survival"

                  Leonard Cohen


                    Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                    Great link, thanks for posting.
                    My 13-yr-old daughter was just diagnosed with OCD. Very ritualized in her grooming routine. She also has a lot of social anxiety. The psychiatrist put her on a low dose of prozac.

                    Did you find that your OCD worsened the longer you had it? Or did your obsessions/compulsions change?


                      Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                      hoping4better;902901 wrote: Virgil,
                      Great link, thanks for posting.
                      My 13-yr-old daughter was just diagnosed with OCD. Very ritualized in her grooming routine. She also has a lot of social anxiety. The psychiatrist put her on a low dose of prozac.

                      Did you find that your OCD worsened the longer you had it? Or did your obsessions/compulsions change?
                      Hi h4b,

                      So as not to steer this thread away from its intended purpose, I'll PM you.

                      "Love's the only engine of survival"

                      Leonard Cohen


                        Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                        To add my experience:

                        I've been on Zoloft for a while for depression, but my anxiety has always remained, so initially was searching for safe anxiety medications for people in recovery and came across Baclofen. So, not only has Baclofen zapped nearly all of my anxiety, but I am effortlessly AF. The obsession has been completely lifted. All while still taking my Zoloft.

                        (Side note: Buspar also is recommended for anxiety, but it did nothing for me).


                          Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                          I was and still am on lexapro along with the baclofen. I had hoped that by abstaining from AL I would be able to get off the antidepressant. However it sems I still need it. Depression seems to run in my family or something. I had no trouble with the combination. I had already chosen abstinence and had gone 4 days w/o al when I started the baclofen in January. I have maintained the abstinence ever since. I went up to about 100 mg and am currently on 30 mg/day. My practitioner says I can continue to titrate down slowly or I can stay on the lowest effective dose. I don't know what the lowest eff dose is but I will taper down and if I have strong feelings to drink I will step back up a dose or 2 and stay there. I like that I have that flexibility and am able to self manage the dose. I wonder if I needed less because of my age or sex. 58/female.


                            Has anyone on anti-depressants had success with bac?

                            Hi Sunny,

                            I just started on lexapro and take ~100mg of bac/day (depending on my cravings it can be more or less). I've found that the combo is pretty potent--my anxiety was markedly decreased from baclofen but now I have NONE. Also, I feel sort of high/euphoric. I'm not complaining because I feel good, just strange. I was just wondering if you experienced this or anyone else has while taking bac and lexapro together.


