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Second time lucky

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    Second time lucky

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking for a while and have just registered to share my story.

    First a quick bio:

    I'm 29, I've had alcohol problems for around 8 years, I've been on Citalopram (40mg) for around 2 years to help with panic attacks and anxiety.

    I discovered this forum while I was researching Baclofen, printed out all the research papers and headed to my doctors.

    Today I'm 9 days AF, and I showed my doctor all the documents and explained about this forum.

    He didn't even look at the file, he just said no. His exact words were, "All you have to do is stop pouring it down your neck".

    I'd built myself up so much for it I felt really let down and angry, and pretty much stormed out of the building. I got home and started searching all the online pharmacies.

    10 minutes later my doctor rang me back, and asked me to come back in. When I got there he apologised, and said he snapped at me because his mother and 6 of his friends had died from alcohol abuse.

    He agreed to put me on 30mg of Baclofen because "you've got nothing to lose".

    He also said that if he could prescribe cannabis he would.

    So, I'm on my way. I'm starting off on 10mg per day, he said to do this for a week but he's given me a months worth at 30mg per day.

    Man I hope this works.

    Second time lucky

    Hi Bob,


    I can so understand your frustration at your doc. My doctor told me the same thing about "stop pouring it down your throat." From my experience, people I've known who have had alcoholic relatives but do not have a drinking problem themselves are not always empathetic, and that includes doctors. Unless they're addiction specialists, a lot of doctors I've found have never heard of Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, etc. Their answers to addiction in my case has been AA and Rehab, because that was all they knew about. Neither was an option for me, so I ordered NAL and BAC through River Pharmacy. It's expensive, but Debbie is the Customer Service Representative there and she is phenomenally helpful. She recommended to me just last week that if your cravings for AL are really bad you should take BAC at 30 mg. 3 x per day.

    I take both NAL and BAC to keep my cravings at bay and to be AF.

    You mentioned that your doc thought a week on BAC might be enough? I mean no disrepect and I hope I don't offend you by saying that he sounds a little naive to me, to think that a week on BAC will "cure" your drinking problem. Good thing you have enough for 3 months.

    Post often, and let us know how you're doing. There are a lot of smart people here and they can give you the tools you need to stop drinking.

    Check out the Toolbox in the Abstinence section. This is a very valuable resource.

    Good luck on your journey.



      Second time lucky

      Rusty;903421 wrote: Hi Bob,

      You mentioned that your doc thought a week on BAC might be enough? I mean no disrepect and I hope I don't offend you by saying that he sounds a little naive to me, to think that a week on BAC will "cure" your drinking problem. Good thing you have enough for 3 months.

      Oh no sorry, crossed wires.

      He said 1 week at 10mg, then 1 week at 20mg then up to 30mg thereafter.

      Thanks for the encouragement, it's strange but even reading these forums and knowing other people are experiencing the same as me seems to help.

      It's like a cyber-self-help group!


        Second time lucky

        Hi Bob,

        It sounds like he's starting you out on really low dosages....several people here are at 270 mg. per day but then the side effects can be annoying I guess.

        Yes, MWO is an online support group. For me, I wish to remain anonymous so I can still get the support I need and have my privacy, too. Also, there are usually people in Chat in the evenings if that's something you're interested in. Also, there are a ton of online pharmacies that are cheaper than Goldpharma, Alldaychemist, Inhouse, just to list a few.

        I regret and apologize for suggesting your doctor is naive. I should talk. Before I started logging on to MWO regularly, I didn't even know you could order prescription drugs online. I thought you always had to have a doctor prescribe meds. Live and learn, right?

        Take care,



          Second time lucky

          I wounder if you can take the Ameisen book to your doctor to read (especially the last part where the science and research are presented). I know of one person who was helped by 30 mg but most need more. Of 5 of us here in my town most need from 80-120/day. I have also been told that the minimum time needed to "rewire" the addicted brain off alcohol is about 6 months and then tapering needs to be individualised as each addict is different. Some may need to be on it longer or indefinitely. Good luck. I wonder if your doc would speak with Dr. Levin.
          Good luck and good job on 9 days. The bac will definitely help even at the low dose IMO

